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Hello and welcome to my homepage.

I hope you enjoy your visit. I am continously rearranging and making updates. So please stop in often to see my homepage grow.

I just recently added a new links page. This new links page can help you get started on your homepage. I have collected some of the best websites for homepage developing. I am sure you will get all the information you need from this new page.

I hope you find everything easy to read and appealing to the eyes.

I hope you will take some time and check out some of the Webrings I am a member of as well. The members of these sites have alot of great information!

Well enjoy your exploration into the "outer limits" of cyberspace!!!

As for my website... I am forever working to make this site as user-friendly as possible. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to e-mail me. I am always looking for new and improved ways to make this site better! Also for those of you that are new to making homepages, please feel free to e-mail me and maybe I can help you. I love to help out people out!

So roam around and look at the progress I have made. Enjoy your stay and please don't forget to sign my guestbook.

I really hope you enjoyed your stay!!! Please come back soon!!!

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