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Cross Stitchers of the Knight

Copyright© 1999 Nancy A. Taylor
All Rights Reserved

This is the first offering on my Cross Stitchers of the Knight webpage. I stitched this picture of Ger and Carrie Krumtum from the second Weekend With Ger.

Anyone who has stitched an FK picture or other project is welcomed and encouraged to send me a close photo of your finished project and I will put it on this page for everyone to enjoy.

Thanks for visiting.

Here is Michelle Loo's lastest project. She took it to the Gerthering 5 to have Ger sign it. The picture was taken at the 1999 Tucson Classics right after she presented him with his birthday gift. The writing on the mat says: "Dear Michelle, Thank you, Love Ger". Lucky girl! {g}

The picture on the left was stitched by Barb Erickson. She does a most excellent job, doesn't she? Hers was stitched on 14-count Aida cloth. The picture on the right is my version, stitched on 22-count Hardanger and signed by Ger at Gerthering 4.

This picture of Geraint Wyn Davies was stitched by Michelle Loo. It is from my pattern page and the pattern is titled "GerSmall." Michelle and I got a kick out of that one! {grin}

This picture of Nick and Nat from "Night in Question" was stitched by Michelle Loo. She got it autographed at Gerthering 4 as well. Note: It says "Nick loves Nat." {grin}

This bulletin board was stitched by Cheryl Barnes. Note the FKXS logo pin she stitched in the lower left corner. The other pins are her affiliation pins from Susan Garrett. Great job, Cheryl!!

My thanks go to Bobbie Williams for this latest addition to my web page. After stitching this beautiful shirt, Bobbie told me it was very hard for her to give it away. I can certainly understand why. Thanks, Bobbie, for this lovely addition!

This lovely board was stitched by Jan Jones as a gift to Susan Garrett. It is a combo board (dry erase/natural cork). Jan painted the cork black and mounted her FK logo stitchery on it. Doesn't it look GREAT?! Thanks, Jan!

These beautiful FK and BH "license plates" were lovingly stitched by Michelle Loo. She sent these for me to put up on the page, as the FK picture she is currently working on will take her some time to finish. Look for more from Michelle in the (hopefully) near future. Thanks, Michelle, for the addition to the page!

This picture isn't technically FK, but it's one of my latest pics. If the hair were darker, I think she could be Janette in Renaissance dress. :)

Now let's here from more of you! PLEASE?! I know you're out there stitching!

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