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apparently accidents happen.

the websites going to be redone anyways... sorry for any

pics of the latest skirm (Operation 1337 Force) can still be found here:

aftermath info can still be found here:

Operation 1337 Force Aftermath:
Operation 1337 Force was a huge success!  At the peak of the day, roughly 16 airsofters were present for practice.  The day begun with several rounds of classic elimination that proved to be very productive.  Although outnumbered, the experienced TACT members were able to implement some badly needed strategies resulting in exceptional outcomes.  As the day progressed, game play was switched to several matches of smoothly run CTF.  As a team, we are making great progress... yet more practice is always needed!  I hope that now you all realize strategies DO work and don't just brush them off.  Expect more insquad practices soon, and possibly a skirm with the Irken Invaders
in the not too distant future.  If you are intrested in seeing what airsofting is really all about, ask if you can join in one of our upcoming skirms (but space is limited, so ask soon if you want a gaurnteed spot in)!