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John Bradley's Home Page and Virtual Art Gallery

Things that interest me.

Favorite Links on the Web.

Master Shiu-pak Lee l9l0-l982
Japanese Swords
Haiku Resources
Thailand Culture
Barewalls Affiliate Program ,Reproduction Art Prints of Master Artists for sale
ICQ-Worlds Largest Internet Online Communication Network

Thanks for stopping by this site, and to you, I extend a gracious welcome.

This is my Homepage to acquaint you with my work, to provide you with sources of ideas that inspire me, and to give you an opportunity to write me with comments, or to inquire about the purchase of my work.

*You may contact me for Professional Art Appraisal of Paintings and Drawings in the SouthEastern USA. See link above or email me below.

"Iris" Prints

I prefer to sell my work to collectors in the form of fine art "Iris" prints on artists Arches cotton paper. These prints are color matched professionally to the original painting and are printed on the highest quality artists paper. They are museum archival quality, reproduced under the strictest supervision of the artist using inks and papers which have the longest life available with current printing technology. An "Iris" print is a museum quality Fine Art Digital Print.

Email me for further information or comments

Media and Technique

I am primarily a visual artist, a painter, who creates mostly in waterbased media on paper. I also do a great deal of drawing, using charcoal, graphite,and conte crayon . My work is usually characterized as mixed media. The paints I use are highest grade watercolor and gouache from the worlds finest manufacturers of artists materials. Generally speaking,the original paintings and drawings are not for sale.

Personal Philosophy

For the most part, it is difficult for an artist to speak about his or her work. The work must speak for itself aesthetically in the final analysis. There are many influences to my work as an artist that have helped shape my viewpoint. I have interests in history that relate to the source of ideas in various world cultures. I also have interests in world religions and the study of philosophy. I believe these ideas ultimately link us all globally in our post-industrial information age to much earlier places in world civilization.

I have always held an intense interest in the observation of the natural world. Early on in my college years I discovered a book which was to profoundly shape my life interests, that book was, Principles of Chinese Painting, by George Rowley,l974, Princeton University Press. ISBN: 0-69l-03834-l

Traditional Chinese painting from the Middle Ages (A.D. 400-l400) combined both Taoist and Buddhist ideals. These philosophical and religious ideals tend to center my work in the immediacy of the moment and bring clarity to the events of life.

The study of Taichi Chuan has developed into a passion that aids my creation of visual art.I practice the Yang Long Form, as taught by Master Shiu-pak Lee (l9l0-l982).

TaiChi is an "Internal Martial Art". It is Shaolin, developed by Chang San-feng,(l279-l368)who was a Taoist priest.

The following chart provides a record of Chinese TaiChiChuan Masters who conveyed its study during the early l600s from China into the USA , in the latter part of the 20th century.

Ch'en Wang Ting l597-l664
Chen You Hang
Yang Lu Chuan l799-l872
Yang Chien Hou l839-l917
Yang Cheng-fu l883-l936
Chen Wei Ming -l960
Lee Shiu-pak l9l0-l982

Virtual Art Gallery of John Bradley

All Art signed and dated by the artist

All Paintings and Drawings may be purchased as "Iris" Digital Fine Art Prints

All Paintings and Drawings reproduced to approximately 7"xl0", with some slight variations.

Fine Art Photography also available as 8"xl0" photographic prints.

All "Iris"prints $l20., All Photography prints $70.

no.498 Vientiane Girl

no.398 The Gateway

no.598 Girl of the Mysteries

no. l098 Girl in a Sweater


Snail-Mail l. Use the printed form below to mail to arsregiapo, P.O. Box 163, Paw Creek,N.C. 28130-0163.

Email 2. Email your order to: and include your payment option from the form below.

FAX 3. FAX your order form to: John Bradley,arsregiapo, fax no. .

*Note: Please allow three (3)weeks for delivery of your print after payment has been made.

Mailing Address:------------------------
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Daytime phone (optional, but it helps):------------------------
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*Print this order form

All "Iris"prints $l20.ea., All Photography prints $70.ea. Pay by Check, Money Order, or Credit Card, orders paid by personal check will be delayed 21 days, sorry no C.O.D.orders. Foreign orders add $25.00 , U.S.currency only. Additional Shipping for Canada Residents, Add $l5.00 . AK, HI,PR, and US V.I. add $l0.00.

Item No.--------- Qty.--------- Description--------- Price--------- Total---------

Merchandise Total $__________

Shipping and Handling +$l0.00____________

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N.C. Residents add 6% Sales Tax + $____________

Sub Total Credit and Deductions - $___________

Order Total = $_____________

New images will be posted on an ongoing basis, so please check back soon!

All Art Copyrighted © by John Bradley
P.O. BOX 163, Paw Creek,NC,28130-0163
Phone: ,Voice Mail, Fax No.

Email me for further information or comments
