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Hey YOU! Yeah, YOU over there! What's up?! What? Could you speak a little louder please? We can't hear you :o) Anyway, we just want to thank you soooo much for stopping by our page! Gee, how rude I am! Here have a sit... HEY WAITTT! Don't sit there! NOOO! What's wrong with you? Gosh! You almost sat on Guido! Whoops, I'm sorry, I'm sure you'd never hurt a lovely, cute goose like Guido on purpose, right?! Of course not... Hmm... so... You like the Backstreet Boys, uh? Yeah. Hey, how did I guess that? ;o) Say, which one's your fav? Really?Actually we don't have a favorite one. They're ALL so talented and funny... so talented and handsome... so talented and sweet... so talented... Okay, okay, I guess you got the picture. That's why we've dedicated this page to them (HEY BOYS! WHAT'SUP?), to the Band (HEY BOYS! HEY MINDI!) and to all BSB fans from all over. You know, those nut people, like my sister and I, who enjoy practicing the Boys' dance rotines. C'mon, don't tell me you never tried it? *Haha* Hold on a sec now! What am I talking about? What does this page have to do with dance routines? Sorry, guys, I'm already writting nonsense. But don't worry, I'm just like that :o) By the way, my name's Fernanda and this is my sis, Flávia. So, what's your name? Oooh... Nice to meet YOU! You know what? You seem to be a cool person. Yeah, really! Maybe you'd like to take a look at some things we've been working on... Do you like drawings, comics and stuff like that? If so, check these out! But PLEASE don't steal my pics, OKAY? If you do, I'll have no choice but telling your parents about it. And I'll make sure they'll give you a REAL hard time: no more watching cartoons, no more surfing the net and... the worst part... no more listening to the BSB Millennium album! *Muaahaahaa* Did I sound cruel or what?! :o)


A NOTE TO THE BAND... We can dream about them visiting our page, can't we?

A NOTE TO THE BOYS... We can keep on dreaming, right? :o)



Meet LeOnA, Snott, Princess, check out our FaVoRiTe SiTeS & oUr BaNnEr!

Wait! You're leaving already?!? :õ( Without saying buhbye? Aww that hurts... C'mon, we'd love to hear your opinion about our site and everything else... If you liked our drawings... or not, if you think we're nuts... or not, if you prefer chuncky to creamy peanut butter ;o) Anything at all! So feel free to e-mail us (that means: write to us RIGHT NOW!). Or just write UpDaTe on the e-mail subject and we'll let you know whenever the page's updated... Hey, what are you looking at? Oh gosh, you're right, I didn't give you my e-mail add yet. Oh, hey, look! My little friend Bart took care of that for me. Aww, isn't he just adorable?!

We're really REALLY really anxious to hear from YOU! So, see ya! Buhbye! Aufwiedersehen! Tchau! Adious! Au revoir! Até logo! Ha det bra (Thanks Maria!) Hejdå! (Thanks Linda!) Slàn leibh! Valete! G^is revido! Arrivederci! Sawa'dee! Khairete! (THANK YOUUU, Jonathan!!!). Does anyone out there know how to say byebye in any other language? If so, please let me know, okay?!

Online since: September, 1999

And loonies have visited it so far!!!
