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89. Conviction

A young woman is being attacked by a vampire somewhere in LA. Angel swoops in and saves the day. As soon as he's reassured the young woman of what just happens, he walks off only to be confronted by a legion of Wolfram & Hart employees ranging from a special ops unit to lawyers. Signatures and documentation is needed of the rescue, all of which leaves Angel a tad confused. The next day Fred's trying to get moved into her new offices, but is still a be flummoxed about what's going on, as is Wesley. Fred heads off to her new office, led by her colleague Knox. Wesley and Gunn discuss offices. Lorne appears to be getting into the swing of his new life style at Wolfram & Hart very easily. Angel soon shows up and heads to his office, with Gunn and Wesley close behind. There there's a young lady sitting on his desk. She introduces herself as Eve, Angel's liaison and link to the Senior Partners. Eve fills in Angel on what they're meant to be doing, and what they could achieve by working in the LA branch of a multi-dimensional corporation. Eve shows them where their client files are. Later that evening the gang go through all the client files, of which there are many. After a moment Lorne calls it in along with Fred, Gunn & Wesley. Angel decides to stick around. As Gunn's leaving his office he's approached by Eve who reminds him of something and hands him a business card of sorts.

The next morning Angel sifts through all of his files on his desk. He calls in his secretary for some blood, when she hands it to him it turns out to be Harmony. Angel's less than pleased about her being employed there, but Harmony's dying to give it a shot. Wesley's called into the office bringing news about a client who's there to see them, Corbin Fries. And to Angel's surprise, it was Wesley who suggested Harmony try out for the job as Angel's assistant. Wesley tells Harmony to bring in the client while Angel is roughly filled in on him. When the client arrives he's less than happy about his situation, his trial. Angel's not to happy about having to protect a guy like him. Turns out if Corbin doesn't get off on this conviction he's going to "drop the bomb" on California. Something that will wipe out anything that isn't already dead. Lorne goes through the staff at Wolfram & Hart, he reads each one of them as they sing to see if they have any evil in them. Fred's getting set up in her offices with the help of Knox. Later that day Angel, Wesley, Lorne & Fred discuss the bomb that Corbin was talking about. A lot of ideas are flung around, but it's Fred's that seems most possible, it could be a virus, but there could be something mystical involved. Angel goes to see Spanky, a mystic who's name cropped up a lot in Corbin's file, Wesley goes to see about the mystical side of things and Fred goes to work on the virus theory. Lorne's told to keep an eye on Corbin's case however Gunn's nowhere to be seen.

Seems like Gunn's getting something done to himself. He's at some kind of doctor's office, linked to W&H. Angel goes off to see Spanky, after having to choose one car to drive there. Once there he confronts Spanky about Corbin and after a spot of violence Angel gets what he needs out of Spanky. Meanwhile Fred & Knox are researching the virus, however things don't look good. Angel calls Fred about the virus and it's location. Angel arrives back at the offices and it seems that the virus has been placed in Corbin's son, Mathew. This really hits Angel where it hurts, and it doesn't help with Eve around. Corbin's case in court doesn't seem to be going too well either. Back in the science department Fred's getting frustrated that they don't know as much as they need to know. Angel returns to his office to set out to find Mathew, Corbin's son. But Harmony informs him that the special ops team has already sent out a cleaning crew to deal with it. Back to the court case, all seems lost until Gunn enters and calls for a mis-trial. Oddly his findings work, saving Wesley to resort to some gun slinging. Angel manages to get to Mathew's school in time, it so happens that he now has a helicopter. He deals with the special ops team, killing most of them. Hauser and him have it off, only to leave Hauser with a whole through his head. Later at the offices Eve & Gunn inform the rest of the gang what's happened to him. He's had an injection of lawyer-ness into him to help them at W&H. Eve leaves, leaving the team pondering about their position at W&H. Angel perks them up with a speech, and tears an envelope which he received in the mail. An amulet falls out, the same one Angel gave to Buffy. A swirl of dust forms, it's Spike, reformed....

90. Just Rewards

We flashback to Sunnydale, nineteen days ago when Spike destroys the Hellmouth and kills himself in the process. Back to present time, Spike's in Angel's office in Wolfram & Hart. Spike tries to attack Angel but ends up going straight through him and into his desk. They look into it, Wesley studies the amulet while Fred has a proper look at Spike. Everything about him says that he must be a ghost but there's a few things that don't add up. But they do make the conclusion that Spike is linked to the amulet, somehow. Spike begins to disappear but then reappears at the other end of the room not know what had just happened to him. He again begins to blame Angel. Angel "chickening out" of not being the one to wear the amulet. An argument ensues between the vampires and Spike lets slip that he has a soul. Which Angel has yet to tell the others, and so they seem a little shocked about this revelation. Angel heads off, Spike taunts him as he follows him. Harmony tries to tell Angel about an appointment of his, but Angel refuses to listen. A Grox'lar demon comes out of the lift, Angel fights and kills it. Without realising that that was his appointment, but Gunn tells him that it's not all bad that he killed the demon.

Angel & Gunn have a mini meeting in their office. All the people that they have been firing has brought up some resentment about them taking over. One of the newest being Angel wanting to shut down the internment acquisitions department - grave robbing. A very powerful client, Magnus Hainsley, also a necromancer funds W&H heavily and a lawyer named Novac insists that they don't shut down that department. Angel wants Novac to meet with Magnus and work something out. Spike again taunts Angel, Angel wants him gone. And that's what Spike agrees to do, he doesn't want to stay there any longer than he needs to. Especially with Angel around. Later Angel and Wesley discuss the amulet and Spike. Angel wonders what the senior partners are up to, Wesley's got a few theories but nothing sound. Suddenly Spike's back. It appears because the amulet's the property of W&H so is Spike now, as he's tied to it, and he can't go any further than the city limits. Novac appears to be back from his meeting with Magnus, in three buckets. Angel decides to pay him a visit himself. With some information from Gunn which could help.

As Angel heads off Spike's beginning to like the idea of being able to haunt Angel until the end of time and him not being able to do anything about it, so he tags along. They arrive at Hainsley's just as Hainsley's performing a ritual on a dead person and a demon. Angel and Spike have a look around and see one of Hainsley's showrooms with multiple dead bodies all looking rather life life but still. Hainsley's butler has been given orders to kill Angel and Spike but Angel kills him, oddly enough with a spoon. Just as Angel's about to find Hainsley Spike has it out with him. Claiming that he had a hard time with his soul and why is it that Angel gets everything so easy. Angel argues back, words are conversed until Spike vanishes again to Angel's relief. Angel has it out with Hainsley, freezes all his bank accounts rendering him useless financially. Spike reappears and isn't impressed. Angel leaves, Spike disappears again, but this time it's Hainsley's doing who has an idea that will make both of their lives easier. Angel returns to the office and Wesley tells him that there's only one way to get rid of Spike. Give him eternal rest by breaking the amulet on hallowed ground. Angel has to sleep on it, meanwhile Spike has been listening in on their conversation. That night Angel's visited by Spike and he tells him that he wants that plan to go forward, he wants to have eternal rest. They go to a graveyard, just as Angel's about to destroy the amulet Hainsley appears and knocks Angel out with a firm blow. He's taken to Hainsley's house where Spike's going to get transferred into Angel's body and reverse some of the things Angel did that day. But Spike decides to do things his way. As the ritual's going ahead Spike remains in Hainsley's body instead of transferring into Angel's. Both Hainsley/Spike and Angel fight it out, until Hainsley's head is lobbed off, leaving just Spike, again as a ghost. 

The next day Wesley and Angel discuss the plan, it was apparently all Spike's idea. Fred goes to her lab to find Spike there. He asks for her help, every time he disappears it feels as though he's getting sucked into the ground, into hell, and that's not where heroes go.

91. Unleashed

Fred, Gunn, Angel & Lorne are somewhere just outside of LA faking a conversation. They're trying to see if Wolfram & Hart, or more importantly, the Senior Partners are keeping tabs on them. Sadly they don't find any bugs are wires on any of them. The whole gang seem frustrated and they all seem to think maybe Gunn may know something, he could be linked to the Senior Partners. Gunn's furious that they should think that. Angel suddenly asks Wesley for her sterling silver pen and leaves. Somewhere near them a young girl is getting attacked by what looks like a werewolf. Angel jumps in and kills it using the silver pen, however the girl didn't stay to say thank you. However she was bitten. The next morning Angel hands gun a sketch of her and the whole team are working on a way of finding her. Fred's working on some things in her office when Spike comes through the wall wanting to know if there was any development about his predicament. Fred says there has but she can't talk because of werewolf girl and she rushes off to work on that situation leaving Spike a little forlorn. In the lab everyone's working on the case of the werewolf. Lorne thinks up a few ideas and they're led to a name, Nina Ash. The young girl who was attacked, Nina, wakes up in her bed not looking or feeling all there. She goes downstairs to the kitchen where there's her sister and niece. Nina's senses seem to be heightened and she has a feeling or want to slash her niece's neck, to her disgust. At the lab at Wolfram & Hart Angel and the gang have managed to get her name and match it with an address.

That night while Nina is babysitting her niece she has a turn for the worse and heads upstairs. As she goes into her room she collapses on the floor and begins to turn, into the werewolf. As she turns her niece is outside her door. Angel flies through the window and grabs the werewolf. As they land on the floor outside Wesley shoots a couple of tranquilizer darts subduing the beast. A naked and confused Nina wakes up in a locked and barred cell. Angel enters and tries to reassure her but all she wants to do is escape. Angel convinces her to stay and asks her to see one thing. Angel takes her to his office where he shows her a video tape of her in werewolf form and changing back into human form. Nina's shocked, but somewhat reassured when Angel tells her that he's a monster too, a vampire. He tells Nina that he's going to do all he and his team can to help. Angel leaves Nina in his office and heads into the lobby where he's met by Dr. Royce and Fred. For the next night they plan of caging her again and Royce suggests that to calm her a little, she have a few of her things from home. Fred's sent with Nina to get some things from her home. 

Nina and Fred drive in the back of a van to Nina's house. Nina's at first a little afraid of going back in, but with some assurance from Fred she does. Nina's met with her hostile sister, not understanding what's going on. Nina makes a quick exit and Fred grabs a few personal items. Outside, as they make their way back to the van, they find that the security with them have been shot. As they run some men in black try and take them. Fred tries to defend them both, but she's no match. Fred's knocked out and Nina's taken away. Nina's taken somewhere where she's stripped and hung by her hands. At the offices Lorne reads Royce. They're having a crack down on the staff as to who the leak could be. Fred blames herself. Fred notices Spike walking around the offices, she calls out to him but he doesn't answer. She follows him and is lead to Dr. Royce's office where she collides into the wall Spike just went through. She tips a rubbish bin, in it she finds a vial. Dr. Royce returns and Fred knocks him out with a lamp shade. Turns out Royce was the leak. Gunn, Fred & Wesley have a look through his things. Gunn finds something of some importance. Fred takes it to Angel straight away, it's a menu.

Elsewhere Nina's carted in on a dinner table, garnished and apparently she's to be eaten. Angel uses Royce to find this place. They go in, Gunn, Wesley acting as back-up as Angel tries to free Nina. Things get messy and Nina changes into a werewolf and bites Royce just before being tranquilized by Wesley. Angel and co. take Nina and Crane is promised Royce as their werewolf dinner for the next month. Later that night Spike appears to Fred again. He's genuinely getting scared about his trips to nowhere as they seem to be getting longer. Fred makes a promise to help him. The next day Angel drives Nina home. He reassures her and says he'll help her get through it all. Nina steps out of the car, greeted by her sister and her niece. Later that night Angel invites everyone over to his new plush apartment, with a gorgeous view. Everyone seems more relaxed in their new place, Angel including. Fred orders Chinese and it seems like things never changed.

92. Hellbound

At the end of the day Fred walks into her lab and is shocked when Spike scares her, or so it seems. She was just putting on her scared hat to try and make Spike a bit happier about being non-corporeal. Spike asks if there's been any progress with him and making him real again. Fred seems to have her hopes up and does seem to have a plan. As Spike leans against the table he falls straight through it and into the basement of Wolfram & Hart. Spike hears a sound, the sound of chopping. He walks along to investigate. There's a man in a chair chopping his own fingers off, as the man turns to reveals his scar worn face he disappears, leaving Spike more than shocked. Meanwhile Lorne's busy with his entertainment section. Fred walks past and goes to Wesley's office and hands him a list of what she needs to help Spike. Wesley's more than happy to use his recent contact to help her, but he's worried about her, not sleeping or eating much. As Fred leaves she bumps into Eve who needs to have a word with her. Angel and Eve are in Angel's office. Angel's talking to Fred about her and the move from small time to the now big time. Fred misunderstands and thinks that Angel's worrying about her like Wesley was. But Eve tells her that he's talking about her spending in the science department. She's gone a long way over her quarterly budget, and the quarters not over. Fred says she's just trying to do everything she can to make Spike real again, which shocks Angel, because he just wanted Spike out of Wolfram & Hart. Fred still believes that Spike is worth saving and she needs to help him, Angel leaves the call up to her.

Spike's back in the now empty lab. Light's flicker and he follows them. It now seems that there's something else there and he follows the flickering lights. As he walks down the hall there's a young woman in nineteenth century clothing, without any arms. She flies at Spike, Spike ducks but then she's gone again. Angel retires to his apartment with a glass of blood, where Spike now is. Angel just wants Spike to leave but he's not going anywhere. The topic of the Shanshu prophecy comes up, and Angel tells Spike that it's not true. No prophecies are true and both of them are going to go to hell for all the things that they have done. They sit on the sofa and take stabs at one another. The conversation ends with Angel admitting that he liked Spike's poems, and Spike takes a jibe at Angel for liking Barry Manilow. Then Spike seems a man hanging from the ceiling, but Angel can't seem him. They go to the lobby where they meet Fred and Wesley. None of them can see the dead people that Spike can see. Gunn and Eve soon arrive saying that the mystics can only sense Spike as the ghost in the whole building. Spike suddenly disappears to the gang. However Spike's still there, he hasn't completely disappeared as he used to. Fred suggests they find him. Spike's lead upstairs. When he gets to the lift it opens and he gingerly steps inside.

The lift has taken Spike back to the basement. Wesley, Gunn & Fred talk about Spike in Wesley's office. To Wesley and Gunn is was fairly obvious that he would be going to hell every time he disappeared. Back to Spike in the basement, he sees another young woman with a shard of glass in her eye. She takes the shard out and tells Spike that the Reaper's going to get him. Then she vanishes again. Fred's working in the lab with Spike watching her. She seems to get something, but it doesn't work. Spike leans over to touch Fred and there's a spark that both could feel. As Fred looks around for Spike, Angel appears from behind and scares her. The gang are all set up in a conference room, Eve brings in a psychic who will help them locate Spike. She begins, she mentions a dark soul. But she stops there, something tries to kill her. Spike's watching over, Angel thinks it's Spike but it isn't. Things don't look good, and then she's killed, her blood spurts out and onto Fred. Wesley & Gunn come to the conclusion that there was something else in the room.

Fred takes a shower, Spike watches her. As he approaches the glass he finds that he can touch it if he wants. He writes something on the glass. Upstairs Angel, Gunn & Wesley are researching the dark soul. As Fred finishes her shower she sees the message that Spike wrote to her, it said reaper. As She reads the the glass shatters, but doesn't break, and Spike gets flung back into the basement. Fred quickly runs upstairs to tell the gang about reaper, and they instantly find who they were looking for. Matthias Pavayne, his blood was used to deconsecrate the ground so that Wolfram & Hart could be built on it. In the basement Spike is confronted by Pavayne. He's completely stripped of everything and is ready to go to hell. But something Pavayne says triggers a thought in Spike's head. If he desires something enough he can make it happen. He wills his clothes back and then he wills himself to be able to fight Pavayne, which he does. Back in the offices Fred's figured out a way to make Spike corporeal. Angel & Gunn go and get some magic juice from the conduit in the white room. After they have it they piece the machine together. All ghostly things will be attracted to it when it's turned on. Fred turns it on and both Pavayne and Spike are attracted to it, they both head over. Just as Spike's about to step in to make himself real again, Pavayne grabs a hold of Fred and makes Spike choose. Spike chooses Fred and Pavayne is made corporeal. After which Angel pounds on him and puts him away in permanent storage. The next morning Spike tells Fred that he's okay and shows her his new trick, that he can hold things.

93. Life of the Party

Lorne's walking through the hall of Wolfram & Hart talking on multiple mobile phones with his frantic assistant, Van, at his side. He greets Harmony and asks where Angel is, he's coming back from a field mission. However the field mission didn't go well with Angel, and the weapon which Wesley supplied him with seemed to have been defective. Lorne tries to talk to Angel about the party, but Angel's too tired, bruised and grumpy to want to hear anything and shuts the door on Lorne's face. Lorne returns to his office, looking completely exhausted. He sits at his dressing table, suddenly his reflection comes to life. Telling him what he has to do, Lorne gets so frustrated he breaks the mirror with a bottle. Finally gets up, and walks away not looking very happy. In a click of a finger he's singing down the halls again. Later on Angel steps out of his shower to be greeted by Eve. She let herself in with her own key. Angel's not happy that she's there, but when she tells him that he missed an appointment of there's, Angel rushes to get ready. They arrive at Wolfram & Hart, Angel pretty stressed about being there and still not knowing what's going on, he takes it out on a guy holding a huge faux giant head, as the elevator doors open. He's completely forgotten that Lorne's throwing a party. Lorne's a tad distressed and tries to get Angel to swing around. Elsewhere Wesley's gone to see Fred about the malfunction on the mystical/scientific new grenade that failed on Angel earlier. Fred & Knox don't think it's either of their fault, but Wesley doesn't think it's his either. Lorne comes in to remind Fred & Wesley about the party. Neither are keen on going. Lorne tells them that they have to be there and so Knox takes over from Fred for looking into the grenade malfunction and Lorne sets up a meeting with Angel in a few minutes.

Next Lorne goes to see Gunn to remind him of the party and tells him to meet in Angel's office in a few minutes. Minutes later everyone's waiting for Lorne in Angel's office. Lorne tries to get Angel jibed up about the party, but he doesn't seem to keen. Harmony tells him that morale's low in the offices and something has to be done. Angel finally gives in to Lorne and will go ahead with the party. Later that night Lorne & Angel are in a limo heading off to see Archduke Sebassis, a potential party attendee. It's apparent that the party's important to Lorne. Lorne & Angel finally arrive at Sebassis'. They talk for a while, and Lorne finally gets him to come to the Halloween bash. As Angel & Lorne leave, Artode - Sebassis' right hand man, thinks it's a trap, and so they are going to go well prepared. At Wolfram & Hart a mirror ball is rotating and Harmony's the only person dancing on the dance floor. Lorne gets some W&H employees to mingle, while he does the same. He greets a demon called Devlin who's come dressed as a human, with human on his face too. Wesley and Fred stand by the hors d'oeuvres trying to look occupied admiring how Lorne manages to fit in. Lorne goes to find Angel, which he does, watching hockey in his office. While Angel discusses the negatives of the party to Lorne, Lorne crunches down in pain on his head. Suddenly he's back up and dragging Angel to the party.

Lorne gets Angel mingling and gets him to greet the Archduke Sebassis, which he seems to do with a whole lot of enthusiasm. Fred & Wesley stumble around the party drunk out of their minds. Lorne bumps into Gunn upstairs at the drinks. Gunn gives him a big thumbs up on the party, and Lorne confides in Gunn. He did it all by having his sleep removed. Downstairs Angel and Eve meet, they share remarks about each other, before Lorne interjects saying that they have so much sexual tension and should get a room. The next minute Angel & Eve are making out in Angel's office. Fred and Wesley come off the dance floor to find Gunn, who just pisses on Wesley's shoes. Spike's acting a bit strange too, he's actually enjoying the party. Fred & Wesley deduce that it's Lorne, whatever he's saying is coming true. They grab Lorne and take him to see Angel in his office, though Angel's naked behind the sofa with Eve. Angel doles out what they should all do so that they can clear the mess up. Fred and Wesley look for Lorne's sleep. There Fred asks Wesley what he thinks of Knox when Wesley thought that their talk about their relationship was going to go into a completely different direction to that.

Elsewhere Artode has been killed and Sebassis goes to see Angel. Angel gets ready and heads into the lobby. Fred & Wesley find Lorne's sleep and they also find out what's going to happen to Lorne without his sleep. His subconscious self will manifest. That's already happened in the lobby. A giant and more powerful version of Lorne is causing mayhem, killing and what nots. Angel tries to stop it but he can't do much, it's too strong. Wesley and Fred soon arrive with Lorne's sleep. Fred shoots it into Lorne. Lorne drops to the floor and nods off to sleep, as the giant Lorne disappears into fairy dust. At the end of it all Lorne's put to sleep in Angel's office and the rest of the gang split and go home. Angel reassures the sleeping Lorne that he doesn't have to be the host of the party.

94. The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco

Somewhere in downtown LA a security guard checks something out. All seems to be well when he's suddenly jumped by a huge demon which kills him. At Wolfram & Hart the employee who wear the "number five mask" is pushing around his mail trolley collecting mail from office workers. Lorne bumps into him and asks him a question, but he doesn't respond. Instead he just walks on, after Fred dumps more mail into his trolley. Angel's in a conference room signing documents, in blood. Gunn reassures him saying that all papers concerning demon laws need to be signed in blood. Gunn tells Angel all the good he's just done signing a few documents, but Angel's not feeling it. He tells Gunn he feels disconnected. Spike appears and starts moaning about him feeling disconnected with him being a ghost and everything. Even Gunn wishes that sometimes he could mix it up a little. His wish is granted as Wesley comes in with news of several bodies found, with their hearts taken out. The number 5 mail guy comes in and walks straight out as he hears this conversation. As he heads out Angel rushes to him to give him one more item. He gets to him, but the guy chucks Angel through his office's window. Angel's completely shocked as number five heads off. Gunn calls security for him. Spike starts telling everyone that Angel was the one who attacked number five, and it even gets out on the web, as Lorne informs him. But apparently that's a good thing for Angel. Angel gets the topic away from him for a while and tells the gang about the mutilations that have been occurring.

It's evening and Angel's driving a car with Spike in the front and Gunn & Wesley in the back. They're investigating one of the newer mutilations. Suddenly Angel swerves and stops the cars. He gets out leaving Gunn, Wesley and Spike a little stunned. Seems Angel's found another body, he could smell the blood. Wesley sees that the heart's been taken out. The body's still "fresh" so the killer must still be around, Spike points it out to them, it being only a few feet behind them. A fight breaks out, Spike tries to join in but he can't even pick up anything. It doesn't end well and the demon's off again. Back at Wolfram & Hart Gunn gives Fred his axe which has some of the demon's blood on it. Upstairs Wesley's working his department hard on trying to find what kind of demon this was. Angel comes in just to check on things and then returns to his office again. As Wesley works he notices Spike lingering about. Spike asks about the Shanshu prophecy and Wesley directs him to the book on that while he carries on researching. Spike lets out that Angel doesn't actually believe the prophecy, which shocks Wesley a bit. Spike inclines that it may be him in the prophecy but Wesley nails that inclination down. Later that evening Wesley brings a print out of some information to Angel. This demon is a warrior called Texcatcatl. He appeared fifty years ago to the day. Angel notes that it's the Day of the Dead. Wesley tells him that fifty years ago a group of five champions killed him and only one is still alive. Angel decides to look that one champion left.

Angel goes to see the last champion, but it's number five, whom he just fired. Number 5 grabs him by the coat and pushes him against the wall. Seems there was a little misunderstanding earlier in the office, number five didn't hear him quite right. But now Angel does want five to help him bring down this Tezcatcatl. Five's reluctant to help Angel and tells him that only fools are champions. Five recounts the story of him and his four other brothers. They were Luchadores, Mexican wrestlers. In the ring they were everything everyone else wanted. But they also fought outside the ring because no one else cared about his kind. But when his four brothers were killed people didn't want his help anymore. But a man from a big company came, Wolfram & Hart, he offered Five a job. Angel & Five are now in a small wrestling venue where there's a re-enactment of one of the number brothers' fights. They're taking the mick out of them by having midgets play the brother, that's why Five has stopped. Angel tries to give Five a stirring hero speech, but Five sneaks away. Back at the offices Gunn & Wesley have discovered who this demon is killed, it's killing heroes. As they find that out Angel's looking for Five, but he's got away on a bus. As Angel turns around Tezcatcatl punches him and skewers him on a car with a sword. He's about to cut Angel's heart out but stops and takes his sword out leaving Angel there.

Angel returns to the office where he's feeling a tad rejected, but Wesley and Gunn are adamant that that's the MO of the demon. Some new facts come up, the Tezcatcatl is looking for a talisman that would give him the powers of the Aztec sun god. Angel recognises the description, Five has it. He doesn't find Five at his home. Five's at a cemetery with the talisman, sitting by his brothers' grave. Angel finds him and tries to get the talisman. Five says he's swallowed it. Tezcatcatl's on the scene soon. Five tries to fight him off but fails, and Angel has a go but he's flung on the grave of the four number brothers. Suddenly the number brothers awake from the graves and get into action. Angel and the brothers pin the demon and kill it. Five is taken by his brothers back to the beyond. Angel returns to the offices where Wesley confronts him about not believing the Shanshu prophecy. Angel reminds him about the "father will kill the son" prophecy but of course Wesley can't remember that. Wesley's reassured by Angel that he's okay now. Later that night Angel goes into Wesley's office and reads up on the Shanshu prophecy.

95. Lineage

Wesley's meeting a man in a warehouse somewhere, something to do with some weapons. Which Fred comes out to demonstrate one. However the deal's not made and the weapons aren't sold to the man, because there's no money. Suddenly one of the dealer's henchmen has a grappling hook stuck into his neck. Wesley takes Fred to shelter while he tries to take care of these strange things that have attacked them. Angel crashes through a window and kills one. As he kills it electricity comes from it, it was some kind of cyborg. Wesley hears whimpering, he runs off to check Fred, who's got a nasty wound in her arm and is knocked unconscious. Later on Angel has a go at Wesley for bringing Fred into that field operation and not informing him. Angel's furious at Wesley for getting Fred in harms way, and Angel lets loose on him. Wesley returns to his office. Eve tells Angel that he was a bit hard on him, and it appears Angel doesn't still fully trust Wesley. On account of what he did with Conner and taking him away from Angel. Fred goes to see Wesley in his office, with her arm in a sling. Wesley tries to apologise for getting her in danger and getting her hurt, and that he had to protect her. Fred doesn't like what Wesley's saying, she says it's patronising. Fred continues to tell Wesley what she thinks as Wesley's father approaches the office, without Fred knowing. Wesley introduces Fred to his father, Fred leaves quickly. The situation gets awkward, but Roger (Wesley's father.) has come on business. He has been asked by other former Watchers to evaluate Wesley. Pending his evaluation he will be asked to rejoin the Watchers' Council. Wesley's not interested, but Roger doesn't see the good that he's doing at Wolfram & Hart.

Wesley's clumsiness appear again as they exit his office, he bumps into his door then a woman. He tries to assure his father that they are doing a lot of good there. But the matter isn't helped when Lorne arrives making Wesley more than embarrassed when Lorne tries to give Roger a few compliments. It appears that the building is buzzing from the fact that Roger's there and soon enough Gunn's in the lobby introducing himself to Roger. He's there with a message for Wesley, the cyborg from the previous night is in the lab and Fred needs some help with it. Wesley takes his father with him to go and check it out. In the lab Fred's explaining to Angel the insides of the cyborg. It's a big mix of human and robot but they don't know much else of it. Soon Roger and Wesley arrive. Roger seems to have met Spike before. In 1963 Spike killed two of his men while slaughtering an orphanage. Angel introduces himself to Roger, but he's not best pleased to see Angel either. Angel & Eve leave and Roger & Wesley take a look at the cyborg. Wesley reckons he's translated a section of it, but he triggers a bomb, a self destruct mechanism. Wesley evacuates the immediate area and tells Fred to leave as well. As he does the bomb seems to have diffused itself, rather Roger diffused it. He translated it correctly, which gave him a way of pulling the safety. Fred & Wesley are in Angel's office explaining what happened. Fred leaves to go and rescue Roger from Lorne. Angel hands Wesley come new information on these cyborgs, they seem to be doing their job for them. Wesley agrees to investigate it further.

Roger's amusing Fred with an old story of what Wesley did when he was younger. When Wesley arrives to meet them he's again embarrassed by his father telling Fred these stories. Wesley needs Roger's help and asks him to help him, he agrees and they leave Fred in the lobby. They get to Wesley's office where Roger begins to talk about Fred and whether Wesley likes her. Wesley tells his father the truth about his last girlfriend, but Roger just thinks he's being sarcastic. Wesley gets some information from the source books, Roger seems to be a mixed of impressed and shocked at the source books. Them being so available in the building. Wesley tries to reassure him that they're safe but Roger's no convinced. On the roof of the building several ninja cyborgs drop down. Eve and Spike meet in the lift, Spike's cautious about Eve, there's something she's not saying. Suddenly the lights go out. The power, communications and security's been cut from the building, Gunn tells Angel. There's something wrong. Suddenly some ninja cyborgs drop into the lobby. Roger and Wesley are face to face with one of these cyborgs, Wesley takes hold of the situation. They put the source books into the vault. But as Wesley's finished putting them in Roger hits him over the head, knocking him out and takes his keys. He goes and gets something from another box, a staff with a crystal. And then says into his ear, phase one is complete, begin phase two.

In the lobby Angel and Gunn fight off the cyborgs. Spike even manages to help out, only after a vast amount of concentration. Roger bumps into Fred. He tells him that Wesley's gone to the roof as his team found something special out there and he's got to find Angel. Fred takes him to Angel. Meanwhile Wesley's waking up he goes to see the cyborg. After a little amount of torture it appears Wesley's got the information he wants. Roger finally gets to Angel and tells him Wesley's on the roof. When they get to the roof Wesley's not there, Roger seems pleased and uses the staff on Angel. To take away his free will. After that's done Roger again speaks into his ear. Suddenly Wesley appears from the door & grabs the staff from his father. Both father and son draw guns. Wesley threatens to drop the staff and shatter the crystal, Roger doesn't think he'll do it. Fred appears at the door and goes to Angel, lying on the ground. Wesley asks Fred to leave but she doesn't move. Roger grabs Fred and threatens her with the gun, without any hesitation Wesley fires multiple bullets into his father, killing him. He drops the staff and his gun and throws up. But it wasn't his father after all, the cyborg fries and it turns out to be another cyborg. Later that night Angel's free will has been restored and he comforts Wesley about what happened. Though he's still not feeling good about it, he killed his father. He goes back to his office where Fred goes to see him. She's touched at what he did and near tears when Wesley said that his father was going to hurt her. Knox appears at the door to take Fred home. Wesley's left alone in his office. He picks up the phone and calls home.

96. Destiny

It's 1880, Drusilla and William arrive at the Royal London Hotel in England. Here Drusilla introduces William to Angelus for the first time. Back to present time at Wolfram & Hart Spike's complaining to Angel about wanting his own office. Which Angel persistently tells him he's never going to get. Angel goes to his office while Spike receives his first piece of mail. Both Harmony and Spike are as surprised as one another for Spike to be receiving any mail. Harmony opens the package for him and a bright light shoots out from it. Then the box is empty. Spike walks away not thinking much of it. He tries to walk into Angel's office by walking through the door, as he could, but this time he slams right into it. Angel comes out of his office to see Spike laying on the floor with a bloody nose. Spike's over the moon that he's corporeal again. However all the phones in the offices have gone berserk. Spike reckons him being corporeal again has got to be something to do with the package he got. With him being corporeal again he has one thing in mind, sex. He grabs Harmony and the both of them go office to find an empty office. Back to 1880, London, William & Angelus are riding in a carriage. Angelus offers William some more spoils, but William would rather go and find Drusilla. Angelus stops the carriage and William goes to find her. Back to present day W&H, Spike and Harmony find an office and kick a guy out to use it. The rather disgruntled employee goes over to Jerry by the photocopier. But Jerry's not quite himself, crying blood and screaming about their not being toner in the copier, he begins to pummel the guy with a fire extinguisher.

Fred, Angel & Gunn go into Angel's office to try and figure things out. Fred thinks that it may be something a lot worse. Angel makes the connection between Spike being corporeal and all the phones and computers going mad. Eve enters the office and tells Angel & co that the universe is in catastrophic turmoil. Eve explains that what's going on has to do with the Shanshu prophecy, which says something about a vampire with a soul. But now since there are two corporeal vampires with a soul the universe can't balance itself, so everything's going mad. Spike's existence has thrown things off into a tangent. Eve also mentions that the prophecy isn't specific on which vampire it's about, it could be about either. Meanwhile Spike & Harmony are having a good shag in the office, but all of a sudden Harmony bites into Spike. Her eyes look like she's been crying blood and is about to attack Spike when he clobbers her one. At the copier it appears there's been another victim of the mad Jerry, and it's Lorne. Angel tries to get more people on figuring out what's going on. As Eve and Angel walk down the hall they bump into Spike who's fleeing the slightly mad Harmony. Eve says that LA's not big enough for both of them, and so Spike decides to head off to Europe. But what Eve really means is that it's a universal problem. Gunn appears from a lift, he's been to see the big cat in the white room. Only neither were there, just a howling abyss. Angel pleads with Spike to stay, and he does.

With Wesley not being around the gang go and see Rutherford Sirk about the Shanshu prophecy. He reads from the original script which tells of a Cup of Perpetual Torment, which the vampire with a soul has to drink from. It also gives it's location. Before Sirk can finish giving the location Spike's already gone. Angel's hot on his heals. Back at W&H Gunn's in charge of everything and is trying to control the situation. Eve goes into his office. Gunn reckons that Eve may be involved somehow but he doesn't know how. Meanwhile Angel arrives at the opera house in Nevada, just after Spike gets there. Both race to get to the cup first. Back to London, 1880, William returns from his night out to see Angelus shagging a girl. To William's horror that girl is none other than his Drusilla. William's furious but both Drusilla and Angelus just laugh. Angelus explains things to him, that they can have whatever they want when they want. Drusilla is nobody's girl. If he wants her he's going to have to get her. Back to present day and Angel and Spike are both by the cup. Angel wonders how it's going to work out, then Spike punches him across the face. The two vampires fight it out.

Back at W&H, in the labs, Gunn's been "infected" by the madness and tries to strangle Eve. Fred managed to knock him out and off Eve. At the opera house the duel is ongoing. Angel taunts Spike by calling him "Willy" again. As Angel reaches for the cup Spike knocks him out of the way. Spike tells Angel that he made him what he was today, the monster he was. With one final knock, Angel's flung across the stage. Spike takes the cup, Angel tries to dissuade him but Spike still drinks. He drops the cup, but nothing's happened. It's just bottled water. In Fred's office, Fred's trying to look after the shaken Eve. Eve doesn't want Fred to pretend to care and takes off. Soon Angel returns from Nevada and tells Fred that the cup was a fake. Spike can't find Sirk either. Angel wants to concentrate on getting the madness thing cleared, but it seems to have cleared itself up, with both Gunn and Harmony getting back to normal. Later on Eve tells Angel that the Senior Partners stepped in. They were working on the problem from day one. Spike goes off to have a drink. Angel and Gunn stay. Angel tells Gunn that Spike beat him, he beat him to the cup, he wanted it more. Elsewhere Eve's returned home. She tells someone all about what happened, Sirk disappeared and the Senior Partners were none the wiser. She gets into bed and the other person is Lindsey McDonald!

97. Harm's Way

Ad advert for Wolfram & Hart plays giving the history of the company and telling the world of Angel's new scheme. Showing the importance of every employee there. Cut to Harmony waking up and going about her daily morning routine before she gets to the office. She arrives at work and gets the morning blood for Angel. In the employees room she bumps into another employee making them spill coffee on themselves. It doesn't appear that she has any friends at Wolfram & Hart. Harmony returns to her desk and Angel's soon there. She goes over his schedule with him, Angel mutters something, it's a demon language, which he's trying to learn for a big demon meeting for the next day. Angel leaves in a disgruntled mood, having not listened to anything Harmony's had to say to him. As Angel heads into his office Rudy comes round to check Harmony's blood for human blood, she's clean. The next person by Harmony's desk is Eli, an employee there, he's been called in for a meeting with Angel & Gunn, thinking it's good news. But when Harmony goes to give Angel his blood she says Angel cutting off Eli's head. He was killing virgins in his spare time for fun, and under Angel's new zero tolerance policy that's not the done thing. From the lift Spike appears, seems he's been enjoying life being corporeal again and wants to head off to Europe to go and find Buffy. He says his farewells to everyone apart from Harmony, leaving her feeling a bit miffed.

In Angel's conference room the gang are discussing the arrival of two warring demon clans, the Vinji and Sahrvin. The two clans are meeting to arrange to truce. Harmony sits in the corner taking note of what's going on around her, though no one seems to be paying much attention to her. Once the gang have all the details sorted about the plan for the demon summit Wesley finds a use for Harmony, to get them some lunch. In the employee break room, Harmony's taking a break. She over hears some gossip on Fred and tries to take part but the other employees snub her. Danny, Lorne's assistant, comes in with a big basket of muffins for everyone. Though Harmony's not included. She tries to tell the other employees that she's vital to Angel, she's his right hand man. She gets a call from him demanding she get to the lobby now. She rushes off to find a rather unhappy Angel. There's a camel in the lobby. Harmony thought it'd be a good idea to have the camel for the meal for the demon summit. Angel demands she get rid of it. Harmony's feeling pretty unloved and bursts into tears, Fred tries to console her saying Angel just doesn't know her that well. Then suddenly Harmony asks what Fred's doing that night. That night Fred & Harmony are in a bar talking, and seem to be bonding. Fred tells Harmony to put herself out a bit more, to try and make some more friends. Harmony starts with a guy at the bar who seems to be checking her out. She makes an awkward start but the guy seems to be interested...

The next morning Harmony wakes up, she sees the guy who she was talking to the night before on the bed next to her. She tries to wake him, but he doesn't budge, he's dead with a set of vampire puncture wounds in his neck. Harmony tries to get rid of the body through the trash chute in her building, and does before her landlady sees her do anything. At work she tries to act as normal as possible, but she sight of Rudy and his blood test panics her immediately. Angel's at her desk demanding his blood for the day before the demon summit and tells Harmony that nothing better go wrong. Harmony gets Angel's blood and drinks a bit of her's too from the fridge. It seems to taste a lot better than it has before. Back at her desk Harmony takes a call from a detective. Turns out they found the body that Harmony tried to dump, it was the liaison for the warring clans, Tobias Dupree. Harmony's listening in the conversation trying to get as much info as possible. Angel gets a call from the Vinji, who are not happy. Angel tries to reassure them, that they will find the killer. Fred's currently looking at the body in the labs. Harmony rushes down there to find the body.

In the lab Harmony and Fred chat away about the night before. Suddenly Harmony remembers something and heads off again. She's made her mind up, she has to skip the country. On her way down the hall she bumps into Rudy who tests her blood, and it's positive for human blood. She promptly knocks him out and stores him in a cupboard. Turning the corner she runs into Lorne. She asks him where the blood tests go. After he tells her, Lorne hears Rudy from the cupboard, so Lorne gets knocked out and shoved in the same cupboard. Harmony heads quickly to the lab to find the blood test, but it's too late and Fred already knows. Harmony tries to persuade Fred that it wasn't her but she'd prefer it if Angel got involved. So Harmony knocks her out and stores her in the cupboard with Lorne & Rudy. Harmony figures out that someone's trying to frame her, they spiked her blood. So she goes to get her thermos to find fingerprints of the culprit. Danny's by the fridge and is seen handling her thermos. Harmony goes a bit mad and instantly vamps out and thinks it's him. Someone comes by and knocks Danny out. It's another employee wanting to make it look like Harmony did that to Danny. Tamika's her name. She's jealous of Harmony's position at the office and she wants it. A fight ensues and heads into the hallway. Meanwhile the demon summit's not going well, they want blood for the blood spilt. Harmony bursts in and kills Tamika. The demon clans use that as the blood spilt and the meeting goes ahead. That night Harmony wallows in a bar, Spike returns and comes and sits with her. Seems he didn't much fancy going to find Buffy after the way he went out. Spike reassures Harmony that she matters, she mattered to Tamika, enough to want to kill her. Harmony's self esteem is raised once again.

98. Soul Purpose

Back with Spike and Angel and the alleged cup with the water containing one of the vampire's destinies. Only the story plays out a little different to what previously happened. Spike drinks from the cup and becomes a human whilst Angel screams as his face and body burn away. Angel suddenly snaps out what could only be described as a daymare, at his desk in his office. Elsewhere Spike's in a strip club. About to leave he's approached by Lindsey who knows more about Spike that Spike would like. Lindsey lets on that it was he who sent the box which made Spike corporeal and it was him who sent the amulet to Wolfram & Hart in the first place. Spike gets a little angry about being Lindsey's and whoever else's play thing and threatens him. He lets him got and Lindsey introduces himself as Doyle. At Wolfram & Hart Wesley & Gunn are discussing, or rather arguing, about some business they have to attend to. They go to Angel. Angel looks a little dazed and unhappy that he's out of the loop on whatever's meant to be going on. They fill him in, but Angel's not happy. There's mention of a grey area in the proceedings which doesn't take Angel's fancy at all. He shakes it off and asks the guys to explain things again. Back at the strip club a disinterested Spike's about to walk away. As he does Lindsey follows him. He tells Spike that he gets visions about people in danger, people who he could help if he wanted to. He tells Spike of his latest and leaves everything to him.

A young woman is being attacked in an alley way by a vampire. Spike interrupts and kills the vampire. Only after he begins to mock the young woman for ever being in that alley in the first place. Lindsey was watching him as he killed the vampire and saved the young woman. Lindsey tells him that this is what Spike's got to do from now on, save people. Spike reckons he's been doing it for a long time now, but Lindsey reminds him this time he'll be doing it for no one but himself. In Angel's office discussion on the piece of business between Wesley & Gunn is ongoing but Fred's arrived and gives her opinions and know how on it all. Angel's not looking good. He tells Gunn and Wesley what to do before he makes his way to his lift to head on up to his place. In Angel's penthouse, shortly after Angel arrives, Wesley arrives and helps the weary Angel to his bedroom. Angel reckons he's sick. Wesley tells him it's just as well Spike's arrived. Angel's slightly bemused and then Wesley suddenly takes out a stake and stakes Angel. At this moment Angel wakes up, it was just a nightmare. Elsewhere Spike's playing the hero, much the same way Angel did in the beginning, even using the same double stakes that Angel did. The next morning Wesley asks Harmony to take something to the account department. Harmony tells Wesley she can only do that with Angel's permission because of an "accident" of hers. Wesley tells her to give his approval code. As Harmony heads off Eve arrives with a relic. She says that it needs to be translated right away, apparently the senior partners are very interested in it. Wesley heads off to get that looked at.

In Angel's penthouse Angel's lying in bed with what seems to be a fever. Fred arrives and suggests that they look under the hood. She splits Angel open with a surgical knife and looks inside. She removes all of his major organs including his heart. She finds raisins, a pearl necklace and a goldfish bowl with a dead goldfish, which she hands to a bear. All she can say is that it's empty. Angel's empty. In Wesley's office news has got back to them about a vigilante in the streets of LA with platinum blonde hair. Spike has been given a place to stay by Lindsey. At first Spike's reluctant to take it but seeing as he's got nowhere else to go, he takes it. Back to Angel, and he continues to hallucinate. This time he sees Spike in bed alongside with him sleeping with a blonde girl who appears to be Buffy. Angel hears Buffy's voice talking about her Prom. Angel wakes up and gets out of bed and into the lift. He goes to the offices where he meets Fred first who points out Angel's got no shoes on. She tells him he better hurry up before he misses it. He follows Fred to what looks like a cinema but is in fact a front seat to the apocalypse. Angel says he needs to do something, but the rest of the gang reassure him and say Spike will take care of it. Which he does. Spike stops the apocalypse and the office throw a party for him. After which he's made human by a blue fairy. Angel's in the background watching as everything unfolds and finds himself wearing the same as what Numero Cinco wore and turns into the mail cart man.

Wesley & Gunn pay a visit to Spike asking what he's doing, but also to ask him to go back to Wolfram & Hart. Spike declines them. Saying that you can't change a place like that but a place like that will change them. Elsewhere Eve and Lindsey are reviling in their plans. Seems they plan to make the senior partners think that Spike's actually the one not Angel. At the offices Wesley & Gunn tell Fred about what happened with Spike, she's shocked. They think that maybe they need Angel, but none of them have seen him that day. Fred gets Harmony to make a call to him but all she gets is his voice mail. Eve tries to distract Fred by pushing her about the relic. Fred gets right on it. Upstairs Angel's greeted by Lorne or as he likes to be called Honky Tonk. He tells Angel to sing but nothing comes out. Fred, Wesley and Gunn are sitting at tables around him and Fred reminds the others that he's empty. Angel sees a demon sucking on him, he grabs it and removes it. Eve appears telling Angel that he's dreaming and plants a similar demon on him again. Back to Spike, who gets another vision quest by Lindsey, apparently this one he'll want to go and do. Back to Angel and he's trying to get to the phone only he doesn't make it and a larger parasitic demon plants itself on him. Angel's in a field sitting on a chair. Approached by the rest of the gang, they reassure him that he can stay there for as long as he wants. Suddenly they all start screaming one by one. Spike's in Angel's penthouse and he's removed the parasite off Angel. Soon the rest of the gang are there, including Eve. Wesley tells Angel what it was and Lorne praises Spike for saving Angel. Suspicion turns to Eve when Angel remembers her there. As Eve leaves she tries to plant suspicion back within the group.

99. Damage

In the psychiatric wing of a hospital a patient is seen to be knocked out through the drugs he's been given. Seems there's been a mix up and that patient got someone else's dose. Dr. Rabinaw, the doctor in charge, quickly checks the charts and his heart sinks when he finds out who's meds he's got and who didn't get theirs. The door of a patients' room is being knocked at from the inside, hard. Suddenly it's broken down and a young girl walks through, Dana. The doctor tries to calm her but she breaks lose and kills two guards after which Dr. Rabinaw runs off. She wipes the blood off one of her victims onto her face and walks away. In the Wolfram & Hart offices Gunn and Fred are on their way to Angel's office, talking a bit more about what else has been put into Gunn's head. Another addition seems to have been golf. At Angel's office discussion is on Eve. There's been no sign of her. Angel feels as though he should fire her but Gunn doesn't think it's a good idea because of her connection to the senior partners. Harmony enters the room and tells Angel about a crazy girl who's escaped from the local psychiatric hospital, and she almost forgets to tell them that she seems to be possessed. Wesley suggests putting a team together, but Angel disagrees and says he'll go in person to see things through, because of the nature of the possession. Angel arrives at the hospital and also it seems Spike's got wind of this girl and he's there too. Angel questions the doctor and both Spike and Angel are taken to Dana's room. There they find drawings of girls with demons and other monsters. Spike takes a drawing and heads off to find the possessed. Angel sticks around and a nurse tells him that there's some things that the doctor doesn't want Angel to see.

Dana is now in the outside world. She's eating from the shelves of a supermarket. A clerk tells her to stop but she only breaks his arms. She goes in search of clothing and is confronted by a security guard whom she kills. Meanwhile the nurse takes Angel to see some videos of Dana in the sessions she had with Dr. Rabinaw. Angel recognises the language in which Dana speaks momentarily, it's Romanian. At the supermarket Spike's tracking down Dana's trail and seems to be getting close. Back to Angel, who calls Wesley and tells him that it's not a possession they're dealing with. It's a vampire slayer. Spike has tracked down Dana to a warehouse. Dana smiles in a slightly deranged way and a fight ensues. Dana manages to get hold of a piece of wood and uses it as a stake and then chucks Spike out of the window. Angel then arrives and tells Spike to back off, because he doesn't know what he's dealing with. Angel & Spike arrive back at the W&H offices, Spike trying to get his head round the idea of a psychotic vampire slayer. Angel tells Spike that Wesley called Giles and got his top man working here on this job. As they enter the conference room Spike's met with a teary eyed Andrew.

Andrew's completely speechless about Spike's resurrection, but gets back on the job. He wants to explain the whole slayer thing and proceeds to. He fills the Angel gang in on what Willow did, magic wise, which caused Dana to be a slayer as well. But Dana was an anomaly who wasn't seen by anyone else. For Dana the slayer dreams a potential has have come true, she can't separate reality from fantasy. Spike's about to leave to go and find the girl himself but Angel tries to coax him back but it doesn't work. Elsewhere Dana's wondering alone having flashbacks to the time she was kidnapped. At W&H Lorne has the idea to go back to the house where all of what's happened to Dana really began, it's the only lead they have. Spike's run into Andrew on his hunt for Dana and they find another victim of her's. Lorne's brought a psychic in, Vernon, to read the house in which Dana used to live. He finds out that Dana was taken to a basement which smells of molasses. Dana's having more flashbacks, this time her latest features a needle with Spike holding it. Andrew & Spike have a run in with Dana. Andrew's knocked out cold. Spike runs after the fleeing Dana.

Dana's in a basement of some sort. Spike tries to coax her out and explain to her what's going on. But Spike gets stabbed with a needle with some liquid in it. He gets weakened and Dana drags him away. At the W&H offices they're still trying to narrow down the search. Suddenly Andrew comes in saying that he knows where it is. Spike wakes up from whatever's happened to him. He's extremely drowsy. As he looks down he sees that Dana's cut his hands off. He tries to explain to Dana that she's got her memories and dreams mixed up. She can't take things in. Angel suddenly arrives and grabs Dana from behind. A fight breaks out but Angel has backup and on call 3 tranquilizer darts head straight for Dana. She gets strapped up and ready to be transported elsewhere. Spike's taken to the nearest hospital by Fred. Andrew stops Angel and Wesley as they try to take Dana away. She's one of them, as a large group of slayer appear from nowhere. Andrew tells Angel that their side don't trust him anymore. Buffy doesn't trust him. The slayers and Andrew take Dana away. Later Angel visits Spike in hospital. Seems the two vampires now have a better understanding of one another.

100. You're Welcome

Angel & the gang are tracking down someone and find five dead nuns. The guy they're tracking as done a runner even though he's a client of theirs. Angel can't seem to take the fact that they're dealing with evil people and so walks out of the room, saying he quits. The next morning the gang is gathered in Angel's office to discuss Angel's pending resignation. Gunn thinks it's a bad idea, and Fred's trying to persuade Angel not to resign. In the middle of everything Angel gets a phone call, it's Cordy. Angel and Wesley enter a hospital room. Cordy comes over and draws a curtain for another patient in a bed next to hers. Angel greets Cordy with a hug. Wesley, in turn hugs her and compliments her on how she looks. Cordy's dying to get out of there, but Angel & Wesley forgot to bring her some clothes so they say they'll take her shopping. Cordy's over the moon, says she can't wait, especially since she feels she's not ready to go back to the hotel. The lift doors open at the Wolfram & Hart offices, Cordy's reluctant to come out, insisting that she can't. When she finally does she gets a fright from one of Archduke's slaves who's around the offices. Angel tries to calm her and asks if she wants to see his office. In the office the whole gang is there. They all welcome Cordy back, suddenly Harmony comes bouncing in. Shocks come again to Cordy, as she wonders why Harmony's working for Angel since the last time they met she tried to kill them. Angel feels he needs to talk to Cordy on her own and the rest of the gang get back to work.

Angel tries to convince Cordy that they're doing good there, but Cordy insists the powers woke her up for a reason. She had a vision, while in her coma about tattoos on walls and on flesh. Eve arrives in Angel's private lift looking for him. Angel's furious that she's been let in the building. Eve sees Cordy and asks Angel who this is. Cordy tells her and Eve seems less than pleased to see her there. Eve leaves Angel's office, as she leaves Angel tells Harmony to put a permanent tracker on her while she's in the building. Cordy follows Angel and tries to tell him that he's made a deal with the devil, accepting the W&H offices. Elsewhere Spike's playing on his X-Box in his apartment. Lindsey soon arrives and asks why Spike hasn't been out and about. Spike reminds Lindsey about his thing with the hands and Lindsey tells Spike he understands because he had his hand chopped off once. Spike reassures Lindsey, as soon as he gets a vision he'll go out. Lindsey gets a call, it's Eve telling Lindsey that Cordy's awake, Lindsey reassures Eve and says they'll be a change of plans.

Angel arrives at his penthouse where Cordy's watching the tape of Doyle that was made when Cordy was trying to make adverts for Angel Investigations. Angel sees her, she can't sleep, she's had enough sleep. Conversation again turns to Angel accepting the W&H offices. Cordy says he's just been seduced by it all. Then Angel tells Cordy about Conner, he gave him a new life and the only way he could have done that was to accept the offer. That's why only him and Cordy can remember him. All other memories of him have been wiped from everyone else's memories. Cordy's less than pleased when Angel tells her that. Cordy reminds Angel about the Powers that Be and that she's there for a reason, for him. Angel then tells Cordy about Spike, he's the new champion. Cordy can't quite grasp what she's just been told and what's going on. But she does reassure Angel telling him she's there to get him back on track. The next day Cordy and Wesley are researching the tattoos Cordy saw, old style, like they used to. Cordy apologises to Wesley about killing Lilah, Wesley reassures her saying that everyone knows that it wasn't really her. Then by chance Cordy finds the book with the tattoos in them. They're symbols to keep something or someone hidden.

Lindsey appears to be in the W&H building wearing a maintenance person's overall. He goes into a restricted area where he passes through laser beams un-detected and goes unseen by a security camera. He gets to a demon, kills it and takes what looks like a crystal from it. In the offices Cordy appears to be lost. Spike comes from nowhere and attacks and bites Cordy. Angel leaps onto him and tears him off Cordy. Spike tells Angel that he was told by someone that she didn't have a soul, and he was just testing her out. Spike's soul told Spike that she was in fact not evil. Spike lets slip that this guy calls himself Doyle, he gets visions and he has tattoos. Eve spies what's going on and calls Lindsey. Angel and Cordy appear behind her and ask to have a word.

The whole gang are in the office and Angel interrogates Eve. She says nothing, then when Cordy mentions torture Harmony jumps and starts just that on Eve, says she's willing to do it for the team. After a few punches Eve tells them what's going on. There's something in the basement designed by the senior partners to kill only Angel if they could no longer keep him under their thumb. Doyle/Lindsey is going to release it. Angel asks Spike if there's anything else he knows about Doyle, and he tells Angel that he had his hand cut off. They now know who it is, it's Lindsey back for revenge. The gang split up, Angel, Spike & Cordy go to the basement, Harmony watches Eve while Fred, Gunn, Lorne & Fred try and find a way to remove the tattoos from Lindsey. In the basement Spike, Cordy & Angel are met by zombies when they trip the laser beams. Spike deals with them as Cordy & Angel head off to get to Lindsey. They find Lindsey, only he's not exactly the same as he used to be. He has no problem flinging Angel half way across the room. Cordy goes to see if she can shut down the rather large machine in there while Lindsey & Angel duel it out. At first it looks like Lindsey has the upper hand, but a spark sparks in Angel and he regains it and pummels Lindsey to kingdom come. Cordy manages to stop the machine releasing whatever was in there and Lindsey tattoos are removed by Wesley's spell. Meaning that the senior partners can now see him and he's sucked up to god knows where.

All the gang reunite in the lobby to see Eve off down the lift. They all decide to go out for a drink together. Angel goes to grab his coat and Cordy goes with him. Cordy tells Angel that she's put him back on his track and she can't stay. She says a tearful goodbye and then quickly rushes back into his office to give Angel a kiss. They embrace and then the phone begin to ring. She tells Angel that he has to get that one. As Angel gets the phone Cordy says, you're welcome. Angel gets the phone, he seems bemused. It's the hospital, they tell her Cordelia's dead, Angel can't believe it as she was just there. She never did wake from her coma.

101. Why We Fight

Lawson, a mysterious man from Angel's past, arrives at Wolfram & Hart and takes the gang hostage. Through flashbacks to World War II, it is revealed that Angel worked with the U.S. Navy to recover a captured German submarine with American sailors on board. The ship also has a secret cargo, a dangerous trio of vampires, including Spike, who were kidnapped by the Germans and forced to help the Nazis. When the sub comes under attack, Angel saves Lawson's life by turning him into a vampire. Now, sixty years later, Lawson has arrived at Wolfram & Hart seeking revenge.

102. Smile Time

When a popular children's show begins to steal the life forces of children by hypnotizing them, Angel goes directly to the studio to uncover the evil doings. Upon entering the building, Angel triggers a spell that transforms him into a puppet. In a race against time, puppet-Angel and company must find a way to reverse the spell, save the lives of hundreds of children and return Angel to his normal vampire state. Meanwhile, Nina, the werewolf Angel befriended, returns to declare her romantic intentions, but puppet-Angel is too embarrassed to reciprocate.

103. A Hole in the World

When Fred opens up an ancient sarcophagus that was anonymously sent to her, she is infected by a mysterious parasitic demon called Illyria. Angel and Spike learn that Illyria is an ancient demon who existed before recorded time, and they must race to return her to an ancient demon burial ground before she kills Fred and thousands of other innocent victims.

104. Shells

Angel and Spike return from England defeated, knowing that the ancient demon Illyria has completely taken over Fred's body and soul. Upon learning that Knox and Gunn have each contributed to her demise, Wesley is bent on revenge and Angel tries everything to restore Fred, including calling on an old friend from Sunnydale. Meanwhile, Illyria tries to locate an ancient temple where she believes she will find an army ready to help her destroy mankind.


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