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There are two types of shelter: Wig Wams and, Longhouses.


Wig Wams
The Wig Wams were built by the Algonkians.

Wig Wams have an oval/circle floor plan.

The poles are all tied together with strips of bark.

The sides of the structure are reinforced with horizontal poles.

The outside of a Wig Wam is covered with bark, eads, or woven mats.

The longhouses are built by Iroquians.

The frame is made out of poles.

The roof of a longhouse is an arbor (arch) shape. They are usually 20 ft. wide, and depending on the number of family the lenght can be between 50-200 ft.

Average longhouse fires is five and the average families in one house is ten.


On land to get around the Eastern woodland Indians would walk. and ride horses.

Snowshoes, sleds, dogsleds and tobaggans were used to travel mostly in Winter.

They would were wear moccassins most of the time they travelled.

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