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  1. What association always held its August meeting at the Beauforts?
  2. Where was the vacation home located and who did Archer take with him?
  3. Who convinced May to go to Newport and what was one of their arguments in trying to convince May?
  4. What is it that is pinned to the chest of May that draws the attention of Old Lady Catherine?
  5. Why did May say Ellen had changed?
  6. What was Mrs. Welland's philosophy on how one should spend their day?
  7. What did Newland say he was going to do instead of going to the Sillertons' reception?
  8. Who was Newland hoping to see at the Blencker's?
  9. What did Newland find on the bench in the greenhouse that he assumed was the Countess Olenska's?
  10. Where did Miss Blencker say that the Countess Olenksa had gone?
  11. Who sends Newland Archer to Boston to fetch Ellen? Why?
  12. What sort of business is Ellen there for? In other words, why is she really in Boston?
  13. What money does she refuse and why?
  14. Why does Archer suddenly raise from his seat at the spark of this conversation?
  15. What is the "long voyage" that Ellen is afraid they may be approaching?
  16. What did the Countess Olenska say was her real reason for staying in America and not returning to her husband?
  17. What is the condition that the future of Newland and Ellen's relationship is based on?
  18. What does Ellen repeatedly assure Newland of?
  19. Why does the Countess Olenska feel like it would be better for her to live in Washington than New York?
  20. The following statement is an example of a universal truth: "It seems stupid to have discovered America only to make it into a copy of another country."
  21. What did Archer believe would be the only reason Madame Olenska would return to Europe?
  22. Who's emissary was M. Riviere?
  23. Although M. Riviere had been sent on behalf of Count Olenski, what did he end up begging Archer to do in regards to Madame Olenska?
  24. What did M. Riviere actually come to Archer's to talk about?
  25. Did M. Riviere find that Madame Olenska had remained the same since he last saw her, or that she had experienced a change?