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Location: Etowah, Tennessee Contact Information: 423/781-0266 or
Email Wee Winsome Mi-Ki's

Available Mi-Ki's American Rare Breed Mi-Ki Registry

If you have found my website, you have obviously heard of the rare breed of canine named Mi-Ki, pronounced Mee-Kee. I bid you welcome.

If you are seriously considering adding a dog to your family I am in hopes that you have done your homework in researching the different breeds available and that you find the right breed to fit into your life style and that of your family. Dogs come in all sizes, some shapes and many temperaments, be sure the one you choose is right for you. Do not allow the popularity of a breed to be your guide. Just because a friend has a certain breed and loves it, does not mean you should have one as well. Sit down and write out what you want in a dog, then go and search for one that meets your requirements and needs. You and the dog you choose will be happier for completing this exercise.

My Mi-Ki’s are raised in my home not in a kennel environment. I am not a puppy mill, and only breed Mi-Ki’s of good health and temperament. I fell in love with this breed many years ago and thought they would be wonderful for older people, people in apartments, and those who want a lap dog, a constant companion that will go with you anywhere. I travel frequently and the Mi-Ki’s are good traveling companions.

Rae’s Oreo Cream, whom I call Tootsie, is now retired from breeding but she is my foundation dam. During her breeding life she produced many wonderful pups and made people all over the U.S. very happy with their purchase of a Tootsie pup. Her daughters, sons, grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren are now carrying on her bloodlines. I can give you a 12-generation pedigree on Tootsie and the others should you choose. I usually supply a 4-5 generation pedigree upon purchase.

I welcome you to come and see my Mi-Ki’s when you are in the area. Most of the moms and dads are on the premises for you to meet as well as puppies, toddlers, and adults. Because I am very choosey about what I breed, I sometimes keep back a Mi-Ki to evaluate for breeding purposes. Sometimes upon maturing, they do not meet my expectations and therefore I have young adults and toddlers available as well as a few retirees. I do not breed my females past the age of eight years, which gives them plenty of life left as Mi-Ki’s and small dogs, live longer than large dogs.

By being persnickety about my bloodlines and who I breed to whom, I lower the possibility of hereditary health issues, thereby producing healthy Mi-Ki’s. All my breeding stock is VIP-DNA’d. Specialized vets certify their eyes and heart and their patellae are checked. Remember, like having a human baby, there are no guarantees regardless of what you may think or what other breeders may have you believe. Conscientious breeders will do their best to produce healthy dogs, but mother nature and her gene pool play an important role on the inside of a dog, just as with a human child.

As a client of Wee Winsome, you will receive a 4-5 generation pedigree, vaccination records, worming records, and a health certificate, as well as a heart-stealing companion. Warning! Mi-Ki’s are like potato chips, you might not be able to stop with just one.

As a smart buyer, protect yourself. Check out the breeder thoroughly. Visit their facility if at all possible to assure yourself that what they claim is truthful. If at all possible, see the parents of the dog you choose. This advice is for any breed you are interested in purchasing. Unfortunately, due to the increased popularity of the Mi-Ki there are a number of unscrupulous breeders out there breeding dogs that are not from healthy or accurate bloodlines, some are mixing in another breed and claiming that they are Mi-Ki’s. I and other reputable Mi-Ki breeders do not sell breeding stock to unknown breeders for this reason. My Mi-Ki’s, if not already spayed or neutered are sold with a spay/neuter contract, no exceptions. I breed Mi-Ki’s because they are a wonderful companion breed; I want my clients to be happy with their purchase. I do not want hassles, complaints, returns or lawsuits, therefore if I satisfy my clients with a healthy Mi-Ki with the appropriate temperament I avoid all that. Seems pretty simple to me. I am not in this for money.

Contrary to popular beliefs the profit in dog breeding is nil unless you are a puppy mill and don’t care about the health or anything else but producing puppies as fast as you can and getting them out the door regardless of the health of the mother or puppies. I do not produce a whole lot of puppies as my females, if bred, are only bred every other heat thereby letting their bodies recuperate thoroughly before another litter. This practice makes for healthier pups and happier moms.


This site owned by Sandra Sidders Price.
Web page background and graphics were designed
and maintained by Lawrie Willis