The Goddess and God of Wicca

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THE GODDESS AND GOD OF WICCA "For though there be that are called Gods, whether in heaven or in the earth, as there be Gods many and Lords many." St. Paul in I Corinthians 8:5. God is the King God above all Gods, Psalms 82:1;95:3. King David dances praises before the Gods, Psalms 96:4;138-1

"Those, who believe not in the Hereafter (Islam), give the angels (Goddesses) female names;" The Quran

Old English Wicca has God and Goddess; our Great Mother and Great Father.

Many folks have asked me, "how could you stop worshipping God and change to worshipping the God and Goddess of the Witches?" The answer is, I haven't changed Gods, I still worship God. I just discovered the Goddess. What's really shocking is I discovered her from the bible! It was my grandfather that first introducted me to the Goddess in the bible. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." God is translated from the Hebrew Elohim. Elohim (translated only as God) is a plural, feminine, and masculine noun. The translators of the bible have completely ignored the feminine half of Elohim and simply wrote God.

The word Elohim itself doesn't identify the number of Gods or Goddesses in it's meaning. However, we can find that out in another part of the myth: "So Elohim (God) created people (man) in their own image, in the image of Elohim (God) created they (he) them (him); male and female created they (he) them." We all know that one man Adam and one woman Eve were created in the image of the Elohim. Since two images, one female and one male were created, it is only logical that the Elohim are two images, one Goddess and one God. Elohim before Hebrew was invented, was a Canaanite word meaning one God and one Goddess. Some will argue that the second chapter of Genesis says that woman was created later from the rib of a man and not simultaneously with man? This is true, the second chapter does say that. However, the second chapter of Genesis is a completely different creation story. Even another God creates heaven and earth; Jehovah, translated as "Lord God" created the universe in one day in Genesis 2:4. The Elohim weren't that good and took six days.

According to the Book of Invasions and Julius Caesar, the Celts are descendants of Goddess Dana (known as Mother Nature today) and the God of the Underworld (known as the Grim Reaper today). We are the literal children of this Goddess and God. AntiWitches have laughed at our claim, but their own bible says in Genesis 6:4 "The Sons of God came in (sex) unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." In fact, the Jewish/Christian God not only had son but has daughters also, Isa. 43:6. If God had sons and daughters who did he have them with? His wife or wives of course.

The Celts (Wiccans) aren't the only ones to claim divine descent. The Japanese imperial family are descended from Amaterasu, a Sun Goddess. The Pharaohs of Egypt were the children of Ra and Isis.

Wiccans have a pantheism of many Gods and Goddesses, but all Gods and Goddesses are just one Goddess and one God. Even Origen (AD 185-254) head of the Christian school of Alexandria said the Druids (likely Wiccans ) "worshipped the one God." God/dess have appeared in different forms and at different times to match that culture's expectation of them. The various forms that God/dess appeared in were necessary to convey a message, at a certain time, and to a certain people in a way they could understand. This explains why there appears to be so many Gods and Goddesses, but there is only one.

The Triple God/dess indwell all people and Sigmund Freud identifies this indwelling as the Id, Ego, and Superego.

We view our God/dess with human characteristics. They can be angry, lustful, happy, sad, good or bad, just like humans. Many of them had sex, some even die and are reborn. They are shape shifters and can take any form. They aren't perfect or all-knowing, but they keep a close watch on their children.

In Old English Wicca, the Goddess and God are equal and interdependent, which agrees with the Council of American Witches, Principles of Wiccan Belief, article 4.

Early American Wicca (50's-60's) held God was greater than Goddess. Gerald Gardener insisted that God and men were over Goddess and women. Margaret Murray said that worship is centered on the Horned God with a male leader.

Many American Wiccans today consider the Goddess to be greater than the God. This is the result of American Wicca being adopted and adapted by the feminist movement in the 1960's. (Various Feminist covens don't even acknowledge God because they have adhered to the Ultra Right view of God.) One Wiccan writer trying to make an excuse for excluding God in the circle said there is more emphisis on the Goddess because there is already so much emphisis on God. But this emphis is the Ultra Right viewpoint of God where you obey or be thrown in hell. Not a Pagan idea of God. We Wiccans should be emphisiing our view of God and not just accept the very harsh Ultra Right view of God. There is no excuse to exclude the Wiccan God from our circle. In all of the history of Witchcraft and the sacred lore there is not one shred of evidence of God ever being excluded!

Goddess superiority over God and vise-versa doesn't exist historically or in the sacred lore. In Celtic society, women had equal, not superior say in matters. Men and women fought and died together in war. Celtic Kings and Queens had equal power. In Celtic myths, there are many examples of a God over a Goddess and a Goddess over a God. For example, Dagda is the father to Dana - the greatest of Danann Goddesses. Arianrhod was the mother to Lludd - a Warrior God. Macha, the War Goddess was killed in battle by the God Balor. Ernmas, the Mother Goddess of Ireland's Triple Goddesses of War was also killed in battle. Lugh, a Warrior God was made King of the Dananns and gave orders to several Goddesses. In the Cattle Raid of Cooley, Queen Maeve is protected by Cuchulainn after losing a battle. A superior Goddess wouldn't need a God to protect her!

Most American Wiccans have heard of the Triple Goddess. It may be surprising to some when I say there is also a Triple God. Many Celtic archaeological finds display a God and Goddess in triple form. Triple faced head pieces, relief carvings of triple Gods and triple Goddesses have been found at many ancient Celtic religious sites.

We view our God and Goddess in triple forms, therefore we have a Triple Goddess and Triple God.

GODDESS: "O holy Goddess, whom our fathers have adored under three different forms,..."3 "For tho thre formes that thou hast in thee."4 "Now tell me about L\'e1t and Uzz\'fa; and Man\'e1t, the third one, another goddess."6 St. Augustine wrote, "How can a Goddess be three persons and one at the same time?"

She is viewed as the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Sometimes in the sacred myths, the Crone will take on the role of the Maiden or the Mother. This is because they are actually one Goddess.

The Apostle Paul writing to the Celts in Galata acknowledged the Goddess: "But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the Mother of us all," Galations 4:26 Today many of the new religions reject the existence of the Goddess, but their own bible predicts her return. "We have also a more sure word of prophecy: whereunto do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the morning star rises in your hearts," 2 Peter 1:19. Of course the morning star is the planet Venus, named for the Goddess Venus.

Another very interesting verse in the bible, where Jesus Christ claims to be descendant from the Morning Star Goddess. "I, Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright morning star," Revelations 22:16.

The Triple Goddess (her highest form) is three and one. She is the Celtic example of womanhood. She is beautiful, a good mother, and the giver of good advice. Her colors from the sacred lore and from the three stones of Carnedd of Moelfre (Britain) are red, white, and blue.

The Maiden Goddess: Is young and beautiful. She reminds us to enjoy life to the fullest. Often called the Hunter Goddess. What is she hunting for? Men of course!

She is often called the "Virgin Goddess" and most people think that she did not have sex! This is untrue, she actually did have quite a bit of sex as Diana's Temple at Ephesus will attest. There she was also called "the many breasted Goddess" and she was a fertility Goddess. A virgin is a woman not "attached" to any one man. A woman under the authority of a man (married) was prohibited from entering Diana's temple, the penalty was death.

Her examples are Artemis, Diana, Brigit, Blodeuwedd, Cinderella, Snow White, Aphrodite, Asherah, Guinevere, Liberty, the Bride in Revelations, and others. Her symbol is the crested moon and her colors are silver1 and white.2

In America, during the 1800's, the Maiden Goddess Liberty was placed on coins and many art works display her holding a chalice, the Holy Grail. One painting has an eagle (the Father God's symbol) drinking from the Grail while held by the Goddess Liberty.

There are many descriptions of the Goddess. But the description from The Golden Ass by Apuleius, from the second century A.D. describes her like so:

"I fell asleep and I dreamed of a divine sea. Then as the moon rose from the sea, a glorious face, worshipped even by the Gods themselves also rose. Then, little by little, as the moon rose, she rose from the sea and walking upon the shore. I could see her whole lovely body, glowing bright. She walked from the sea and stood right in front of me. Her hair was thick, long, flowing, and curled. She wore many garlands with flowers in her hair, and in the middle of her forehead was a crested moon. The crest had serpents on each side. Above the crest blades of corn shot out. Her clothing was of many colors and it's brightness hurt my eyes. The colors were shinny white, yellow, and flaming red. Her cloak was shinny black, and it wrapped around her left arm to her right shoulder. Throughout the cloak stars twinkled and a crested moon was in the center of the cloak. This crested moon shone like a flame of fire and on the edges of the robe was a garland wreathing unbroken, made from all the flowers and all the fruits that the earth grows. In her right hand she had a tambourine of brass. In her left hand she held a cup of gold, the holy grail. The handle was an asp with an expanded throat. Her glorious feet were covered with shoes interlaced and imprinted with victorious palm. The divine shape, wore perfumes from Arabian spices. With her holy voice she spoke great words to me."

Asherah a triple Canaanite Goddess of the bible, according to the Ras Shamra Epic (15th century B.C.) she is the wife and sister to the Hebrew God. She is a Goddess of love and the sea and she's also known as the Greeks Aphrodite and the Romans Venus.

The Mother Goddess: Is the example of love. She reminds us of the importance to love others and ourselves.

She is the oldest of all known Goddesses. One of her statues discovered in now modern-day Turkey dates to 6,000 B.C. A carving of her is found in a prehistoric cave dating to 25,000 B.C. In Barkshire England, the iron age people carved out the White Horse of Uffington to symbolize her.

She is the Queen of the Night, in Mozart's opera The Magic Flute. Chaucer calls her, "Lucina the shining, that of the sea is chief Goddess and Queen."

Under the shadow of the Great Mother Goddess at Ephesus, the Christian Church (c. 431) seeking to absorb the Goddess from the Pagan religions turned, Mary mother of Jesus into the Mother of God and authorized her to receive worship and prayers.

Her examples from the myths are Arianrhod, Cordelia, the Queen of Heaven, Mother Nature, Dana, Ishtar, Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood, Mary Mother of God, Ashtoreth or Astarte, Diana of Ephesus, Epona/Rhiannon (the horse Goddess) and others. Her symbol is the full moon, the red cross, and the horse. Her colors are silver and red.

"And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman (Mother Goddess) clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: (the Zodiac) And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. (Note the Dragon can't harm the Goddess). And she brought forth a man child (the Sun/Warrior God), who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught (snatched before the Dragon could take him) up unto (The Father) God, and to his throne (to protect his child until he was grown when he could fight the Red Dragon). And the woman fled into the wilderness, (in hiding) where she hath a place prepared of (the Horned Hunter) God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days (years)." From Revelation chapter 12.

Ashtoreth, a Goddess of the bible, and one of the triple Goddesses of the Ras Shamra Epic. She's a Goddess of sex, war, marriage and fertility. King Solomon the wisest man in the world was her worshipper, I Kings 11:5 and II Kings 23:13.

The bible book Esther is really about a priestess of Ishtar. The name Esther is derived directly from Ishtar, the Goddess. Tradition in Persia required the King (Xerxes in Esther) to be married to the Goddess Ishtar (a charged Priestess). Esther in chapter 2 records the purification and selection process for this Priestess as duplicated in other ancient sources. Esther's banquet in Esther 2:18 is the wedding celebration of the Goddess to the King. It has been suggested that Ishtar and Easter (our spring Goddess) are the same Goddess and are connected to the Easter sabat. The bible book of Esther doesn’t appear in the dead seas scrolls.

The Crone Goddess: Sometimes she is ugly! She represents the pursuit of knowledge and truth. Often times truth is not pretty, but her rewards are great.

One day Niall, prince of Ireland went hunting with his brothers. While hunting they came across a repulsive and revolting old woman who was guarding a well. Her skin was black as coal. Her hair was like a coarse horse's tail. Her teeth stained and her mouth enlarged. Her eyes were solid black, her nose long and crooked. Her body was thin, diseased, and filled with tumors and ulcers. Her legs were twisted and thin, but her knees and ankles were thick. Her shoulders were broad and her nails long and green. The hunters were nearly overcome with thirst from the hunt and desired a drink from her well. As a price for the drink the old hag demanded a kiss. None of the brothers could accomplish this, except Niall. When he embraced and kissed her she transformed into the most beautiful woman that ever graced the Isle of Ireland.

Her examples from the myths are Morgan La Fay, Macha, Mother Goose (who originates from the triple Goddess Epona in her crone form), Persephone Queen of Hades, the Fairy Godmother, Hecate, and others. She is Queen of the Fairies and Shakespeare calls her Titania in his Midsummer Night's Dream. Edmund Spencer in The Faerie Queen (1590) calls her Gloriana. Her symbol is the dark or new moon. Her colors are silver, dark blue, and black. She appears in the Arthur legends as the old woman that marries Sir Gawain.

The bible mentions the Goddess extensively! She appears in the Old Testament as (Goddess) Wisdom. She's the consort of the bible's God, Proverbs 8:30 "daily his delight" is a sexual reference. She was always existent like God, Proverbs 8:23. She is a spirit, Exodus 28:3. Her spirit can fill a person just like the spirit of God does, Deut. 4:6. She is an angel of God, II Samuel 14:20. She has secrets, Job 11:6. Long life is promised to worshipers of this Goddess, Proverbs 9:11. She is the Holy One mentioned in Hab. 3:3. In Isaiah 24:14, "screech-owl" is a translation cover-up for the ancient Jewish Goddess Lilith.

In an attempt to cover-up the Goddess, AntiWitches claim that wisdom from the book of Proverbs is not a Goddess, but an attribute. Wisdom from the Hebrew is Chokmah, a female noun. Wisdom as being smart is another Hebrew word, Sekel. Chokmah is used for our Goddess Wisdom in Proverbs and the above verses.

She appears in the New Testament as Wisdom translated from the Greek word Sophia, a female noun. Sophia is a Goddess of Greek philosophers, also known as Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom. She is the Queen of the South in Luke 11:31 and Matt 12:42, by the way God came from the south (translated as teman) in Hab 3:4. She also appears as the Word in the New Testament. "In the beginning was the Word (Goddess Logos) and the Word was with God and the Word was God," John 1:1. The Goddess Persephone appears in the new testament book Jude 1:11 by her alternate name Core.

GOD: From The Second Battle of Moytura, "Lug, Dagda, and Ogma went to see the three Gods of the Danaans." Our God, whom is everybody's God - is viewed as Horned Provider or Hunter, Warrior, and Father. Sometimes the Father takes on the role of Hunter or Warrior and vice versa. This is because they are one God.

The Triple God is the Celtic example of manhood. He is a good Father, a good provider, and when needed, he is a good Warrior to protect his family and nation.

The Horned Hunter/Provider God: Often called the Horned God. He is the God of the hunter, farmer, and worker. He is the oldest of the known Gods. You can see his picture in Neolithic cave paintings in France dating to 45,000 B.C. In Dorset, England, the Iron Age people curved a huge image of him (Ole Horny) 180' by 45' out of chalk stone carrying a gigantic club and having an erect penis.

He is the God of death, winter, the hunt, play, dance, pleasurable sex, and the pleasurable gifts of life. Even today people use the term "I'm horny" to describe the desire for sex. Being horny is the spirit of the Horned God upon you. He's called the God of the Hunt, but what exactly is he hunting for? The same thing that all men are hunting for - food, money, and women! But not necessarily in that order.

He's the King of the Fairies, Shakespeare calls him Oberon in his A Midsummer Nights Dream. He reminds us that it's fine to party and be an animal sometimes.

Thomas Jefferson calls him nature's God in the Declaration of Independence and so does John Quincy Adams in a poem he wrote. He's the ghost of Christmas future in Dickens' A Christmas Carol.

He is Hercules. In his eleventh labor he went to the Hesperides for apples. Britain is the Hesperides and is renowned for apples. The White Islands of the white rocks from the Odyssey are the white cliffs of Dover.

Some of his examples are the Green Knight, Mabon, Robin Hood, Cernunnos (Herne), Pan, Baal, the Beast in Beauty and the Beast, and others. The oak tree, the phallus, horned serpent, and horns are his symbols. His colors are gold, green, and brown.

He is the tester of man's courage and integrity. As the Green Knight, he tested Sir Gawain and as "a terrible beast" he tested Cuchulainn (the greatest warrior of Ireland) by offering them to cut off his head provided he can do the same to them afterward. In the Mabinogian, during the wild hunt Arawn runs into him (Pwyll) and is tested for a whole year and a day in a most tempting way. Today the Horned God doesn't chop off heads, but he still tests the courage and integrity of men in his ritual of the wild hunt.

The Horned God (Herne) is mentioned in Shakespeare's Merry Wives Of Windsor. "There is an old tale about Herne the hunter, Is sometime a keeper here in Windsor forest, Doth all the wintertime, at still midnight, Walk round bout an oak, with great ragg'd horns; (Deer antlers) And there he blasts the tree, and takes the cattle, And makes milch kine yield blood, and shakes a chain (for trapping). In a most hideous and dreadful manner: You have heard of such a spirit, and well you know. The superstitious idle-headed eld received and did deliver to our age this tale of Herne the hunter for a truth."

There is a more ancient tale of him (Herne) appearing in the Mabinogion as a black man: "You will see a black man of large stature on the top of a mound. He had only one foot and one eye in the middle of his forehead. He is the guardian of these woods. He carries an iron spear in one hand that would require several men to carry. And you will see a thousand wild animals about him. And the next day Kynon traveled to the mound and asked the giant what power he had over all the wild animals? The giant then tapped the largest stag Kynon had ever seen with the butt of his iron spear and it cried out. Then from the woods came even more beasts of every sort. The black giant said, "eat," and all the animals lowed their heads respectfully and began to graze."

The Gawain Poet from the 14th century called him the Green Knight in his Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: "He was huge taller than most men. His back and chest were grim and immense, but he moved with grace. His hands, face, armor and shirt were all green. He wore a short tight tunic, worn close, and a merry mantle, sewn-in with fur that rippled as he rode, trimmed at the edges with white. Both mantle and hood thrown low on his back, below his flowing hair; And his smooth-webbed stocking, stretched taut on his legs, were green, all striped with embroidered silk, and his shining spurs were gold, and he wore no shoes. His clothes and his armor were glorious, this green Knight, his hair the color of his horse (green) and waving down his shoulders. A beard as thick as a bramble-bush grew from his chin and fell in front as far as the hair in back. He seemed to glow like lightning. He wore no helmet, no mail-shirt, no neck-armor, nothing against sword or arrow, nor carried a shield, nor swung a spear (because he's not a warrior). He had only a branch of holly in one hand (a peace symbol) and an ax in the other. The ax was monstrous, huge, a vicious weapon four feet wide, hammered of green steel and gold. With a polished blade and razor's edge. His hand held it by a thick staff, strong and straight and it had an iron handle. The handle carved with lovely green symbols and designs. The handle had embroidered and delicate tassels tied to it."

He even appears in the Bible! "He was a mighty hunter before the Lord (Father God): wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod (Hunter God) the mighty hunter before the Lord" Genesis 10:9.

He is also Baal of the Canaanites. Jeremiah 23:27, "Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal." Jehovah says this!!! So Jehovah is Baal and also our God too.

The gundestrup bowl, an archaeological find dating to 200 B.C. shows the Horned God holding a serpent.

Though he is the God of Death, he holds in his very hands the promise of rebirth. The Egyptian Book of the Dead: "I am the serpent, whose years are infinite. I lie down and die. I am reborn daily. I am the serpent Sa-en-ta, the dweller in the deep parts of the earth. I lie down in death. I am born, I become new, I renew my youth every day." The serpent is the symbol of rebirth after death.

Some people (AntiWitches) have claimed that our Horned God is Satan. This is a very old claim; even Chaucer in The Parson's Tale say's the Pater noster (our father the Horned God) is not the devil, but ignorant people call him that. According to the bible, Satan (whom I know doesn't exist) appears as an angel of light (II Cor. 11:14) a bright day star (Isa. 14:12). How AntiWitches could confuse our hairy old Horned God with an angel of light (Satan) is beyond me. Wicca has no God that's anything like the bible's Satan. Since the Apostle Paul admits the existence of other Gods and our Horned God doesn't fit the bibles' description of Satan; isn't it obvious that he's just one of those other Gods.

Besides the bible says that Satan's house can't be divided against itself (Luke 11:18). The house of Wicca is infested with division where pettiness, personality conflicts, and minor misunderstandings have lead to the breakdowns of many a coven.

I have been involved in the Craft for 17 years now. I have worshipped with Witches from all over the U.S., England, Germany, Spain, France, and even Turkey. Of the thousands of Wiccans I know, not one ever worshipped Satan. You have the American Council of Witches telling you we have no Satan. The Department of Defense in DA Pamphlet 165-13 says we don't worship Satan. You have before you the Air Force's first Wiccan minister who says "I don't worship Satan." By the Gods what more can be done?

Why do people think our Horned God is Satan? It's very simple, he wears horns. But for that matter so does God and Jesus Christ. In Habakkuk chapter 3 verse 4, God is described as "having horns coming out of his hand and there was the hiding of his power." And Revelation chapter 5 describes Jesus Christ, "a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes..." Today the halo is the new religions symbol of divinity. In ancient times, early Christianity, and for the Wizard today, horns are our symbols of divinity.

The Warrior God: The bright and refined God of Summer. He is the God of the police officer, the military, security guards, and those who protect. He teaches us the importance of responsibility and self-respect.

His examples are Sir Gawain, Prince Charming, Cuchulainn, Apollo, Lugh or Lleu Llaw Gyffes, Saint George and others. The Holly is his tree. The sharp defending leaves surrounding the red berries (symbols of the Mother Goddess) symbolizes the Warrior God's protective role. He is often called the Holly Lord or Holly King. The sun is his symbol. The sun sets, and in the morning it rises again - symbolizing life, death and rebirth. Gold, yellow, and red are his colors.

"Lugh at 21 years of age was told by the Gods that he must leave the Summerland and lead the Danaans to victory against the savage Formorians on the island of Ireland. He appeared before the Chiefs of the Danaans at Tara and offered to become their war leader. He wore all red clothing and when the Danaans beheld his face it was as the dawn. He had all the skills needed for war and terrible deadly magickal weapons. A spear once thrown would not miss, a horse that could gallop in any terrain be it land, forest, swamp, or ocean, and a sword that would cut through any shield or armor. When the King of the Danaans saw Lugh, he immediately placed him in command of their military. Lugh lead the Danaans to victory when he killed the Fomorians champion Balor by casting a magick stone into his eye."

The Warrior God is also described in Edmund Spencer's The Faerie Queen. He is an elf called Saint George: "A gentle Knight was riding on the plain, clad in mighty arms and carrying a silver shield. The armor and shield had many dents showing that it had been in many battles. Yet this knight had not been in battle before. He wore a red cross upon his chest and upon the silver shield that the Faerie Queen had given him." This knight wore armor that had seen many battles, but he had never been in battle. When you consider that knights were buried in their armor, how could he be wearing dented armor? The armor must have been from his past life.

Apollo is a God of the Celts! Both the Pythian Odes and the Bibliotheca Historica state the Celts worship Apollo. Apollo's Celtic mother is Brigit. Apollo is a blend of both Warrior and hunter God.

Both the Warrior and Horned God play a role in the ritual of the seasonal battle of the Holly and Oak King. The warrior sees death up close and personnel, he more than anyone else needs to know there is life after death.

The Father God: His symbol is the evergreen and mistletoe. The white berries on the mistletoe symbolize his semen.

His examples are Dagda (the All-Father), Father Time, Zeus, Shakespeare's King Lear, the giant in some Fairy tales, Taranis (Celtic lightning God), the King in most Fairy tales, Santa Clause, Merlin, the ghost of Christmas past in A Christmas Carol and others.

The Grimm's Fairy tale, The Little Folks Presents describes him: "An old man rather tall. He wore a coat partly of one color and partly of another. His hoary beard hung down over his chest."

He is called Bendigeid Vran from the story of Branwen in the Mabinogion. Vran is the King of England and he has a cauldron that restores the dead to life, thus he is the God of Death and Rebirth. For without a father there would be no children! Vran is very large. So large in fact that no house can hold him. In the eyes of a child, no man is bigger than their father. Because buildings can't hold him, Wiccans worship him outdoors.

Dagda, the All-Father, is described as having a huge belly, wearing gray clothes and horsehide boots. His penis is so large no pants can cover it so it remains erect and exposed. Now you women know where we get our penis envy. He drags a gigantic war club behind him. One side of the club kills, the other restores life. Dagda is the God that's good at everything and he has a cauldron of plenty. No matter how much food is taken out there was always more. The cauldron of plenty never ran out of food, but Dagda is always starving. Dagda, like all good fathers provide food for his children even if he must go hungry.

The Father God's colors are gold, red, and white (gray). He teaches men the importance of being a good father to his children. The Father God like his tree (the evergreen) has no season. Like all fathers, he's needed all year round!

Additional Information: The Celts artists use animals and symbols to represent their Gods. The gundestrup bowl is an excellent example in the use of symbolism for Gods. From Celtic mythology we can determine which symbol or animal represents a certain God. Lightning (Taranis), salmon, wheel, and the bull (Dagda), symbolize the Father God. The stag and the horned serpent (Cernunnos, because it lives in the underworld/underground) symbolize the Horned God. The sun (Lugh, Apollo, Mabon), hound, and boar symbolize the Warrior God. The deer, white birds, and rabbits (Easter) symbolize the Maiden Goddess. The horse (Epona), cow (Brigit), birds of any color besides black or white, pigs, and the wheel (Arianrhod, Queen of the Wheel) symbolize the Mother Goddess. Black birds, all black animals, and serpents symbolize the Crone Goddess.

The God and Goddess also appear in the Arthur legends. The Arthur legends are a retelling of the old Celtic myths about the Celt's Gods. For example: Merlin is Taranis; The Green Knight is Cernnunos; Arthur is Dagda or Lugh; Morgan Le Fay is Macha; Queen Guinevere is the Flower Maiden, Blodeuwedd; and the Lady of the Lake, Viviane is Arianrhod.

Gods and Goddesses of the Witches appear in the Tarot cards. Please note that Satan doesn't appear in the first tarot decks (about 14th century). Satan was added later by the Christians to replace our Horned God.

Ever wonder why the Catholics worship Saints? Paul writing to Celts in Colosse says, "Let no man beguile you of your reward in... worshipping of angels," Colossians 2:18. The early Catholic Church turned many of our Gods and Goddesses into angels and saints.5 The worship of our Gods continues to this day within the Catholic Church. AntiWitches, (inspite of all your rewriting of the above mentioned verse) you are forbidden to interfere in the worship of our Gods.

God and Goddess may be viewed by you in a different way than I view them. The best way for you to define and learn about God and Goddess are through the sacred lore. Who they are and what form they take must eventually be defined by you.

1 Silver is related to the Goddess in Ephesus, Acts 19:24 and the statue of the Goddess in the temple at Corinth, Greece was made of silver ref: Apuleius' The Golden Ass.

2 Her colors appear in the Faire Queene, book I, canto XII, XXII.

3 Bulfinch's Mythology, Crown Publishers, Inc., copyright 1979, The Legends of Charlemagne, pp.748.

4 The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer, The Knight's Tale, line 2313, pp.62.

5 In Witches: Investigating an Ancient Religion, Mr. T.C. Lethbridge shows that many saint-names of the parish churches are the same names as the pre-Christian Gods of the same location.

6. The Quran 53: 20-21.

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