Welcome to Lovin' Backstreet Boys Always!
Supporting our Boys as we move from Chapter 1 to Chapter 2...
Public Service Announcement #103007: BUY *UNBREAKABLE*!! If "Inconsolable" is any representation of the album, its gonna be AWESOME!
last updated: September 21, 2007
Just a quick note: The reason for the lack of updates between Nov 05 and Sept 07 is that life and school got in the way: I had an eventful 2 years that included ACL reconstruction surgery (plus rehab) and, much more time consuming, senior year's senior design project for engineering. I'm now in graduate school and not sure how often updates will be coming, but I'll try...
Updated news...it's been a while
Lyrics to "Never Gone: B-Sides" will *finally* be added as soon as I type them up; also may go ahead and start an "Unbreakable B-Sides" page as well
-- Send me an email!! --

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"Live life to the fullest for the future is scarce" ~Nick Carter Millennium
I can do all things through Him who gives me strength ~Phil. 4:13
Fama nihil est celeriter Nothing is swifter than rumor --Vergil Aeneid
I have a policy on my site to not post any rumors until I'm sure they are true (or false...to disprove them). I may have dates posted for releases...but that's only b/c I've read them at credible places.