The 1838 Petition of Inhabitants
Seeking to Divide Montgomery County,North Carolina

As found in the
North Carolina State
General Assembly Session Record

November 1838 - January 1839
Box 4, Petitions

North Carolina State Archives

To the Honorable The General
Assembly of the State of North Carolina

The memorial of the Citizens of the county of Montgomery respectfully showeth that the county in which we reside embracing a wide extent of territory, is divided into nearly equal parts by the Pedee River, which runs from North to South through the entire County – that the County seat of justice is located on the the East side of the River three miles from sd. River. That consequently many or your Petitioners who reside west of the River are very remote from the County seat and are subjected to great inconvenience and pecuniary distress in attending the regular Courts – many of us are situated from thirty to forty miles from the Court House and to reach court in time are compelled as Witnesses as suitors or as jurors to leave home on the Sabbath day and after traveling all day often find ourselves arrested at the River by the overwhelming freshets to which it is subject; and are consequently compelled either to neglect

and abandon the business and the duties which call us to court or to regard our lives in crossing the River in small canoes at considerable expense and then proceed on foot to the Court House a grievance in many instances para - -mount to a denial of justice And this great evil and inconvenience is rendered still more oppressive by the fact that in our present condition the County is subjected to and annual public tax of Two hundred & fifty or three hundred dollars to defray the ferriage of the people traveling to the Court House on Public days thus we have to suffer great evil and distress and then submit to a public Tax to bear up under our wrongs. Your Petitioners believes that a Division of the County by law is the only effectual Remedy that can be applied by the Legislature to equalize and redress the wrongs under which we labour and as the County by the River is naturally divided into nearly equal parts as to territory, population, and wealth

and as there is almost perfect unanimity among the people on both sides of the River for a division, no part of the State can be wronged or aggrieved by giving us a new County, the Representatives in the Legislature for the present would remain undisturbed and under the next apportionment in 1841 no natural Change could take place in the State Representation by the Division of our County, your petitioners have born their grievances long, and they have born it silently, they have been subjected To great inconvenience and loss and Distress without a murmur, we now believe it competent for the Legislature to equalize And redress our wrongs by giving as a New County, where separate and distinct Courts if Justice may be established convenient to the people, where the evils Under which we now labour would soon vanish away, and where the moral and civil condition of the People would be improved and promoted, your Petitioners therefore humbly pray your Honorable Body to take our case into consideration and erect a new county out of that part of Montgomery County west of Pedee River, leaving that part of the

County east of the River as the future west of the river County of Montgomery and your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray & &

Petition for a division of the
County Dist no. 2

Wm Bruton                       Joshua D. Wright
Isham J. Flick                  Basil Wright
D. R. Cockran                   Jas Hogers
Miles Pool                      A B Cochran
Benjamin Haywood                Goodman Green
Daniel McKinnon                 J S E _ McQueen
Solomon Haywood                 C J Cochran
Malcam Lamonds                  James Batten
Daniel Batten                   D. Batten
Jas. T. Bruton                  Karman McDuffie
Elias Mann                      John McCaskill
John Batten                     Kendx H. Bledso
John Sedberry                   Daniel A McCaskill
James Green                     John Munn
George Bruton                   Neil Munn
David Rowe                      Daniel McCaskill Sen
Wm. Bruton Sener                Alexander McCaskill
Jonathan Yarbrough              Henry Yarbrough
James Boyd                      Malcolm Muchison
Wm. R. Green                    A McCaskill
Martin Green                    Charles Campbell
L. Robinson                     David Yarbrough
Archibald Lammands              Daniel Lemmons
Edawrd A Wright                 Edward Munn
Samuel Beale                    David Boyd
A J Cochran

Rowan Harris
James McCaskill
L Simmons
Richard Blake
Esqure J Blake
Alexd Gilly
Angus Lammond
James Lewis
James Green
A. B. Lammond
James Yarbrough
Alexd. Muchison
Angus Gilly


A list of Subscribers names to be attached to a
Petition for a Division of Montgomery County for
district No. 5

H M Tomlinson                   George Ingram
H B Billingsley                 Jas Haward
Levi Shankle                    Arnold Watkins
Miller W. Easley                C M Robinson
Benjamin Lilly                  J  W Norwood
R. G. Snuggs                    James Deberry
Wm. Hendley                     S P Kendall
Mathew Smith                    John Mills
William Solomon                 Daniel Manes
D W___                          James M
Benj Joy                        Milton Dus
Richard Randle
Roley (x) Sanders
P M Lanier
Joshua Coley
Jno Avett 
Neil McCallum
Isaac Simpson
David Smith
A___ Swearingen
Lot Avett
Jeremiah Watkins
Geo Avett
W N Beard
Thos Tomlinson
Hardy S. Watkins
J. B. Covington
Thos Allen
J. H. Treadwell
James Allen
Wm D. Watkins
Whitman H. Smith


We the under Signers petition for the
division of the County of Montgomery
for district No 6

1  J. A. H. Parker              24 David Pennington
2. Jening Crowel                25 Jasirus Hall
3. Nathan Carter                26 William Crowell
4  Henry Carter                 27 Jaret Carter
5  R L McDaniel                 28 Eb Hall
6  George Hearne                29 E W Lilly
7  John Butler Sr               30 Titus Burnett
8  Peter Crowell                31 John Parker Sr
9 Masses Crowell                32 Daniel McLester
10 John M Lefler                33 W H Randle
11 John Carter                  34 Yandl Avery
12 James Smith                  35 T L Bundy
13 John Munn                    36 Howel Parkinson
14 John Hopkins                 37 John Smith
15 Charles G. Gaines            38 S W Cooper
16 B H Carter                   39 Thomas Howel
17 Elisha Smith                 40 Elias Cranford
18 ________ ________            41 Nash Thomson
19 George Crowell               42 Elisha M. Monroe
20 Robert Riles                 43 Wm Parker
21 Stephen Kirk                 44 Allen Crowell
22 Jacob Hagler                 45 Allen Rice
23 ____il Sids *                46 John Marks
                                57 Saml. P. Morton *
                                48 John Forks *


47 Timothy Ragdel               79 A Randle
48 Leonard Sids                 80 _ C Pennigton
49 William G nk__               81 Abia Rice
50 Leonard Telli__              82 Allen Rice
51 Jacob _________              83 D Sides
52 Richard Stokes               84 Francis Laeke
53 Labon Carter                 85 E_ Almond
54 John Laton Junr              86 E H Smith
55 Wm P _ewell                  87 Daniel Kirk
56 Wyatt Morris                 88 James Parker
57 _ F. Krone                   89 Jas. Ferrel
58 J Russel                     90 Travis Carter
59 H. Pence                     91 David? Howell
60 George Thompson              92 John Parker
63 James Kirk                   93 Thos Rice
64 Wilson Carter                94 William Morris
65 Lou__ Cranford               95 John Kendall
66 D Harris                     96 Drea Moris
67 James Parker Cenr            97 John Moadly
68 Thos Moss                    98 J. W. Earnhart
69 Brady? Moris                 99 Rowland Mann
70 James Crowell                100 Holcombe Cox
71 William Crowell              101 Thomas Hearne
72 John Littleton               102 David Crowell
73 James Palmer                 103 John F. Miller
74 Newton Hearne                104 Allen Rice
75 R C Miller
77 Green M. Burch head
78 Tyrrel R Bolton


105 David Link                  128 Samuel Manner
106 John Calloway               129 Charles Dees
107 John Hall                   130 Phillip Fesperman
108 P Kirk                      131 Wm Penington
109 James Cart__                132 Stanley McDaniel
110 E L Parker                  133 Noah J Rosse
111 James Palmer                134 David Lason
112 J Hearne                    135 Kembrel Cooper
113 Joseph Mann                 136 D F Mann
114 Thomas Mann                 137 William C Smith
115 G. M Russel                 138 green Burch head
116 Edward Almon                139 Allen Holt
117 B____ Parker                140 Henry Man
118 Morrow  C___                141 E Stokes
119 D H Hokes                   142 GM Sides
120 Barny Cla_on                143 Isaac Marbry
121 Willy B Coy_____            144 Isham Clement
122 __ky Man                    145 L___ Link
123 Atles Rice                  146 Rowe Forrest
124 John H. Smith               147 John McRae
125 George Rumage               148 Peter
126 _ D Ross                    149 James Fry
127 Martin Kirk                 150 David Holt
                                151 Jonathan Fry
                                152 Archibald D. Rice
                                139 Tilmon Rumage
                                150 Winson Ross
                                151 Wily Ross
                                152 John Mc_________ *
                                Isaac Elaway? *


A list of Subscribers names to be attached to a
petition for a Division of Montgomery County
for District No. 7

Job Davis                       Jones Green
William Coley                   35 Jacob Shpprd
John (cc) Coley                 Stephen x York
J Norwood                       ________  ___________
5 James (x) Hathcock            David (x) Kennedy
David Morton                    Olston + Poplin
Isaiah H. Underwood             40 Jerimarh Poplin
Calvin (x) Lee                  William Thompson
Samil  (x) Coley                Henry Poplin
10 George Kimra                 James Murry
John Cox                        Richard Poplin
Azariah (x) Russel              45 L M Swain
Henry Davis                     Jacob Coble
Jas. W Davis                    Henry Kimra
15 H. Kendall                   Henry Shostner
P B Dudney                      John har_____
James Hathcock                  50 Wm H Dgean
Jas Crump                       T R Kendall
Shelvy Carpenter                E W Davis
20 Herriot F Davis              James Hinson
JS Easley                       _ambriel G. Cooper
James Floyd                     55 Daniel Crump
David Blalock                   A Crump
David (x) Coble                 Jeremiah Hinson
25 John W Swaringen             John S. Chambers
Briant Dease                    David Grean
Stoaks Mc entire                60 John Coble
Caswell Cooper                  John Coble
Pall Dees                       Jesse Poplin
30 Benjamon Molden              John Holt
Jacob Kimrea                    Phillip Perry
Josiar Foyd                     65 Daniel Louder *
Henry Poplin                    Robt Blalock *


[So?]lomon Tomas
  Tom P. Duke
70 Andrew Blalock
  Burwell Henly
  George Efird
  Joshua Burris
  James Thompson
75 Richmond P. Coleman
  Alexd Bill
  Robt Turner
Eliya Hinson
Benjemon Hinson
Samuel Loudder
A. Foreman


A list of Subscribers names to be attached to a
petition for a Division of Montgomery County
for District No. 8

C. Man                          Nathan (x) Almond
                                John (x) Melker

                                John (x) Carker *

_____ Herrin                    Solomon Holt
Loyd Hathcock                   David Moose
Coorod Udy his mark             Lindsey F. Cagle
Wm Udy his mark                 Benj. Cagle
James Thurnor his mark          Malachi Harwood
William Burris                  Wilson B. Herrin
John Vick                       Wm. Burlyson
Elijah Perry                    Reden Almond
Isaac Burleyson                 Wm Hatley
Thomas x Casels                 Frederic (x) Page
Isaac Rowland                   R__ Almond
John M. Morton                  Allen Almond
John Udy                        Jesse Hathcock
Jere Adderton                   Daniel _ease
Leonard Fry his mark            John L. Christian
Ransom Motley                   Mathias Rowland
Paul Furr                       Wm Hatley
Wm McLester                     Gilford Hatley
John (x) Almond                 _______ Roland
Nelson (x) Shue                 John (x) Cassel Jur
John Furr jr                    Solomon Hathcock
Killos (x) Almond               Elisha (x) Hunneycutt
George (x) Louder               Henry (x) Manuel
Thos. H. Austin                 Henry Lipe
Benja Hathcock                  Jacob (x) Tucker
Jemmy Loutir                    Jon (x) Morgan
Reuben Peninger                 Allison (x) Whitley
Edmund (x) Whitley              Wiley E. Perrish
Nelson Sides                    E F Lilly
                                Joseph Morton


Morton (x) Almond
Jacob Austin
N Lefler
Samuel Mann
Drury Honneycutt

______ Rice*
____lson Pennigton*


A list of Subscribers names to be attached to a
Petition for a Division of Montgomery County for
district No. 10

Sherwood Page                   Peter Inees
John (x) Eudy                   John Ledbetter
Joseph (x) Smith                Stephon Gilbert
Federick (x) Hinson             Joel (x) Ledbetter
Solomon Efird                   Akel (x) Burgess
Joseph W. Gilbert               William (x) Smith
Edmund (x) Smith                Jno (x) Hinson
Joseph Light                    Green Whitley
George Cagle                    James (x) Coley
Jacob Efird                     William (x) Morton
Goodwin (x) Hinson              John ferry
Myrick Harward                  David (x) Cagle
A. Ledbetter                    Isham (x) Lilly
Michael (x) Cagle               Christopher Light
Beverly D. Harward              Allen Burris
Thos Norwood                    George (x) Whitley
Jacob Har_                      Jonathan H. (x) Griffin
Martin Reap                     _______ (x) Smith
Hovel hinson                    Tapley ________
Henry Cagle                     George (x) Cagle
Daniel Efird                    John B. Ca__r
                                Daniel Light
                                John _______
                                Jacob (x) Chrisco
                                Daniel Reap
                                Benjamin (x) Murry
                                Wade A. Green *


A list of Subscribers names to be attached to a
Petition for a Division of Montgomery County for
district No. 12

Edmund Sell                     John T. Stone
Jacob Lyale                     Lindsey F. Cagle
Mathias Sides                   Eli w. Christian
John Ridenhour
Wm Stokes
Thos Rowland
George Mci_____mmer
Daniel J. Boger
Richard Howell
William Lauder
Allen M Blackwelder
John Boger
Simeon Hatley
Daniel Parker
D. A. G. Palmer
D. Udy
S Harkey
J Sell
C Fricke
N Howell
Y Ridenhour
A Hagler
_ Kizor
David Lyerle
George Sef___
William Sides’
Solomon Ridenhour
Green Palmer
Daniel Ritchey
George Sids
Daniel Leflar
Solomon Richey *


District No. 13
Subscribers names for a division of the county of
Montgomery & c

Littleton Harris                John Elliott
W. B. Loflin                    Heteny Russell
Jarrot Harris                   Parson Harris
Green Davis                     Wilson Harris
J R Hice                        Thos L. Steed
Israil Elliott                  Jesse Steed
Nelson Elliott                  West Harris
Simon Coggin
Isaac Holtum
Eli Russell
Wilson Hambleton
HB Hall
Eli Harris
James Elliott Jr
Harris Reeves
Thos Taylor
Davis Russell
JB Walker
Allen Hill
John Russel
Wm Brewer
Hansell Pennington
Willie Russell
Spinkson Hambleton
B G Coggins
Stephen Hambleton
Wm. Blackwell Sr.
B W Simmons
Eli Coggins

Nathan Cranford *


A list of Subscribers names to be attached to a
petition for a division of Montgomery County for
district No 14

John Little Capt                Jonathan Morgan
Labon Little                    Morris Smith
Jacob W. Little Esqr.           Drewry Morgan
Joshua L. hinson                Benjamin (x) Penyon
Christopher (x) Yow             Tobin Lamburt
Sampson (x) Watts               Duncan Tucker
James (L or S)ittle Senr        Hudson Vickers
M S l____                       George Smith
John Brooks                     James Hartsel
Lewis (x) Springer              Nathan L. (x) Starnes
John M (x) hinson               George W. (x) Lambert
_ichman (x) Page                T. W. ___________
Geo H Honneycutt                Michael Garmon Jur.
Sion (x) Page                   L___s Honneycutt
Mathias Furror                  Frederick (x) Lambert
F. K. Honneycutt                Dempsey (x) Honneycutt
A H Honeycutt                   Josiah Barbee
____  Honeycutt                 Benj Barbee
Ely (x) Honneycutt              John E. ________
A (x) Honneycutt                J. W. Craton
K Shinn                         M Williams
Solomon Hartsel                 John Shew
Jacob (x) Tucker                David (x) Shew
James Tucker                    Pleasant Almond
Pleasant Tucker                 Caleb Osborne
Daniel Hartsell                 Cla______ F. Reed
Thomas (x) Pinyon               Garrott Pless
Joseph K Honneycutt             Charles Pless
James Little Jur                James Hathcock
George Stogner                  George (x) Honeycutt
Peter Pless                     John Stansill
David Harky                     John Hagler
Hyram (x) Barba                 Leonard Hartsell
Isaac Harky                     Uriah (x) Page
Henry (x) Yow                   Moses (x)Kizor
                                Jonah Love *


A list of Subscribers names to be attached to a
petition for a division of Montgomery County
For district No. 15

Saml. S. Stone                  Joseph Pickler
John Forrest ser.               Neal Huntsucker
Thomas Huckabee                 John Rummage
Aaron Sanders                   Jas Ingram
Hutson Tailor                   Johnson Laton
George Shankle                  Williamson Ross
Brittain Huckabee               James Cox
John Yates                      Althea Smith
Howel Upchurch                  William Smith
Arthur F. Atkins                Green B. Ross
Edward Almon                    John G. Forrest
Jesse Pritchard
Mark L____
Alexander Kirk
Samuel Coggins
Antny Crips
Needham ________
A_ Smith
John Conup
William Forrest
J F_________
Henry Shankle
William Simpson
Sta_lon Gordon
Thos Kirk
Henry Marshall jr.
Roc__ Smith
John Simpson
Thomas Rumage
Thomas Biles
George Rumage
Nathan Rumage
Stephen Sanders *
Elisha Laton *


Dis No 11 Montgomery NC October 20th 1838
We the inhabitants of Dis No 11 petition for the
division of Montgomery County

Archibald A. Leach              Lockey Jordan
John Allen                      E. S. Jordan
John C. Nichols                 E. Sugg
James Lucas                     Thos Britten
Hugh G. Lucas                   John Jurdan
Wm Simmons                      Spencer Halston
James Simmons                   Horatio Sugg
John Macon                      George Allen
Wilson Cupples                  _______  ________
Charles Cupples                 John Campbell
James G  Allen                  D Da___________
George Richardson               Henry Freeman
Wm Butler                       William Richardson
Nathan Jinkins                  Joel Lucas
Wm Jordan                       John Rynols
Fedrich Steed                   Thomas Sugg
John North____                  Angus McCaskill
Cummins King                    Williom Green
John Smith                      Elias Jenkins
Isaac Sugg                      Wm Green
                                John Haltom


Burrel S. Allen                 Lyah? Spencer *
A Martin                        Robinson Spencer
Jacob Jordan                    Lewis _________
Aaron Wright
Ebenezer Reynolds
Jesse Howell
John Cornelson
_ Wright
Pleasant Simmons
Richard Green
William Teet__
Archibald Campbell
James Wright
Edwin Leach
James Saunders
Me_adae Smith
Duncan McCaskill
James Simmons Jur.
Thomas ward
Eli Ward
William (x) Freeman
John Boroughs

Not having opportunity [to present] this petition to all the
Citizens this district I would say in their behalf that
[I believe] they are all in favour of dividing the County.
Captain of the district A. A. Leach


Whose names are heretofore annexed ----
The Division of the county of Montgomery as
heretofore agreed upon making the Peedee &
Yadkin rivers the line.

Jas M. Butler                     Jeremiah Link
Arron Pennington                  Joseph Milton
John A. Ledbetter
M .w Smart
A. H. Saunders
D Dircktom
P C. Saunders
Mos___ Parker
Amos A E D Chauncy
Levi H. Nichols
William Jordan
E. H. Davis
James ___
Joseph A Cranford
Br reden
J g Morgan
Joseph Hurley
Spencer Morgan
John Lewis
Martin Gilly

Private and Public Acts of Law
North Carolina



An Act to lay off and establish a County by the name of “Stanly.”

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State
of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the
authority of the same,
That a County shall be, and
the same is hereby laid off, and established in the
territory now comprehended in the Western limits
of Montgomery County, in manner as follows, viz:
That the Rivers Pedee and Yadkin, as now running
through the County of Montgomery, shall be the
dividing line between the County of Stanly and
Montgomery; and all that part of the present
County of Montgomery, lying and being West of
the said Rivers, Peedee and Yadkin, shall hereafter
constitute a separate and distinct County, to be
called and known by the name of Stanly; and it
shall be, and is hereby invested with all the rights,
privileges and immunities of the other Counties of
this State, except as hereinafter provided.

[Ratified, the 11th day of January, 1841.]