Memorial Ritual

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All Nature is cyclic.

Along with birth, first menses, handfastings and cronings are Memorial Rituals. Perhaps not as much fun to plan as Handfastings, but just as necessary, just as important and just as beautiful.

This memorial Ritual was almost directly from one of Starhawk's books, with just a little adapation. That book, _The Pagan Book of Living and Dying_ is one that I highly recommend. It is good for a number of reasons. First, it is a great reference book for making rituals. Second, it gives a lot of insight into how to deal with your own death and the death of those you love.

Rituals like this one bring Pagan brothers and Sisters together to celebrate the life of a person, and to morn their passing; just as a funeral does (except there's no fire and brimstone!).

Music: "Carry Me Home" by Todd Alan

Ground (Sharon)

East Call (Sundance):
Spirits of the East,
Powers of Air,
We call you into our circle.
Bring us clarity of vision,
bright memories of our beloved friend,
And the knowledge of sunrise and new beginnings.
Blessed Be.

South Call (Sharon):
Spirits of the South,
Powers of Fire,
We call you into our sacred circle.
Bring us the courage we need to face the reality of death,
Keep our passion alive even in our sorrow,
And bring us the warmth of the hearth and the cleansing power of Fire.
Blessed Be.

West Call (Tim):
Spirits of the West,
Powers of Water,
We call you into our circle.
Open our hearts,
Let our tears and love flow,
And bring us healing and renewal.
Blessed Be.

North Call (Litz);
Spirits of North,
powers of North,
We call you into our circle.
From you we come;
To you we return.
Bring us strength and nurturing,
And the knowledge that all that dies
Becomes a part of you again.
Blessed Be.

Center Call (Gwen):
Spirits of Center,
Of change and transformation,
We call you into our Circle.
Guide us through this change,
Help our beloved friend through the great transformation he faces
Help us to remember the true core of our lives.
Blessed Be.

Spirits of this land,
Of the rocks and trees, of the plants and animals,
Of those who walked here long before us,
We come with respect to ask your compassion,
And your teaching,
So that we who are living may learn to become
Strong allies of the land and its peoples.
May the spirit of Eric be a bond between us.
Blessed Be.

With our hands,
With our hearts,
And with our love,
This Circle is cast and sealed.
So mote it be.

Goddess Call (Brydie);
Goddess of death,
You who are the end inherent in the beginning,
Scythe to the ripe grain,
The fall of berries,
And the coming of night.
You are called the Implacable One.
But we know you
As the most gracious Goddess.
End of Sorrow,
Relief of pain,
Receive our brother, Eric.
May he become a star
In your night sky cauldron
And be brewed back to life.

God Call (Dick):
God of Grain,
God of seed,
You who every year's end
Are cut down and buried,
You who know the dark places
The way down, and the way up,
The fall and the rising,
Guide our brother Eric,
Show him the long road
Through the maze
To the place of rebirth,
To the place of return.

Litz (sings an original piece):

(while a soft heart beat is drummed):
You who have gone before us and given us our lives,
You who are ancestors of our blood and you who are ancestors of the spirit,
We bring you this offering.
May you walk among us now.
May you guide our friend to the Isle of Apples, to the realms of renewal.
May he join your company and there find healing for all the hurts of the body,
And may he continue to grow in wisdom and power.
May he meet those among you that he has known and loved before;
May he be embraced and welcomed.
Blessed Be.

Music: "And so Return to the Mother" by Reclaiming

Gryph (while flute music is bing played):
We know that you can take nothing with you but our memories and love.
We have gathered to offer them to you.
Let this Frankenscence, Myrrh and copal
Stand for the joys and sorrows we have shared together.
I ask you now to remember Eric,
To tell a story about him.
When you are finished speaking,
Come forward and drop some resin into the fire.

Participants speak as they choose.

Gryph (as the drum heart beat returns):
Eric, these are but a few of the rich memories you have left us.
We can never speak of you enough
And we will continue to tell tales of you as we are gathered here.
May the offerings we have made here help you on your journey.
May our voices become a river of power
To help guide you across the Sunless Sea to the Isle of Apples,
The island of rebirth.

Music: "Sun King," by Reclaiming

Meditation. Participants journey to the Shining Isle, the Isle of the dead, to meet an ancestor of bone or spirit. (Steady drum beat)

Music: "Ocean Mother" by Reclaiming

Gryph: Soul Prayer:
(Flute music)
(Sundance lights smudge, carries it around circle)
May the air carry your spirit gently.
All: repeat
(throw resin into the fire, Sharon carries red candle around circle)
May the fire release your soul.
All: repeat
(Tim moves around circle, drops water on people with flower)
May the water cleanse you.
All: repeat
(touch Earth, Litz spreads flowers on ground around circle)
May the earth receive you.
All: repeat
(stand, Gwen rattles softly around circle)
May the wheel turn again and bring you to rebirth.
All: repeat

Music: "The wheel turns again and again" by Reclaiming

We thank you for guiding the soul of Eric.
May you continue to be with him,
Offering comfort and strength,
And may you continue to guide us.
Hail and farewell.
Blessed Be.

Music: Litz (sings original piece)

Goddess and God release (Brydie and Dick):
B: Goddess of life and death,
D: God who dies and is reborn,
B: We thank you for our lives
D: And for the mystery of death.
B: May You welcome Eric with open arms,
D: And may You continue to lend the living your comfort and grace.
Both: Hail and farewell.
Blessed Be.

Center release (Gwen):
Spirits of Center,
We thank you for change and transformation.
Hail and Farewell.
Blessed Be.

North Release Litz):
Spirits of Earth,
We thank you for receiving back the body of Eric,
And for nurturing us in life.
Hail and farewell.
Blessed Be.

West Release (Tim):
Spirits of Water,
We thank you for all our emotions--
Love and sorrow, laughter and tears.
Hail and Farewell.
Blessed Be.

South Release (Sharon):
Spirits of Fire,
We thank you for passion,
For courage, for cleansing.
Hail and Farewell.
Blessed Be.

East Release (Sundance):
Spirits of Air,
We thank you for clarity and memory.
Hail and farewell.
Blessed Be.

Spirits of this land, this place,
We thank you for sheltering the spirit of Eric,
For allowing us to become part of you.
May we learn to become healers of the land.
Hail and Farewell.
Blessed Be.

By the Earth that is Her body,
By the air that is Her breath,
By the Fire of Her bright spirit,
By the Waters of Her living womb,
This circle is open, but unbroken.
May the peace of the Lord and Lady go in our hearts.
Blessed Be!
