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Results and Conclusions for the Wheatstone Bridge Experiment

For the first circuit, I predicted that the measured resistance would be very close to the known resistor. I figured there would be about a 5% difference in resistances because of the color code. The color code on the known resister showed that it had a five- percent difference. I was correct. The two resistances were very close and the percent deviation was only 5.8%. This showed that the color code on the known resistor was fairly correct and that the slide rule worked correctly.

In the second circuit that was constructed, the circuit in series, I predicted that the resistance would be doubled (20,000 ohms). I was correct. The resistance was 20,396 ohms because there was more resistance in the circuit. This is because there is more for the current to travel through and that means that there is a greater resistance.

I predicted that the resistance for the circuit in parallel would be less than 10,000 ohms. I was correct. The third circuit has a resistance half of the original resistance because the circuit is in parallel. The resistance is lowered because the parallel circuit gives the current more places to go. The total resistance doubles for a single resistance. Therefore, the total resistance is halved.

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