Caitlyn Máire Martin
If you are seeing this, your browser doesn't support frames. There are good reasons some people might want to use such a browser, like if they are using a WindowsCE handheld PC. If you are using an older system (like a 386 or something) or a DOS-based system, might I be so bold as to suggest you try either Arachne or Opera as your browser. Both are very small, very fast, and would let you see my pages in all their glory, and a few hundred thousand other cool web pages too.
In addition, many web sites track which browser you are using, and web statistics definitely get collected. Let the world know you do not want to support a predatory, arrogant monopoly like Microsoft by using one of the other excellent browsers available. Better yet, consider a non-Microsoft operating system, such as Linux. Get your latest and greatest non-Microsoft web browser: