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Cindy Byas works for WMNC Radio in Morganton, North Carolina, USA
This page was previously updated on July 1st 2001


Hi Folks

Well, It's definitely about time I updated my page!! As regular listeners already know, many changes have taken place at WMNC. For many reasons.. We no longer stream audio. We don't like it, but we have no choice.

Please feel free to Email me by clicking Communication. I work at WMNC on the weekday morning show 92.1 FM 'The Big Dawg' from 5.30am to 9.00am.. and then on the Swap Shop 1430 AM from 9.00am to 10.00am. CJ Stancil produces the news breaks for both stations.

This page is still(and will probably always be!) under construction. I'll include more in the near future..

I've had some great comments from our regular listeners.. and I really would love to hear from more of you!

Also.. please, please, please sign my GUESTBOOK.. then I'll know who's coming by to visit!

If you'd like, please visit my links.. You may find some interesting info!

Thanks for dropping by and please come back soon to check out changes and new additions like the little QUIZLET below.. and don't forget to add me to your FAVORITES list.

See Ya!
