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Welcome to My
Home Away From Home

Thank you for taking the time to check out my home page.
Well, anyone that knows me, knows I am no longer new to chat.
As a matter of fact, I am a "regular" now. *LOL*

I have been chatting so much lately I have callouses on two of my fingers. *L*
My favorite places to chat is Hatters 30 Something.
I have met alot of wonderful people in there.
People that have been thru alot with me.

I know I have mispelled my name.
I spelled it differently because I AM different.
Just ask anyone that knows me.
On second thought, you better not ask anyone that. *LOL*

I think this is where I am supposed to tell you about my friends, or myself, or something. *LOL*
But, I am going to continue to be different and just say,
if there is anything you want to know about me, just ask.
As for my friends. I have made so many friends in here they are too numerous to mention.
You all know who you are and I love each and every one of you.

This is far from done so please continue to check back.
Who knows, you may find a pic of me on here one day. *S*.

You found me!!!!

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