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CODEPINKers bring Mother's Day message to the White House (photos [2] courtesy of Codepink) |
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Activists in Olympia block a caravan loading for the Iraq war on May 24. Seven were arrested. (photo courtesy of the Portland IMC) |
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America's first woman GI to declare herself a conscientious objector, Katherine Jashinski, was denied a discharge and courtmartialed on May 23rd. She is serving a 120 day prison sentence. |
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May, 2006 - Click Here for a brief monthly synopsis. -------------------------------------- New Hampshire, 5/31 - Anti-war protests target lawmakers The slogan is the rallying cry of New Hampshire Peace Action, which organized similar protests at all 14 congressional offices throughout the state Wednesday. They are demanding a clear exit strategy for the war and an open debate in the House about the war. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Olympia, 5/31 - Update on Olympia Port Protest Anti-war protestors maintained a presence on Olympia's Port Plaza throughout the night and built a structure and other creative art projects to express their outrage against the war and the use of Olympia's port to ship military equipment for the Stryker Brigade to the war in Iraq. A banner flown from the lookout tower read "Against all Terrorism" and featured the visages of both GW Bush and Osama bin Laden. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Olympia, 5/30 - Fence Breached by Protestors at Port of Olympia 120 people are Protesting at the Port of Olympia right now. 5:40pm The fence has been breached by protestors but it doesn't look like protestors have entered the facility. Snork of Free Radio Olympia 98.5 FM is calling for people to come down and join the protest. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Chicago, 5/30 - Photos: Memorial Day Action Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Olympia, 5/30 - Port of Olympia protest Tuesday About 10-12 people were arrested, and police pepper-sprayed something sweet-smelling, dousing 2 heavily Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- DC, 5/29 - Report from Silent Vigil protest at the home of John Negroponte We in the DC Anti-War Network (DAWN) Weekly Action Group returned to Director of National Intelligence's Negroponte's 3100 Cleveland Avenue NW home last night for a silent vigil in memorial for the dead and tortured throughout the world (specifically, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Iraq) and instead were welcomed to the strange security world of John Negroponte. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Olympia, 5/29 - USNS Pomeroy Enters Port of Olympia: Police Pepper Spray Non-violent Protestors Thurston County sheriffs and possibly also Olympia police used the opportunity to pepper spray at least 20 protestors, even affecting people who were not shaking the fence. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Afghanistan, 5/29 - Economic unease, gangsters blamed for street protests Anti-American sentiments also run high after Monday's deadly military accident Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Vermont 5/29 - Arrests at Vernon Nuke Warnings posted at Vermont Yankee (nuclear power plant). BRATTLEBORO, Vermont. After painting and posting warnings at the Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor driveway in Vernon, six women and the videographer accompanying them were arrested Tuesday morning, May 29, at Entergy headquarters on Old Ferry Road. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Philadelphia, 5/28 - Memorial Day Exhibit Shows Tragedy of Iraq War 2500 mock tombstones dotted the lawn in front of the Constitution Center this Memorial Day as part of "Arlington North". The exhibit, named after Arlington National Cemetery, brings a personal touch to the rising number of dead and wounded in the US' war on Iraq. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Miami Beach, 5/28 - Arlington South Beach - Memorial Day 2006 Veterans for Peace, Miami-Dade Chapter and Democracy for America Miami-Dade (DFAM), want to remind you that there is a war going on! They have put up 1000 memorial headstones between 10th & 11th Street on Ocean Drive in Miami Beach to represent the 2,513 American soldiers who have died in Iraq as of yesterday. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- West Point Academy, 5/27 - Images: Protest Against George Bush at West Point Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Olympia, 5/24 - Nine more arrested in protests against Iraq-bound U.S. Army convoys Nine more people were arrested in protests against the delivery of Iraq-bound military vehicles to the Port of Olympia, bringing the total arrested to 16 in three days, police said. Demonstrators blocked a street to prevent a convoy from reaching the port Wednesday. In contrast to the quiet arrests of six people Tuesday and one Monday, scuffling, shouting and screaming arose as some protesters were carried to a van. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Portland, daily - Get Activist - One guy's tale, "One Man Parade" One man's answer to the question, 'What can I do to stop BushCo's dismantling of our Democracy for his Imperialistic fantasy?' How one guy calls hundreds of Portlanders to action each day, as part of his regular routine... Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Chicago, 5/24 - Chicagoans Protest ATT For Bringing "Tiers", Privacy, Corruption Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Sydney, 5/23 - Sheehan in Sydney: "its time to withdraw our consent" About 1000 people attended the Seymour Centre in Sydney on 23rd May to hear Cindy Sheehan and Dr Salaam Ismael. ...."It was about stealing their oil, it was about making their country devasted, so our companies, like Halliburton and Bechtel and Blackwater Security and Exxon and KBR, could profit." Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Olympia, 5/23 - Action at the Port Of Olympia Today In protest of the illegal war in Iraq and the militarization of the Olympia Port, community members came together to take a stand. The day started out with a group of around 30 holding signs on the corners of State and Plum/East Bay. After 12 noon, much of the group moved closer to the entrance of the port. A group of 10 formed a blockade to stop one of the convoys around 1:30. Eight people were arrested after stopping the convoy for about 30 minutes. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Ft. Benning, 5/23 - Ft. Benning C.O. Katherine Jashinski Sentenced for Refusal First Female Conscientious Objector Sentenced for Refusing Deployment to Afghanistan Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Sacramento, 5/23 - Sacramento to Cheney: You Suck, Dick (and Doolittle, too)! Several hundred Sacramento progressives led by the California Nurses Association (CNA) did not welcome Dick Cheney during his visit to the Sacramento. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- London, 5/23 - Police Target UK Anti-War Protester and Make off with Banners The veteran peace activist Brian Haw was stripped of his anti-war banners and placards by up to 50 police officers in an early-morning raid in Parliament Square yesterday. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Boston, 5/23 - Members of BC Community Hang Protest Banner During Rice Address Three people hung a banner reading "BC Honors Lies & Torture" during the Boston College commencement address by Condoleezza Rice. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- DC, 5/21 - I protested George Bush at my (GW) College Graduation ....We stood up and turned our backs to him.....Because there comes a time when silence is betrayal... Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Boston, 5/22 - Amid protests, Rice meets the press Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice sees no inconsistency between being one of the architects of the U.S. invasion of Iraq and accepting an honorary degree from a Catholic college. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- NY City, 5/20 - Protests, scattered boos mark McCain's speech at New School in NYC Dozens of faculty members and students at the New School turned their backs and raised signs to protest an appearance by Sen. John McCain at their graduation ceremony. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- DC, 5/20 - Hands off Venezuela and Cuba - Pictures of Malcolm X Park Rally Todays rally and march on Washington was organized by a broad group of national and local organizations and individuals. The marchers demanded an end to the U.S. government's campaign of lies, threats, and sanctions against Venezuela and Cuba. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Sarasota Springs, 5/20 - Alliance For Democracy Protests Sweeny and McCain Fundraiser ...a coalition of irate citizens organized by the Alliance for Democracy protested a $150-$1000 a plate fundraising reception and luncheon for Representative John Sweeney featuring Senator John McCain at the Saratoga Springs City Center, 522 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Oregon, 5/20 - Successful Peace Vigil in Strip Mall Territory Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Santa Barbara, 5/20 - Dems Unite & Collectively Flip Duncan Hunter the Bird San Diego Republican Hack Told: Get Out of Dodge and Don't Show Your Militaristic, Ecologically Insensitive, Anti-Immigrant Mug 'Round Here… Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- DC, 5/19 - Home demos heat up! Protestors detained at Negroponte's home, and Bill Frist also visited For the third time in five days, protestors visited the homes of notorious war pigs! This time we chose as targets the palatial home of Sen Majority leader Bill Frist, and of Intelligence Czar John Negroponte, a notorious war criminal. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Berkeley, 5/19 - "Impeach Bush" Freeway Messages Every friday morning for the last few weeks, activists from Berkeley and Oakland have been soliciting the opinion of morning commuters by putting up signs declaring "Impeach Bush - Cheney" on the Berkeley pedestrian overpass over Highway 80. The response from drivers is overwhelmingly positive, but there is an occasional middle-finger or a shout to "Get a job!" Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Virginia, 5/19 - Interesting Signs at the Drake-Bush Fundraiser Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- DC, 5/18 - Many, including, McGovern and Sheehan, now holding Rumsfeld's house under siege I've just gotten back from the action outside of Donald Rumsfeld's Kalorama home, which is still ongoing, and I must say I was impressed. People took the streets and blocked much of Connecticut Avenue, ironically forcing cars to take Kalorama, which was then inundated by protesters. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- DC, 5/18 - Sheehan Labels Bush"s White House: "A Crime Scene!" On Thursday afternoon, May 18, 2006, over a hundred protesters, led by Cindy Sheehan, exercised a right older than the U.S. Constitution itself: the "Right of Petition." The Right of Petition existed at Common Law and was re-declared in the "Assemble and Petition Clauses" of our First Amendment. Nevertheless, when the activists attempted to deliver to a White House official, a list of over 43,000 names of people, who oppose any U.S. military assault on Iran, it was arrogantly refused. An outraged Sheehan labeled George W. Bushs White House, "a crime scene!" The Petition, entitled, "Don't Attack Iran," was also endorsed by 75 groups and was directed to President Bush. (1) The location at the N/W gate, which fronts on Pennsylvania Avenue, where this incident took place, generated a media frenzy. Despite Sheehan's persistent pleas and the efforts of David Swanson, of the After Downing Street Coalition; Kevin Zeese of DemocracyRisingUS; Medea Benjamin of Code Pink: Women for Peace; Ray McGovern, an ex-CIA analyst; and many others, the White House bureaucrat wouldn't comply. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Oklahoma, 5/17 - 16 Citizens Attempt Citizens' Arrest of Halliburton CEO at the Shareholder's Meeting DUNCAN, OK -- On May 17th, 2006, sixteen people from all over the Heartland attempted a citizens' arrest of David Lesar at the Halliburton Shareholders' meeting in Duncan, Oklahoma. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Oregon, 5/16 - Guard agrees to alter sign Oregon National Guard officials said they will change a recruiting sign at the National Guard Armory this week after a group of activists began camping out near the building in protest of the military's recruiting practices. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Portland, 5/16 - Report: Tuesday vigil at the Recruiting Center 14 people gathered at the recruiting center for the weekly vigil. It was sunny and hot and people held signs, chalked the sidewalk, and flyered. Each week a flyer with the names of the dead U.S. soldiers is handed out. This past week there were 31 dead. It is impossible to count the Iraqi dead. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- DC, 5/15 - Protestors visit recruiters, blow air horns at Wolfowitz's home Two excellent protests were staged yesterday: One at the 1099 14th st military recruiters, and the other at World Bank president Wolfowitz's home at 7104 Pinehearst Parkway, where air horns shattered the still of the night. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Oakland, 5/15 - Oakland Protest Celebrates Right to Not Fight Wars May 15th is International Conscientious Objector Day 2006 For over 20 years, May 15th has been celebrated as International Conscientious Objectors Day. Each year activities are focused in a country where war objectors are being harassed or persecuted. This year the international focus is on the United States' denial of the right of soldiers to object. This year coordinated activities were held in the U.S. in New York, Washington DC, and the SF Bay Area. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Seattle, 5/15 - Seattle Raging Grannies Protest War at Recruiting Station About 35 people, many of them in clothing representing the time of Julia Ward Howe's 1870 Mother's Day Proclamation, showed up at the Army/Navy recruiting station at 23rd and Jackson to protest the Iraq war. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Korea, 5/14 - S.Korea to push US base relocation, protests go on PYONGTAEK, South Korea (Reuters) - Thousands of South Koreans protested again on Sunday against plans to relocate the main U.S. military base to south of the capital, as the defense ministry prepared to extensively survey the site. About 4,000 protesters confronted thousands of police and an unidentified number of soldiers outside the fenced-off site, said a Pyongtaek police official, who declined to be named. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Madison, 5/13 - Media hide truth: 9/11 was inside job Last Saturday, former Bush administration official Morgan Reynolds drew an enthusiastic capacity crowd to the Wisconsin Historical Society auditorium. It is probably the first time in Historical Society history that a political talk has drawn a full house on a Saturday afternoon at the beginning of final exams. Reynolds, the former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis, and the ex-top economist for George W. Bush's Labor Department, charged the Bush administration with gross malfeasance, and proposed the prosecution of top administration officials. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- White House, 5/13 & 5/14- Code Pink Challenges White House Code Pink activists showed up on Mother's Day to challenge the War Party. They took their case directly to the White House. In a rally that included a mini-parade, speeches, a sing along and the waving of plenty of roses, the Ladies in Pink were in great form. Cindy Sheehan said they are "making a difference." And, Actress Susan Sarandon read an open letter to Laura Bush, in which she mocked Laura's husband, "The Decider," as a warmonger. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- NY City, 5/12 - Activists Protest Rising Gas Prices Through Cross-Country Bike Ride Student Activists from two universities will be Bicycling cross-country from New York City, to Portland OR as part of the Bikes Against Big Oil campaign, to express concern over rising gas prices. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Boston, 5/8 - Rice's Honorary Degree Sparks Protests Bush Policies Contradict School's Policies, Protesters Say. An honorary degree for Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is stirring up controversy at Boston College. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- DC, 5/8 - Stephen Colbert Speech Vetted by Secret Service Stephen Colbert's speech: Did he give a fake version to the Secret Service before presenting the actual version at the White House Press Dinner? Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Oklahoma, 5/6 - Bush gets support of a Pedophile in Oklahoma The lone Bush supporter at Oklahoma State University's commencement last Saturday has been discovered as a multiple offence felon for pedophilia and giving minors drugs. George W. Bush gave the commencement address, which was protested by 1,000 concerned citizens critizing the state of the nation. It was his first and probably last visit to the state as president. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Global, 5/6 - Round up of `Don't attack Iran` International day of Action Saturday May 6th. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- South Korea, 5/6 - Martial Law Declared in Korean Village 1,000's clash in resistance to U.S. base expansion. May 6th - The Korean Ministry of National Defense has declared martial law in the village of Daechuri and surrounding areas in its latest attempt to seize the land slated to be property of the United States military. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- LA, 5/6 - Marcy Winograd Delivers Arrest Warrant to Sec of State, McPherson Marcy Winograd, candidate for Congress, 36th District (LA-Beach Cities), attempts to present an arrest warrant to Republican appointed Sec of State Bruce McPherson who was "NOT IN!" Fearing a repeat of the Ohio fiasco, Winograd demands verifiable voting. Her supporters demonstrated in front of the Secretary's office last weekend. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Kent State Univ., 5/4 - May 4th Commemoration On Thursday May 4, there was an annual commemoration of the May 4th shootings at Kent State University where four students were shot and killed and nine were wounded during a series of protests against the ongoing war in Vietnam and specifically the US invasion of Cambodia. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Portland, 5/2 - Report: Tuesday Vigil At The Recruiting Center I went to the recruiting center for the Tuesday vigil. I was surprised at the number of people waving and honking. Not just the number but the level of interest and energy expressed was decidedly higher than the previous weeks I went Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Sacramento, 5/1 - Impeach Bush rally in Sacramento Hey, hey, ho ho Bush and Cheney have got to go. This chant, sung by a group of about 50 protesters in front of the Sacramento Convention Center on Saturday morning held even more meaning, as California has become the second state in which a proposal to impeach President Bush has been introduced in the state legislature. But unlike Illinois, the only other state to adopt such a proposal, Californias includes Cheney as well. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- Nicaragua, 5/1 - Anti-war demonstration at British consulate in Nicaragua On May 1, an anti-war demonstration (including "street theatre") was held at the British Consulate in Nicaragua. The demonstrators denounced British participation in the invasion and occupation of Iraq as an active partner with the U.S. government. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- DC, 5/1 - Americans rally for Darfur Protests push US action on genocide Tens of thousands of Americans from across the country rallied here yesterday to demand an end to genocide in Sudan's Darfur region, marking the first massive US outcry since the government-backed killings of civilians erupted there in 2003 Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- South Korea, 5/1 - Protests Continue Against US Military Base Expansion Protestors and farmers continue to occupy land in Pyongtaek set aside for the expansion of a U.S. military base, threatening to plant spring rice crops despite the government's plan to evict them. Click Here for the complete article. -------------------------------------- NYC, 5/1 - Protests held for Guantanamo Bay prison closure Protesters seeking a shutdown of the Guantanamo Bay US prison camp marched to the US Mission to the United Nations on Monday. They also held an interfaith service in its entryway after building owners asked New York police not to arrest them. Click Here for the complete article. --------------------------------------