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NI4L Dipole assemblies are single band center fed dipoles containing top quality parts.

Each dipole contains a Budwig HQ-1 glass-filled ABS center insulator with an SO239 connector

BUDWIG HYE-QUE antenna insulators and strain connector for long-wire installations; full legal power capacity and weather-tight polymar construction. Coax fitting protected by rain drip shield
Tensile Strength 18,000psi
Compressive Strength 30,000psi
Flexural Strength 34,000psi
Dielectric Strength 500-600V
Effect Of Sunlight NIL
Effect Of Weather NIL
Service Life Indefinite

12AWG; Stranded Hard Drawn copper wire

The wire is soldered using Silver Solder and covered with Heat Shrink

2 Budwig HQ-2 glass-filled ABS end insulators.

14 AWG; stranded copper wire with tough oil and gas resistant jacket add $ 3.00 per antenna

Custom Fan Dipoles email your request for special prices

Model Nos. Description Price
NI4L160 160m, 260' wire dipole kit
NI4L80 75/80m, 136' wire dipole kit
NI4L60 60m, 88' wire dipole kit
NI4L40 40m, 70' wire dipole kit
NI4L30 30m, 47' wire dipole kit
NI4L20 20m, 35'wire dipole kit
NI4L17 17m, 26' wire dipole kit
NI4L6-15 6m-15m, 20' wire dipole kit

HF Resonant Dipole Kits Dimensions Are For Reference Only Comes Fully Assembled

Email for more info.



What I need from you....

Your desired frequency. 160-6 Meters. I will custom make the dipole to that frequency.

Will be tested and set to resonance on your frequency of choice.

By doing this you can eliminate a tuner on your favorite frequency.

There are several factors that affect the resonant frequency of any antenna. Some of these factors are: the height above ground, the diameter of the wire, nearby structures, the affects of other antennas in the area and even the conductivity of the soil.

Will also need to know if you plan on hanging as a Flat Top Or Inverted Vee. Yes It does make a difference.

All you need to supply is your own piece of coax into your shack and some rope to tie it off with.

For all transmitters, receivers and transceivers.

Will come with instruction sheet.

Shipping will be $ 12.50 in the US outside US contact for shipping price.
Accept Postal Money Order,
Credit Cards Payments Use PayPal link below.

Pay me securely with any major credit card through PayPal!
Pay me securely with any major credit card through PayPal!
Visa MasterCard Discover American Express

Mail to:
Chris Fox NI4L
1619 Tippah ave.
Charlotte, NC

Email for more info:

What Some of my Customers have said about my antennas...

"The antenna arrived Friday. Very pleased with the construction. Put it up over the weekend, swept with the MFJ-269 and used exactly as-is with no adjustments. I ran some tests in comparison to some other antennas I had available, checking into Coastal Carolina Emergency Net, Intercon, ECARS and 4RN. I got very good reports on both 75 and 40 despite noisy band conditions. Far better performance than the B&W or a G5RV, particularly noticed the difference using the fan dipole on the Micom-X without the coupler. This is the answer for mobile/portable NVIS ops for RACES." Ed KE4SKY

"you make a very good dipole!" Bob G4VGO

"really nice antenna." Wall KO4AG

"Chris, I got my antenna up today and it works good, I put it in a inverted V because I didnt seem to have as much space as I thought I had. It still resonates good on a 160 Meters. I like to do business with people like you and I will be sure to tell all my friends about you. God Bless" Roy AC5MU