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Hertzlich Willkommen!

Thank you for coming and have a pleasant time exploring Brutus' world of Deutschland.

  • The Touring/Sites button features some local and uniquely Bavarian sites which surround Brutus' home.
  • Brutus show cases Brutus' travels and presents several of his favorite dining spots in Germany.
  • Outdoor Adventure contains some of our European outdoor recreational pursuits
    (however, it has a deplorable lack of winter sports).
  • Miscellaneous contains links to the Funny Stuff page and the Message Board where you can leave a note to Brutus.

Our Local European Weather Report.

E-Mail Brutus!

Der Bayrische Hund
Tell what you think or what you would like to see.
(Don't forget the Message Board, either. Talk about whatever there.)
Put your e-mail address here.

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Brutus last brewed Coffee on this page on
03/08/2025 22:49:04