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Avishay's phone cards page

Most of my cards are from Israel, but i got some other too. If you want to swap, E-mail me at: My Israeli cards: Blue backround with 1996-1997 calendar - 20 units - used, List of calories of food and beverages - 20 units - used, Gray special phone card - 50 units+6 - used, Israeli news paper - Yediot ahronot - No. 1-7 out of 7 (2 weman, Prisnor, Man on Island, Woman on T.V., Man and canibal, man and muger, man and dog) - 20 units - used, White backround with colorfull 20 on it - 20 units - used, Matching between couples by horoscope - 20 units - used, Mark Chagal windows - Asher - 50 units - used, Mark Chagal windows - Dan - 50 units - used, Mark Chagal windows - Zebulun - 50 units - used, Mark Chagal windows - Reuben - 50 units - used, Mark Chagal windows - Judah - 50 units - used, Special I.D.F sloider - the second to come out of 4 - 20 units - used, Mechanic gray backround with big 20 on it - 20 units - used, The communication in Israel (Very clorfull phone card) - 20 units - used, For safty in the roads - 20 units - used, Happy chiledhood - thier rights, are duty - 20 units - used, Wizo with children stars on it - to stop family violence - 20 units - used, Keep Israel clean (Panit combiend with photo) - 20 units - used, 100 years to first ziyoni congres - 120 units - used, Phone card for the Israeli soccer team of "Hapoel Beer Sheba", the 1996/97 Israeli cup holder - 50 units - used, Light-blue with white receiver and blue 20 on it - 20 units (and very filthy I got to say) - used, Phone card for the 15th Macbiah - 50 units - used, Phone card calling for volunteering (2 hands holding each other) - 20 units - used, 150th birthday of Alexande Grahm Bell - 2 card combuned to puzell - 120 units - used, Birthday greeting in hebrew (Mazal Tov) - 50 units - used, Phone card for reserving sites in Israel - Number 1 out of series of 4 - The Biria fortress - 120 units - used, Phone card for reserving sites in Israel - Number 2 out of series of 4 - The Mikve Israel synagogue - 120 units - used, Phone card for reserving sites in Israel - Number 3 out of series of 4 - Bowhouse in Tel-Aviv - 120 units - used. Phone card for reserving sites in Israel - Number 4 out of series of 4 - The Ahornson house in Zikron Yacov - 120 units - used, Phone card for the jewish holiday of Sucot (drawing of the four species and a syaing relating to Sucot) - 50 units - used, Phone card for the jewish hoilday of Passover (drawing of the 4 brothers from the Hagada)- 50 units - used, Phone card for the jewish holiday of Shavou't (drawing of a filed of wheat, one of the 7 species, with a saying relateing to Shavou't) - 50 units - used, Hamsa (A good luck sign shaped as an open hand with blue stone) - 20 units - used, The dead sea scrolls - 50 years after their discovery - 50 units - used, Phone card dedicated for the saying "All Israel are friends" - 120 units - used, Phone card dedicated for the saying of Herchel "In Bazel I have founded the state of the Jews - 20 units - used, Phone card made for wild animals - No 1 out of 4 - Felis Caracal - 50 units - used, Phone card made for wild animals - No 2 out of 4 - Procaria Syriaca - 50 units - used, Phone card made for wild animals - No 3 out of 4 - Vulpes Rueppellii - 50 units - used, Phone card made for wild animals - No 4 out of 4 - Gazella - 50 units - used, Phone card made for fishes - No 1 out of 4 - Macropharyngodon Bipartitus - 50 units - used, Phone crad says "Stop the killing on the roads" - No 1 out of 4 - a signpost that says to slow down, due to a crossing pass ahead - 20 units - used, Phone card says "Stop the killing on the roads" - No 2 out of 4 - Keep a distance warning - 20 units - used, Phone card says "Stop the killing on the roads" - No 3 out of 4 - a signpost warns from children nearby - 20 units - used, "To talk from one side, to listen from the other" - a drawing of a stosscop and a heart - 20 units - used, "To talk from one side, to listen from the other" - a drawing of a coyote and a full moon - 50 units - used, "Tp talk form one side, to listen from the other" - a drawing of a fish and a shell - 120 units - used, A phone card mraking the 125 birthday of Israel's nathional's poet Haim Nahman Biyalik - 120 units - used, An advertisement card for a service given by Israel discount bank - 20 units - used, Phone card made for the 50th birthday of Israel - jubilee to Israel - No 1 out of 5 - The first decade leading Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion - 50 units - used, Phone card made for the 50th birthday of Israel - jubilee to Israel - No 2 out of 5 - the second decade leading Prime Minister, Levy Eshkol - 50 units - used, Phone card for Israel's tourist sites - No 1 out of 4 - Jerusalem, the city joined together - 50 units - used, Phone card for the peace agreement of Israel and Jordan - the picture of the handshake between P.M. Rabin and King Husien with President Klinton in between, with the 3 countries flags in the backround - 50 units - used, Phone card for the 80th birthday of Israelis nathional theater, Habima (The stage in english) - 120 units - used, "Made in Israel" - drwaing of accessories that charachteroing the Israeli people - 20 units - used. Other phone cards: Cyprus - Picture of a curch - 3 pounds, Globe like look like beze backround with a pic of a prison - 3 pounds, Italy - red backround with phone card on it - 5000 lire, Belgum - Belgacom logo - 20 units, S.Africa - "Say hello" - 10 R. - 1 card out of series of 3, Message from your hands - 10 R. - 1 card out of series of 3, Rythem of your soul - 20 R. - 2 card out of series of 3, Greece - Pictures of harbors from both side of the phonecard - 100 units, Advertisement for an antenas company - 100 units, Netherlands - Pictures of kids from all around the world - 5FI - used, Picture of mixed numbers - 10G - used, Turkey - picture of a satellite dish - 100 units - used. So if you want to swap, E-mail me, or send by mail to: Avishay Bigman Chlenov 20 Rishon Le Zion 75234 Israel

Wanna see some real nice places??? Go to here:

Send me mail so we can swap!!!
Are you a major phone card collector??? Go to here, to the main phone crad swap & sale page on the net.
Wanna have a cool page like mine(not this is as THAT cool...)??? Go to here, to angerlfire communications, to make yourself one!!!

This site tries to update evry friday.
