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Getting The Job Done


Members neither seek fame nor wishes their names to be in bright lights.
Members' occupations vary, including (overheard on one repeater: ''Farmers & Rednecks'').
These ''Farmers and Rednecks'' do a right fair job, if I do say so.
Granville County ARES NC Team scored #1 TEAM USA on 1997 SET.

No Brag - Just Fact, Getting The Job Done!
If it's created - it's Copyrighted:
This manual was originally the property of GRANVILLE COUNTY ARES NC.
To better serve our communities, 100% approved revising and restructuring to be known as:
Permission hereby granted to copy, in its entirety, for use as guideline for other ARES teams -

Amateur Radio Emergency Plan


1.1 Tri-County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) members are FCC licensed Amateur Radio operators of Granville, Person, Vance and surrounding counties who have voluntarily registered their capabilities and equipment for communications duty.

1.2 In accordance with treaties agreed to with International Telecommunications Union, frequencies throughout the radio spectrum are allocated to the Amateur Radio Service. By selection of the appropriate frequency bands, amateurs are capable of communicating around the world, a geographical region or they may limit their communications to a local area.

1.3 All nations allocate valuable space in the radio spectrum to the Amateur Service because of its ability to immediately respond in time of need and quickly establish communications where none existed or to supplement existing emergency radio services overloaded with disaster communications.

1.4 Under Federal regulations, Amateur Radio Public Service Communications are furnished without compensation of any kind.

1.5 Tri-County ARES functions under this Emergency plan directed by County Emergency Coordinator (EC), who is appointed by the ARRL North Carolina Section EC in consultation with the District Emergency Coordinator.

1.6 Each county EC may appoint assistant EC's and other officers as needed for Tri-County ARES to function efficiently.


2.1 The purpose of this plan is to provide a written guide containing the minimum information that would be needed in an emergency. Each emergency is different and flexibility to provide an adequate response to each is a necessity.

2.2 The primary mission of Tri-County ARES is to furnish communications in the event of a disaster, when regular communications fail or are inadequate.

2.3 All drills, training and instruction shall be carried out to ensure readiness to respond quickly in providing effective amateur communications whenever an occasion may arise that ARES is needed.

2.4 The following agencies will be served during communications emergencies: County Fire and Police Departments, Medical Services, Red Cross, DOT, Salvation Army and any other agencies requesting assistance from ARES.


3.1 Any Tri-County ARES member who suspects a communications emergency exists should monitor the assigned net frequency for activity.

3.2 If local telephone service is available, the affected EC and/or AEC's should be notified by telephone at once. If telephone service is out, an effort should be made to contact the EC or an AEC as soon as possible.

3.3 In an emergency in which Amateur Radio might serve the community, Amateur Radio operators may be alerted by any city, county or similar official notifying the EC.


4.1 If telephone service is available, the telephone tree will be activated by the EC or AEC's.

4.2 Upon awareness or notification that a communications emergency exists, members of the Tri-County ARES will call into the Tri-County Emergency Net on either 145.17, 145.37 or 146.94 repeaters, depending on their location. IF repeaters are down, use these frequencies simplex.

4.3 The affected EC will assume net control or delegate another station as net control station (NCS).


5.1 The Tri-County Emergency net will be called to order by an NCS. The NCS will be assigned by the EC or AEC. This will be a directed net with ALL stations going through the Net Control Station.

5.3 Backup repeaters will be checked for operation (444.600, 145.370, 146.940 & 224.740)

5.5 Liaison stations will be assigned to National Traffic System, Weather Relay nets and any other communication services as needed:

146.880 National Weather Service Skywarn

3.923 Tarheel Emergency Net

145.110 Franklin County for relay

5.6 Operators of home stations (not on emergency power) may be coordinated to effectively operate the "Key Stations" as required.


6.1 All written messages must be in standard ARRL form.

6.2 All messages must be signed by the official who originates them, with his/her title, taking responsibility for their contents.

6.3 Message procedures of EMERGENCY, Priority, Welfare and Routine, as defined on ARRL FSD-3 shall be used on all messages.

6.4 Stations do not transmit unless asked to do so by net control. The only exception is a station having EMERGENCY traffic.


7.1 An annual test will be conducted in October in conjunction with the nationwide ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET).

7.2 The Tri-County ARES will regularly supply public safety communications in conjunction with local events, to test the effectiveness of our operations.

7.3 The Tri-County ARES Net meets each Thursday on 145.17 at 0100 GMT (9 PM local).

7.4 At the discretion of each EC, the ARES call up tree will be activated unannounced via phone at least once per year, at which time stations should check in on 145.17 repeater.

7.5 All members should be trained in damage assessment and storm spotting as soon as possible.(Classes will be offered FREE)

7.6 There will be at least one simulated emergency for ARES members in Tri-County area each year.


8.1 National Weather Service Issues Bulletins for severe weather watches and warnings on 162.55 Mhz. A severe weather watch means severe weather is possible in watch area. A warning means severe weather is either happening or about to happen in the warning area.

8.2 When a severe weather watch is issued for Tri-County area, the 145.17 repeater courtesy beep is changed by an operator to the Morse character "W" [di dah dah]. Voice announcements may be made when there is a WATCH. All amateurs in Tri-County area should monitor 145.17 repeater until voice announcements are made or the "W" is turned off. Recheck your emergency power. BE PREPARED!

8.3 When a severe weather WARNING is issued for Granville County (if not already changed ), the courtesy beep will change to Morse character "W" and a voice announcement will follow shortly by either the EC or an AEC. Unless otherwise instructed, during a severe warning, all amateurs should stay tuned to 145.17 for further information. A net will begin if a request is made from any agencies we serve or if the EC or AEC thinks it appropriate.

8.4 All stations are asked to check-in with CALL and NAME. If an operator is having severe weather or cannot stay on the air, now is the time to advise Net Control. If an operator has any emergency traffic, use BREAK - BREAK!! to get Net Control's attention. Stay calm as possible because the information you give is vital to all of us.

8.5 Severe Weather:

1. Tornadoes
2. Hurricanes
3. Thunderstorms with hail or high winds (possible Tornadoes)
4. Flooding due to heavy rain
5. Snow (If accumulating)
6. High Wind (30+ Mph)
7. Ice Storm


9.1 All requests for assistance must be directed through affected EC or Acting EC.

9.2 When a request is made for amateurs from other counties, Net Control Stations must have maps to direct these amateurs to the requested staging area.

9.3 Request type of operators (net controllers or field operators) and equipment needed, so the EC in assisting county will know who to send as he knows his teams resources better than anyone else.

9.4 Request assistance when county resources are six hours from empty and put help on stand-by. At three hours, bring in outside help. Never push yourself or team members. Under disasters or emergency conditions, it is a strain to just be active. The average for a net control station is three to four hours, depending on the type of disaster or emergency.


10.1 Repeaters frequencies and uses:

145.170 Primary repeater
145.370 Backup to 145.17 & traffic headed out of county
224.740 Secondary local traffic
444.600 Secondary Repeater for extreme Northern Sector
146.940 Southern Granville Primary repeater

10.2 Repeaters:

145.170 N4NCK (Granville ARC / ARES)
145.370 N4NCK (Granville ARC / ARES)
146.940 WA4IZG (Falls Lake ARC/ARES)
224.740 N4NCK (Granville ARC / ARES)
444.600 KC4WXA (Granville ARC / ARES)

10.3 Other Frequencies:

3.923 - For traffic outside of county
146.880 - Traffic headed to NOAA & EOC
145.110 - Franklin County
147.060 - Person County
145.470 - Mecklenburg Co. Va.

10.4 Emergency Coordinators:

Granville County - Lewis Spurlin, Jr. (N4NCT) - Creedmoor, NC
Vance County - Larry Knight, Jr. (KF4KRB) - Henderson, NC
Person County - Edward Allen (KF4MXH) Roxboro, NC

10.5 Asst. Emergency Coordinators:

Chris Noel (KC4WXA) - OXFORD, NC
Jim Harrison (KR4WU) - HENDERSON, NC
Scott Cannada (KF4MXG) - OXFORD, NC
Wiley Ayscue (N4NCK) - BUTNER, NC

10.6 Phone Numbers:

Granville 911 (Oxford)
Lisa Adcock, Central Area EOC (919)-XXXX (Butner)
Gerald T.(Tom) Simpson, Sr., N4UCO, Central EC (Wilson)

10.7 Statewide Frequencies:

155.228 - EMS
457.325 - NC State Highway Patrol

10.8 County Frequencies:


154.415 - Emergency and Fire [EM - 1]
155.070 - Granville County Sheriff
155.625 - Granville County Sheriff (#2)
159.090 - Creedmoor PD
154.205 - Stem FD First Responders on scene frequency
155.220 - EMS
155.490 - Butner Crime Control & Public Safety
155.340 - Hospitals


155.310 Roxboro PD/Person County Sheriff
154.160 - Person County Fire Dispatch
155.955 - Person County Fire Dispatch


154.875 - Henderson PD
154.800 - Vance County Sheriff
155.535 - Vance County Fire

11. ARES EMERGENCY KIT (Suggestions)

List of things you should have on hand in an Emergency:

Handie Talkie ( two Meters )

Flashlight ( At least one )

Extra Batteries -- A. For flashlight - : B. For 2 meter radio

Legal Pad or Note Pad

Message Forms

Pens and/or Pencils

Clipboard or some type of writing surface

Cash (a few dollars and some change in case you stay out awhile)

Rain Coat

Portable antenna for 2 meters

25 -- 75 feet of Coax

Small tool kit: side cutters, pliers, knife, screwdrivers, electrical tape, roll of hook-up wire.

Warm Clothing if weather is cool or cold.

Tire Chains (Nothing moves on ice without tire chains)

Other items: jumper cables, change of clothes, flares etc. You never know what you may find on the scene, or how long you will be there. No matter what you have you will need something else.

You will not need a map, as your NCS will direct you to the location where you are needed.

This list is not mandatory, only a recommendation.

Tip: Batteries can be stored in a freezer for long time. Wrap them in plastic or use a lunch bag in case one leaks.(AC4UO)

Tip: A piece of PVC pipe about six inches or larger in diameter with a cap glued on one end and a screw type cap on the other makes an excellent way to keep your emergency kit waterproof and ready for transportation.(N4NCT)

Tip: Make up a cable for your HT with alligator clips on one end and a DC plug on the other to fit your radio. That way if you arrive at a site with any kind of 12 Volt DC power you can hook up your HT for extended use.(KR4WU)

This manual came to be after many hours of planning, discussions and labors of - AC4UO, N4RMN, N4NCT, KR4WU, KC4WXA, N4NCK and others. Thanks to all!!!!

(c) 1992 Granville County ARES Team, NC
(c) 1998 Tri-County ARES Team, NC

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