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[an error occurred while processing this directive] WE NEED YOU HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO ONE HAS SHOWN INTEREST ALL OVER MARYLAND THAT THEY WANNA SEE TENCHI UNIVERSE AND FALL 98 IS COMING SOON, I'M 0N THE VERGE OF DROPPING THIS PETITION FROM 500 NAMES TO 400 NAMES, SO PLEASE TELL YOUR FRIENDS' YOUR FRIEND'S FRIENDS, YOUR AUNT AND YOUR UNCLE. PLEASE IF YOU WANT OTHER ANIME TV SERIES LIKE SLAYERS, POSSIBLY RANMA 1/2, OR YOU WANT SAILOR MOON S, SAILOR MOON SUPER S, AND SAILOR STARS TO BE DUBBED IN ENGLISH, IF YOU WANT AN UNCUT VERSION OF DRAGON BALL Z, YOU GOTTA HELP ME OUT ANOTHER THING, i'M TAKING DOWN MY FINAL FANTASY PAGE ON JUNE 25, SO I CAN START A PETITION ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO GET SOME ANIME MOVIES ON THE PREMIUM CHANNELS LIKE HBO, SHOWTIME, AND OTHERS, SO PLEASE HELP OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS Frederick Wilson, welcome to the Tenchi Muyo Fanpage, Tenchi Muyo is a series about a normal teenage boy with very unsusal houseguest from space. almost each female character has a little crush on Tenchi even little Sasami, evn though she doesn't admit it. meet the characters Masaki Tenchi Our main character. Nice, quiet, hard-working, shy, uncertain about girls. His indecision when it comes to girlsis the focal point of the story's conflicts. Ryoko A renowed space pirate, Ryoko seems a pure creature of the id.Irresponsible and mischievous, she could be blamed for a good deal of the troubles for the group. put I think she's cute. Aeka The First princess of planet Jurai. Ayeka is well versed in all social graces and may come off as being rather prudish at times. She and Ryoko fight over Tenchi and start telling stories about her younger years about how mean Ryoko is and Vice Versa. Sasami Sasami is one of the cutest characters in the whole show. Being Ayeka's younger sister has given Sasami the oppertunity to avoid some of her royal dutiest that fall upon her older sister. Mihoshi It is amazing that she has managed to reach the rank of Detective First-Class and survived as long as she because Mihoshi redefines the term "airhead." Washu Despite having the appearance of a 12 year old, Washu has been aroud for almost 20,000 years and is the most brilliant scientist in the galaxy. Kiyone Kiyone is Mihoshi Partner she is the one who does. everything right. Kiyone's life was going great: she graduated first in her police class, she was predicted to get to the top fast, but then she was given Mihoshi as a partner, and that ruined those plans. Nagi Nagi is the Bobafett of the Tenchi Universe; the dark, mysterious bounty-hunter with very little screen time. She is Ryoko's arch-nemesis (as much as Bobafett was Han solo's) and lives soley for the purpose of hunting down Ryoko. Nagi is an original character designed for the TV series and doesn't appear in the OAV's...unfortunately, she doesn't appear much in the TV series either. Now I'm starting a Tenchi Muyo petition to get it on the air on MPT (Maryland Public Television. It is already on the air at 10:00 pm on Sunday on Kteh in San Jose Califonia followed by Robotech. and I wanna do something like this in Maryland, so please sign, I need 500 signutures for the petition and tell MPT you wanna see Tenchi Muyo on TV. THIS WILL BE A GREAT CHANCE TO SEE MORE ANIME ON TV. And all you visitors out of Maryland, contact your local PBS station. WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER

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