Your friendship is like a lighthouse,
Standing tall upon the rocky shore;
Beckoning me inside your light,
Best of friends in life forever more.
Through all the stormy seas of life,
Your friendship shines out to me;
Rescuing me from the rocks below,
Like a ship upon the storm tossed sea.
Your light has helped me through,
Many a long and lonely night;
Talking out all my problems,
Telling me it would be alright.
Your friendship light has been there,
In all of the good times too;
Sharing good times and laughter,
No fair weather friend you.
You have never judged me,
But truth you’ve always told;
We’ll be friends through old age,
Your friendship is worth more than gold.
You have always been there for me,
Through all the calm and stormy seas;
I don’t think I can tell you adequately,
What your friendship means to me.
You have always told me,
There is nothing me and you;
Can not overcome together,
Then you showed me that it’s true.
The best way I can show you,
Just what this friendship means to me;
Is to be the kind of wonderful friend,
To you that you have been to me.
by Jennifer R. Lee, Age 53
Bellefontaine, OH