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Hey folks and friends, and welcome to our insignifigant corner of the web, please excuse the simplicity of it at the moment, we're new at this! Be sure to sign our guestbook with any ideas or comments.

TAZtheDEVIL and nephew Austin

Tinman- Click on my pic for a brief bio!

TnT's Chatroom #1
TnT's Chatroom #2

What a Time You'll Have!!

Softseek-All your Shareware Needs
Download Icq Here! It's better than crack!
The Net's Greatest Link Site!
The Ultimate Canadian Search Engine
Tinman's Ongoing Assignment towards his Criminology Major
ICQ '99! It's Here!
Download the newest version of Winamp
My Tribute to Labatt's Fine Products

Friends' Homepages

Starr's Home
JoJo's Pearl Jam Page


We also have some good downloads for you, SimCity2000 full version, nukes, ICQ killers, hacking utilities but not intending to post them for the sake of disclaimers and all of that stuff so if you need anything, give us a buzz and we'll send 'er over.

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