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Nolan Chenevert

Nolan Chenevert
I Play Bass, And I'm Darn Good At It

As for the picture, I was on my way down to New Orleans for a Mission Trip, and we stopped at a Cardnals game in St.Louis. I decided to get a blue snowcone,which was good, anyways it turned my tongue blue! This is the story behind the picture.

This is Nolan. He is one righteous kid(which means to be morally right and just). He plays a mean Yamaha BBN5 5-string bass which is my pride and joy. He also plays the trumpet, electric and acoustic guitars, 12 string guitar, and drums. He sounds quite talented, doesn't he? Well I'll let you decide that for yourself, so come and listen to us sometime. He is also pretty cool and pretty cute. Oh, and I am the bassist in Pickett's Charge just in case you were wondering.

Pickett's Charge practices in my basement(Go Nolan's Basement) just because I have the "essentials"(Drum set, amps, sound system, and other things.) I also live a boring life, I play soccer and golf and I attempt to snowboard in the winter.

I as well as other members of PC am in 2 bands, PC of course and GodSpeed, my Church's Youth group band, but I play guitar for that though.

Here's my quote of the Day: From The Man With the Golden Gun: "I am now aiming precisely at your groin. So speak or forever hold your piece."

If you any questions for me e-mail us at: