My Poems
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I have gathered my feelings and thoughts & written them down into the stanzas below. It would be very generous for those who would consider this as "poetry".:) But ....I did try my best at the time:)

Ai no'i ye^u tho* la la~ng ma.n,
to^i xin mo^.t la^`n la~ng ma.n dde^? ye^u tho*!:)

Thuo*? A^'y
Ta(.ng nho?!

Thuo*? a^'y xa que^ lo`ng bo^~ng va('ng
DDo*`i to^i nhu* thie^'u ca? a'nh tra(ng
Tie^'ng cu*o*`i tie^'ng ha't cu`ng sao sa'ng
Nhu*~ng buo^?i vui ddu`a du*o*'i go^'c tho^ng

Thuo*? a^'y xa nha` ta bo^~ng nho*'
DDo*`i ta nhu* ma^'t ca? u*o*'c mo*
Ve sa^`u phu*o*.ng no*? lo`ng thu*o*ng nho*'
Ha. ve^` ru*.c ro*~ tha('m va^`n tho*

Thuo*? a^'y ra ddi lo`ng bo^~ng tha^'y
Mu`a Thu nhu* va('ng la' va`ng bay
Nai va`ng ngo* nga'c tro*`i thu dda^'y
La' buo^`n xa`o xa.c du*o*'i cha^n ma^y

Thuo*? a^'y chia tay lo`ng bo^~ng to^'i
Nu'i ddo^`i nhu* he^'t a'nh tra(ng tro^i
Sao tho^i la^'p la'nh cu`ng dde^m to^'i
DDu*'a be' tho^i ddu`a ngo^`i nho*' to^i


In His Brown Eyes!
Dedicated to my dad.

In his brown eyes, I see the world
Speaking the unspeakable words
In his brown eyes, I see a star
Shining in peace, glowing in war
Deep in his eyes I see a soul
Warming the heart, heating all sorrows
In those brown eyes I see tomorrow
Showing the world what has been unknown
In those very brown eyes
I see the language of poetry
Speaking perfect the imperfect world of mine!

Minh Vie^n

La`ng To^i

Gu*?i ve^` la`ng My~ An ye^u da^'u.

La`ng to^i co' luy~ tre xanh
Co' do`ng so^ng nho? bao quanh ca'nh ddo^`ng
La`ng to^i co' ma'i tru*o*`ng lo`ng
Nga`y xu*a co`n be' mo^.ng ho^`ng cho^'n dda^y.

La`ng to^i ma'i a^'m ti`nh say
Bao co^ tho^n nu*~ tha^n ga^`y thu*o*'t tha
La`ng to^i co' a'nh chie^`u ta`
Hoa`ng ho^n buo^ng xuo^'ng, kho'i la` ma'i tranh

La`ng to^i nu*o*'c ma't, tra(ng thanh
Nghe.n nga`o ho^`i tu*o*?ng nga`y xanh ven ddo^`ng
La`ng to^i hu*o*ng kho'i tho*m no^`ng
Ong vo*`n bu*o*'m dda^.u, ma^y bo^`ng be^`nh tro^i.

La`ng to^i tra(ng va('t lu*ng ddo^`i
Thu*o*ng con die^`u nho? tung cho*i be^n ddi`nh
La`ng to^i chan chu*'a a'i ti`nh
La`m sao que^n ddu*o*.c ti`nh la`ng trao !?!

Minh Vie^n

Mo^.t Thoa'ng Xie^u Lo`ng
In reply to one of A?o A?nh's poem

Nga^m nga mong gu*?i ddo^i lo*`i
Ta(.ng ngu*o*`i no*i a^'y giu'p vo*i no^~i sa^`u
Tho* ai ta tha^?m tu*`ng ca^u
Ca`ng ngo^`i nga^~m nghi~ ca`ng ddau nho'i lo`ng

Ti`nh buo^`n theo tha'ng nga`y mong
Hoa tu*o*i tho^i tha('m, tra(ng ho^`ng tho^i vo*i
Nga^n Ha` gia(ng ta^.n cha^n tro*`i
Ngu*u Lang, Chu*'c Nu*~ se~ ro^`i ga(.p nhau

Nhu*ng ro^`i sau cha(?ng tha^'y dda^u
Mo^`ng ba?y tha'ng tha?y mu*a nga^u kho^ng la^`m
Huye^`n thoa.i dda~ the^' nga`n na(m
Ma` nay ai ngo*~ a^m tha^`m vu*'t mau

No*i thi` a? Chu*'c, cha`ng Nga^u
Tra(ng thu kho^ng la.i ba('c ca^`u ga(.p nhau
Ti`nh duye^n tha^'m thoa('t qua ma`u
Mo^~i ngu*o*`i mo^~i nga? ti`nh sa^`u muo^n thu. :(

Anh Dde^'n Anh Ddi..

gu*?i ta(.ng nhu*~ng ai hay buo^`n va^?n vo* nhu* to^i :)

Anh dde^'n anh ddi mo^.t buo^?i chie^`u
Dde^? lo`ng tan na't ca?nh ddi`u hiu
Dde^? ddo^i mo^i te?, buo^`n kho^n xie^'t
Dde^? ca'nh hoa ddo*`i la(.ng le~ ro*i
Anh dde^'n anh ddi mo^.t buo^?i chie^`u
Dde^? ai o^m a^'p no^~i co^ lie^u
Dde^? ai thu*o*ng nho*' sa^`u muo^n kie^'p
Dde^? ca?nh ddo*`i na`y la('m trua^n chuye^n...


Buo^`n Vie^~n Xu*'
La.i the^m dda^y mo^.t mu`a he` nu*’c no*?
No^~i buo^`n vie^~n xu*’ ma(.n mo*` bo*` mo^i
Ho^m nay to^i mo^.t bo’ng hi`nh ha. mo*’i
Nhu*ng vo`m tro*`i va^~n mang na(.ng na('ng xu*a

Que^ hu*o*ng o*i, ma(.c tro*`i na('ng hay mu*a
Lo`ng to^i dda^y ma~i hu*o*'ng ve^` no*i dda^’y
No*i to^i sinh no*i tuo^?i tho* dda^`y
Go’t cha^n ga^`y ddi dda^.m ddu*o*`ng tra^`n gian

Ba^ng khua^ng nhu* ca’nh chim trong na('ng va`ng
Ngo* nga^?n ma~i lo`ng cu*’ nho*’ vo^ bo*`
Chie^`u la.i le^n, con so’ng la.i vo^~ bo*`
Ga^.p ghe^`nh no^~i nho*’ bo’ng hi`nh que^ xu*a…

Minh Vie^n
summer '98

Life's circle.

I only know when flowers blossom
Eager, shine like the early sun's beams
Flowers, what do you know?
Life is much suffering, filled with sorrow.
Welcome to the world of light and pain, my fellows
Ever before you look at the rainbows?
Notice how they disperse and whiten
Vanishing into the shadow of the sun?
Remember those first exotic fantansy moments
When you look with your dry innocent eyes?
When you cry to greet your first light
Will you treasure them when life's no longer sweet?
One day, my beloved, you will weep and wonder
What's the purpose of life when times is not yours forever
Please remember, life is measured not just in years
But by its joys, its hopes and its fears!
Here again I see the fresh signs of new ones
This seems to signal that life will never end.

Minh Vie^n

More will be added soon..

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Copy Right © 1999-2000 By Vien Tran. Alright Reserved
Credit: Credit of the orginal image is given to its original creator, but most of the images and all the poems are copyrighted by me.