dr.who?'s BookStore - a barnesandnoble.com affiliate bookstore
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dr.who?'s BookStore
a barnesandnoble.com Affiliate bookstore

TARDIS'have landed here.

For your convience, I have compiled a listing of some of the Doctor Who related books that are available through BarnesandNobel.com. At this time I have not chosen to include the titles of the many Doctor Who novels. Where available, pictures of the book covers have been included. Browse at you leisure and ENJOY!

                          ISBN:  1556981473
Title:  Doctor Who: The Complete Baker Years
Author:  John Peel
Publisher:  Simon & Schuster Trade
Date Published:  June 1987
Format:  Trade Paper

Dr Who I Am the Doctor: Jon Pertwee ISBN:  1852276215
Title:  Dr Who I Am the Doctor: Jon Pertwee's Final Memoir
Author:  Jon Pertwee,David J. Howe
Publisher:  London Bridge
Date Published:  December 1996
Format:  Trade Cloth

                          ISBN:  0426204301
Title:  The Doctor Who Handbook: The First Doctor
Author:  David J. Howe,Mark Stammers,Stephen James Walker
Publisher:  London Bridge
Date Published:  June 1995
Format:  Trade Paper

The Doctor Who - the Handbook: The Second Doctor ISBN:  0426205162
Title:  The Doctor Who - the Handbook: The Second Doctor
Author:  David J. Howe,Mark Stammers,Stephen James Walker
Publisher:  London Bridge
Date Published:  December 1997
Format:  Trade Paper

After the success of the fourth, sixth, first, fifth and third "Doctor" handbooks, Stammers and Walker have applied their undisputed talent for research and documentation to one of the most fondly remembered eras of Britain's greatest science fiction show.

The Handbook: The Third Doctor ISBN:  0426204867
Title:  The Handbook: The Third Doctor
Author:  David J. Howe,Stephen J. Walker
Publisher:  London Bridge
Date Published:  November 1996
Format:  Mass Market Paperbound

The Doctor Who Handbook: The Fifth Doctor ISBN:  0426204581
Title:  The Doctor Who Handbook: The Fifth Doctor
Author:  David J. Howe,Stephen James Walker
Publisher:  London Bridge
Date Published:  January 1996
Format:  Trade Paper

                          ISBN:  0426205278
Title:  The Handbook: The Seventh Doctor
Author:  David J. Howe,Steven James Walker
Publisher:  London Bridge
Date Published:  November 1998
Format:  Trade Paper

In 1997, "Doctor Who" was canceled. For ten years the show would be off the air, spawning a host of tie-in products and unofficial material to satisfy the show's legions of fans. Here, the authors have applied their undisputed talent for research and documentation to one of the most fondly remembered eras of Britain's greatest science fiction show.

The Eighties ISBN:  0753501287
Title:  The Eighties
Author:  David J. Howe,With Stephen James Walker
Publisher:  London Bridge
Date Published:  December 1997
Format:  Trade Paper

Here, for the first time, is a complete overview of the pivotal period that saw the apparent end of Doctor Who. The book reveals hitherto unknown facts about the actors, the technical crew, and the public reaction. In researching this book, the authors had unlimited access to the BBC's files and have turned up hundreds of new facts about the world's best-loved Time Lord.

License Denied: Rumblings from the Doctor Who Underground ISBN:  075350104X
Title:  License Denied: Rumblings from the Doctor Who Underground
Author:  Paul Cornell (Editor)
Publisher:  London Bridge
Date Published:  November 1997
Format:  Trade Paper

At last, the definitive collection of Doctor Who fan writing! "Licence Denied" is a celebration of the adverse and enduring voice of fandom: a collection of the best spoofs, critiques and outrageous theories ever to be produced.

                          ISBN:  0491034970
Title:  Doctor Who: The Time-Traveller's Guide
Author:  Peter Haining
Publisher:  Unsourced Publishers
Date Published:  September 1987
Format:  Trade Cloth

                          ISBN:  1852273291
Title:  Doctor Who: Gallifrey Chronicles
Author:  Carol Publishing Group (Editor)
Publisher:  Carol Publishing Group
Date Published:  November 1991
Format:  Trade Cloth

                          ISBN:  0426203623
Title:  Doctor Who; Timelord
Author:  Carol Publishing Group (Editor)
Publisher:  Carol Publishing Group
Date Published:  January 1992
Format:  Trade Paper

                          ISBN:  0786404426
Title:  Critical History of Doctor Who on Television
Author:  John K. Muir
Publisher:  McFarland & Company, Incorporated Publishers
Date Published:  March 1999
Format:  Library Binding

                          ISBN:  0491038135
Title:  The Doctor Who File
Author:  Peter Haining
Publisher:  Carol Publishing Group
Date Published:  October 1986
Format:  Trade Cloth

                          ISBN:  1852273216
Title:  Doctor Who; Monsters
Author:  Carol Publishing Group
Publisher:  Carol Publishing Group
Date Published:  April 1992
Format:  Trade Cloth

                          ISBN:  0491036124
Title:  Doctor Who; The Early Years
Author:  Jeremy Bentham
Publisher:  Unsourced Publishers
Date Published:  February 1986
Format:  Trade Cloth

                          ISBN:  1852277823
Title:  Five Rounds Rapid!: The Autobiography of Nicholas Courtney, Doctor Who's Brigadier
Author:  Nicholas Courtney,John Nathan-Turner (Editor)
Publisher:  London Bridge
Date Published:  January 1999
Format:   Trade Cloth

                          ISBN:  none
Title:  The Doctor Who Technical Manual
Author:  Mark Harris
Publisher:  London, Severn House
Date Published:  1983
Format:  Hardcover - First Edition / Dust Jacket

                          ISBN:  none
Title:  The Doctor Who Technical Manual (OFFICIAL ANNIVERSARY VOLUME)
Author:  Mark Harris
Date Published:  1983
Format:  Paperback - First Edition

                          ISBN:  none
Author:  John-Nathan Turner
Date Published:  1985
Format:  Paperback


For those of you with a more eclectic taste in reading here is a link to another area of dr.who?'s BookStore where I am sure that you can find something to your liking.

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Some time ago I lost my old GuestBook: I am absolutely clueless as to whut happened to it, but suddenly I could not make connection thru the established link. Since I could not find where they went I completely revamped a NEW GuestBook which I myself customized. I have also included a short (well, all right, maybe not so short) survey that I hope each of you will complete as you sign the GuestBook. If you have signed my GuestBook in the past, I would appreciate it if you would sign again since all those entries went whatever way the old GuestBook did, hmmmmmm....now that I thimk on the matter, the old GuestBook was probably stolen by my nemesis The Master and is now lost in the fartherest reaches of the universe!!!

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to Sign My NEW Guestbook

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