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John's Raleigh, NC, Home Page

I'm originally from Cincinnati, OH. I live in Raleigh, NC, now. I'm retired from the U.S. Air Force where I was a Law Enforcement Supervisor. While in the Air Force I lived in Dayton, OH, Tampa, FL, Rantoul, IL, King Salmon Airport, AK, and Kunsan City, Republic of Korea.

My wife Shannon and me.

My two sons.

and a newer one.

Here's a picture of Truman. He passed away in 2007. He was the coolest cat!

and this is Oakley...she snores...

Our dog, Max.


My Family. Still trying to get my sister's ex out of the picture...

Ever get the feeling you can never get ahead? Remember, this life is a test, it is only a test. If it were a real life you would receive instructions on where to go and what to do.

Just keep smiling! Weather

Things I Like To Do:

Some Cool Links:

Spooky Places and Pictures
Check the Raleigh weather.
Quotes and Stuff.
Lighthouse Pictures.
Family Pictures.
John's Air Force Stuff.
My Webshots Photo Alblums
Chanute AFB
Veterans For Secure Borders
Fight Illegal Immigration
Check Me Out On My Space
My Nightmare with the USFSPA, My Retirement Pay And Now Child Support

Check out my Not A Zombie products!


Copyright © 2005-2010 John K. Botner