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Karen's Corner

Four Ways to Be a Grown-up

Who's Still Growing

1. Look to yourself for definition and direction,

and not to the judgment of friend, lovers and peers.

Never be afraid to become a fully-flexed 100-percent self

who operates out of raw honesty, even if it means some people think

you are outrageous.

That's a key principle of Surrendering to Yourself:

Don't dwell on what other people think of you,

focus on what you think of yourself.

Trying to please everyone else just waters down

your voice of truth,

and that's the voice you need to be listening to.

2. Start loving who you are and how you look at this moment,

imperfections and flaws. Aging can mean whatever we want it to mean;

it certainly should not mean aspiring

to look like a midlife actress whose physical perfection and perpetual youth

is from cosmetic enhancement and is simply not attainable by most women.

Real beauty springs from having purpose and passion,

whether you are 28 or 50 or 64.

What we need to seek is not a perfect physique,

but fitness of life.

3. If going to work fills you with more dread than exhilaration

it's time to shake up your life.

Don't put off your dreams for a future To Do list

that may never pan out.

Right now. figure out who you want to be

when you grow up, even if you're already 48.

It's never too late to become who you were meant to be all along.

You get only one lifetime to get it right.

4. Don't abandon the passion of your soul.

We should, at every age, make sure we remain connected

to our childhood passions, hobbies, sports and other forms of play

that make us feel charged and hopeful and alive.

Don't stop shooting baskets or riding horses or training in ballet

if that's what you once loved to do.

When you are linked to your soul,

life seems a lot more loving,

and you are in a better position to love and serve others.

-- from "Surrendering to Yourself", by Iris Krasnow

"To love another person

is to see the face of God. [Les Miserables]"

~ Victor Hugo ~

"Love is the great miracle cure.

Loving ourselves

works miracles in our lives."

~ Louise L. Hay ~

"If you wish to be loved;


~ Seneca ~

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