Heya everybody! Thank you so much for visiting my Backstreet Boys page! It isn't really good yet, but, in time it will be! One thing that I think I should mention! In no way am I related to the Backstreet Boys! I have gotten so many e-mails from fans saying "Oh my god, I love you Nick!!" But, I am not them! *lol* But I would like to thank the people who have written to me saying that they enjoy my page! It really means a lot to me! So, thanks, and enjoy!! *S* First off, my name is Sue and I am 17 and from Nova Scotia, Canada!! Check at the end of this page to see who protects my site!!!! ;) Please sign the guestbook before you go!!! I really want to know what you think of my page and the only way I'll know is if you tell me!!! *S*
Littrell's Biography~*
Richardson's Biography*~
~*Nick and Aaron Pics (so cute)*~
~*What I made dedicated to the BSB*~
~*The Cutest Picture Of The Week*~
~*Check this out!! It's so cool!!*~
~*Check here for some awesome links*~
~*Whatever you do, DON'T CLICK HERE!!*~