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Robert Drake's Homepage

"Ain’t no road a good road ‘til it’s free to everyone." – Unknown

"A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down."
--Robert Benchley (1889-1945)

My Dog, Daisy.
She's way too cute.
To see more pictures of Daisy, click here or on the image above.

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The Nature Conservancy

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Go to Page 2, Photographs of Western NC
Go to Page 3, Photographs of Norway, 1998 field research, Leinesfjord, Steigen Kommune
Go to Page 4, Photographs of Colorado, 1996-1997 field research, Piceance basin
Go to Page 5, Photos from the West
Go to Page 6, Photographs of Family and Friends
Go to Page 7, Miscellaneous Quotes I Like

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