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AAChristian Falangist Party of AmericaF


The Christian Falangist Party of America was founded in Philadelphia ,Pennsylvania on September 14th 1985 as an organisation dedicated to fighting the "Forces of Darkness". The Party was revived on November 10th 1998 and we have every intention to continue fighting those dark forces, which include Racial bigotry, Anti-Semitism, Materialism, Moral decadence, Social injustice, Nazis, Communists, Masons and the New World Order. What we are for are Democratic and Traditional values, the representation of the People in the form of Falanges. A People who are Disciplined, Spiritual, Wholesome and Healthy. We want to wage war against Poverty, Hunger, Fear and Crime. We wish to make clear one important fact, we are not Fascists nor Socialists, even if there are some similarities. We don't believe in Totalitarianism. We believe in a freely elected President who is in office for one six year term and limited terms for other elected officials.We are great admirers of Bashir Gemayel the assassinated president of Lebanon and we back the Lebanese Kataeb Party ( Phalange ) 100%. We demand that the illegal Syrian occupational forces in Lebanon release Dr. Samir Gaegea the Phalangist leader who was imprisoned and tortured because he refused to betray his native Lebanon to foreign invaders. We most of all want to see an end to the Communist regime in Cuba and a return to Democracy and Freedom for that island nation.

=> We are not associated in any way with the Spanish Falange or any Neo-Fascist Parties. We believe in the Constitution, Nationalist-Democracy and the Free Enterprise System.<=

This is just a brief summary of what we stand for,this is also only a temporary web page. Our finished web pages will be up hopefully by December 24th 2000 on a permanent site. Please stop back and visit us. Thank You. If you have any further questions please send them by e-mail .


Kurt Weber-Heller, National Secretary , C.F.P.A.

e - mail us at



You can now visit us at our new website located at:

new e-mail is:





[updated 11/10/00]