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"Super Nintendo Cheats and Codes N -> Z"

Super Nintendo Cheats and Codes N -> Z

NBA Hang Time
  • Hidden Courts: Enter these on the Tonight's Match-Up Screen.
    • Rooftop Court - hold LEFT, press TURBO, TURBO, SHOOT, SHOOT
    • Street Court - DOWN + B, DOWN, DOWN + A, DOWN, DOWN, + X, DOWN, DOWN + Y, DOWN
    • Jungle Court - L, R, SELECT, START, UP, DOWN, A, B, X, Y
  • Secret Characters: Enter these on the Enter Name Screen
    • Turmell - TURMEL, 0000
    • DiVita - DIVITA, 0000
  • Power-Ups: Enter these on the Tonight's Match-Up Screen
    • Legal Goaltend - 937
    • Quick Hands - 709
    • Max Power - 802
    • Fast Passes - 120
    • Max Blocks - 616
    • No Computer Assistance - RIGHT, RIGHT + B, RIGHT, RIGHT + B
    • Multi-Power - UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, START, A, B, Y, X, Select
    • Max Power - 802
    • Fast Passes - 120
    • Max Blocks - 616
  • Team Photo: Enter FUNCOM as your name and 1993 as your PIN to see the guys who made the game.
  • Credits, Cheat Version: On the Matchup Screen and press START, Y, RIGHT, A, B, UP, START, UP, DOWN, DOWN, START, L, A, DOWN, DOWN.
  • Secret Characters: Enter the first two initials then highlight the last and enter the code.
    • Clinton - A R K, hold L + START, push X
    • Gore - N E T, hold L + R,push A
    • P-Funk - D I S, hold L + START,push A
    • Moon: U W _, hold R + START, A
  • Power-Ups: Enter these codes at the Tonight's Match-Up Screen.
    • Super Dunks - Rotate the D-Pad in a clockwise direction while tapping any button 13 times. On the 13th tap, hold it.
    • Fire - Press any button 7 times then hold UP + Y + B
NBA Jam T. E.
  • Team Swap: Between the quarters, when you have the chance to sub, hold UP + B for a few seconds
  • Super Passwords: At the Title Screen, press Start. Then press Y, UP, DOWN, B, LEFT, A, RIGHT, DOWN, START. Now enter "END" as your initials to go to the last team or enter "JAM" to beat all of the teams.
  • Secret Characters: To enter these, go to the Initial Input Screen and highlight the letter and push Start and the button in parenthesis
    • Bill Clinton - C(A) I C(B)
    • Air Dog - A(Y) I R(B)
    • SNAKE - G(A) O(Y) F(B)
    • DiVita - S(A) A(Y) L
    • Facime - X(B) Y(B) Z(A)
NBA Live 96
  • Hidden Players: Enter the following names EXACTLY as they are.
    • Legends:
      • BARKLEY
      • R. BARRY
      • BIRD
      • JABBAR
      • JOHNSON
      • JORDAN
      • I. THOMAS
    • Rookies:
      • ALLEN
      • BANKS
      • B. BARRY
      • BEST
      • BOYCE
      • C. CARR
      • DECLERCQ
      • EDNEY
      • FINLEY
      • GARNETT
      • GRIFFITH
      • HOIBERG
      • F. KING
      • J. KING
      • LEWIS
      • MARTIN
      • MCDONALD
      • MCDYESS
      • MEYER
      • O'BANNON
      • PELLE
      • A. REID
      • B. REEVES
      • RENCHER
      • ROE
      • SMITH
      • J. SMITH
      • TARLAC
      • K. THOMAS
      • TRENT
      • VAUGHN
      • WILLIAMS
      • ZIDEK
    • Programers:
      • AIR DYCK
      • ALLEN J.
      • CHOW
      • DADDY-O
      • DANIEL NG
      • ENZO
      • ICE
      • IVAN A.
      • GARY L.
      • MCKIBBIN
      • NORVELL
      • RAMMER
      • SAB
      • TED M.
      • THURSTY
      • TRAZ
NFL Quarterback Club
  • Special Teams: On the Main Menu Screen, press X, LEFT, X, LEFT, B, A, B, Y, DOWN, A. This only works in the Preseason Mode.
NHL 96
  • Special Teams and Extra Editing Points: When the demo starts, hold SELECT and rapidly push L and R. When the puck stops moving push START, and still holding Select, push L and R rapidly.
  • Game Genie Codes:
    • 108D-0FA7 - infinite fuel
    • 4DE7-CD0F - reduce gravity
    • CDE7-CD0F - increase gravity
    • E2EF-6F0F - Rocket Pack power x3
    • DD8E-AFD5 - infinite time
Pocky and Rocky 2
  • Passwords:
    • F87N - Stage 4
    • S2YP - Stage 5
    • 6DZ4 - Stage 6
    • TR5C - Stage 7
    • GZLR - Stage 8
    • 5KOQ - Stage 9
Primal Rage
  • Cheat Menu: At the Main Menu Screen highlight Start and press LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT.
Shaq Fu
  • Blood Code: On the Option Screen, press Y, X, B, A, L, R.
  • Control Second World Fighters: Go to the Option Screen and highlight the Music Test. Choose a number between 2 and 7. Now press UP, DOWN, B, LEFT, RIGHT, B.
  • Secret Arena: On the Option Screen, press UP, RIGHT, B, DOWN, LEFT, B.
Street Fighter Alpha 2
  • Classic Chun-Li: Highlgiht Chun-Li then hold START and press one PUNCH, one KICK, all PUNCH, or all KICK buttons.
  • Hidden Stage: To fight in the Feild, start a Vs. Game and select your characters. Highlight the Sagat's stage and hold START on both controllers then press any button.
Street Fighter II
  • Twin Fighters: When the Capcom logo appears, press DOWN, R, UP, L, Y, B.
  • Auto Initials: When you have the chance to enter your initials select "ED" without entering anything else. Now when your score is shown "SFII" will be there.
  • Nothing Code: When on the Title Screen, enter and exit the Option Screen 27 times. Now start the game and all of the info at the top of the screen will be gone.
Super Mario Kart
  • Small Racers: On the Character Select Screen, move the cursor over the racer you want and press Y and A rapidly. This does not work in Battle Mode or Time Trial.
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
  • Bonus Games: On the Map Screen, point to a stage with the cursor then hold SELECT and press X, X, Y, B, A.
Super Punch-Out!!
  • Music Test: When you see the Nintendo logo at the begining of the game hold L + R on Controller 2.
  • Japanese Characters: Highlight New Game and simultaneously press X and A.
Super Star Wars
  • Stage Skip: On the Main Menu Screen press A, A, A, A, X, B, B, B, B, Y, X, X, X, X, A, Y, Y, Y, Y, B. Now start playing and whenever you want to go to the next stage press Start on Controller 2.
  • Game Debug Menu: Durring the game press L and R simultaneously on Controller 2.
Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
  • The Force: At the Main Menu Screen, press X, B, B, Y, X, A, A, X, START. Now you have all the Force Powers at the begining of the game.
  • Skip to Darth Vader: At the Main Menu Screen, press A, X, B, A, Y, X, B, A, A, X, B, B, Y, X.
  • 7 Continues: At the Main Menu Screen, press X, Y, A, B, X, X, START.
  • Sound Test: Durring the game press A, B, X, Y. Now hold the Center of the D-Pad and press Start.
  • Custom Intro: On the Main Menu Screen, press Y, Y, Y, Y, START. When the Star Wars logo appears press all directions and L and R to move it around.
  • Ultimate Power Code: At the Main Menu Screen, press A, B, Y, X, A, B, Y, X, A, B, A, B, Y, X, X, Y, A, B, Y, X. This gives you all of the Force Powers and unlimited Thermal Bombs.
  • Debug and Invincibility: First you must enter the Ultimate Power Code then during the game press L + R on Controller 2.
Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
  • Game Debug Menu: At the Main Menu Screen, hold L + R on Controller 2 and press A, A, B, B, X, X, Y, Y, A, B, X, Y, A, B, X, Y. Durring the game press A + B + START to bring up the Debug Menu.
  • 99 Lives: At the Main Menu Screen press X, X, B, A, Y.
  • Unlimeted Thermal Detonators: At the Main Menu Screen, press B, X, B, X, B, X, B, B, B, Y.
  • Passwords:
    • ZCTKFC - Endor
    • CPMRZV - Space Battle
    • CDWLTY - Power Generator
    • HLQMVL - Emperor's Chamber
    • ZZSTXZ - Escape
True Lies
  • Passwords:
    • BGLVS - infinate lives
    • BGGRLY - invincible
    • BGWPNS - all and full weapons
    • MNCHT - stage select
    • BRMKNRD - Mission 4
    • CXGJMQC - Mission 5
    • FVJBKXF - Mission 6
    • HCHDXVH - Mission 7
    • FBJNDBN - Mission 8
    • HJBGBJC - Mission 9
    • JFFFZHB - Mission 10
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
  • Human Smoke: Start the game as normal and select Robotic Smoke. After you choose your destiny, hold LEFT + HP + HK + RN + BL. Human Smoke will appear before the match.
  • Kool Stuff: On the Main Menu Screen, press LEFT, UP, B, B, A, DOWN, UP, B, DOWN, U, B.
  • Kooler Stuff: On the Main Menu Screen, press UP, B, A, LEFT, DOWN, Y.
  • Scott's Stuff: On the Main Menu Screen, press B, A, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, A, X, B, A, B, Y.
  • Sound Test: On the Main Menu Screen, press LEFT, DOWN, Y, Y.
  • Passwords:
    • SHPJL - Stage 3-1
    • CDJHL - Stage 3-5
    • BRSHT - Stage 4-1
    • HBLST - Stage 4-3
    • THKTH - Stage 5-1
    • DCTFF - Stage 5-3
  • Passwords:
    • HQSVP - Stage 2
    • HKFBM - Stage 3
    • QJWLX - Stage 4