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Andromeda Updating Mission

PROBLEM #1: Dromey claims she would update except she has no idea what to update. While the Drome's page is a CLASSIC, I have to admit it could use a little graphic tuning seeing as her HTML skills have just shot through the roof of the course of a year +. Let's get her inspired. SEND ALL YOUR DROMEY PAGE UPDATES (be decent, even though we NEED a "Map of Hades Body") to Belit-Sheri TOODYS!



Dromey Site Update Suggestions:- (it was said that she had run out of ideas. HAH!)
1.) Ummm maybe she can add something like a map of the I weon't keep getting lost ;) maybe clear the place up a touch? :)
(so, maybe we've run out of ideas TOO. Send yours in and have them posted! And dromey? beware! but really, pleeeasse update.. we love your site!)

WELL FOLKS! Dromey is our featured HOE! AND FOR A REASON! Yes ladies. *drags out the party hats and favors* It is the grand Anniversary of Andromda's Last Update! *CHEERS AND WINE-GLASS-CLINGS echoe through the chamber* WOW! June 17th 1998 doesn't seem so long ago! There! Go to Andromda's Underworld and see (June 17th, 1998)! Obviously for Andromeda, it was just yesterday!

Now who are WE to complain, right??? Dromey has givin us such perks as "Feline Force" and "PROMETHEUS ACADEMY"! These things we love and cherish... but HONEY CHILD! In anniversary of your last update, we're all PULLING together and signing a petition to get you to make another one! *CHEERS ERUPT* You see, Dromey's page is renowned! One of thee best Hades pages on the net, and newbies? They worship! But then they realize that nothing has changed for will change and we all weep together!

Belit: "Hey, Seph. What do you think would happen if Andromeda finally updated her page??"

Persephone: "LOL! That would be a trip!" (or something like that)

SO!!! To help support our cause, email Belit-Sheri at

Annd SIGN the petition! Which will be posted on this web page in order to FORCE Andromeda to update "The Underworld". Am I the only one who noticed that if this wasn't A.U.M it would have been D.U.M (Dromey. Update..etc)????

PLUS! IF you're REALLY patriotic about our cause, cut and paste this code below RIGHT onto your MAIN homepage and it will come out looking like something down below! THANKYOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

-Hades Angels

<p><center> <HR NOSHADE> I am proud to support the A<i>ndromeda</i> U<i>pdating</i> M<i>ission</i>! <br> <img src=""> <br> DROMEY! Update yer page or we break yer legs! <a href=""> A. U. M. </a> <HR NOSHADE> </center>

I am proud to support the Andromeda Updating Mission!

DROMEY! Update yer page or we break yer legs! A. U. M.