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Last updated : February 23rd 2001



TESL 4's Links


CURRENT NEWS : TO KEEP ALL TESL 4 PEOPLE INFORMED OF EVENTS (makan-makan, jejak kasih, nasi minyak, new additions) etc PLS. POST YOUR MESSAGES loud and clear at TESL 4 Mess Board STRICTLY NO ADS

The New TESL 4 Mess Board u'll have to register your own username and password

TESL 4's Phone & Email Book (NEWEST)sorry this is strictly for TESL 4 only

Interesting URL : Strictly for English teachers & lecturers, TESLians, and those who r interested dated marc 4 2k

u need adobe acrobat reader to be able to view the activities.

The New York Times Learning Network
- they have lots of lesson plans, good for those who are teaching the upper forms (f4-6)


dated Feb 23rd 2001

hello TESLians ... i've been told by my mess board service provider that it will shut down all its mess boards so i've found a new mess board.i haven't tested it yet, i do hope it works as fine as InsidetheWeb mess board that we've had since '97. do click at the new mess board.

The History of TESL 4

On July 8 1991, 126 new faces registered for a course called TESL, a twinning programme between PPP/ITM and UKM (although rumours of studying in the country full of snow and spring flowers never died in those 3 years in PPP). Exotically boisterous, vibrant & creative; TESL 4 became the the most interesting & united batch ever - the trademark we carried proudly. Over the years of maturing together, going through the hurdles of Morphology,Syntax & Semantics, Comparative Literature, Error Analysis, tons of assignments, projects, dozens of lesson plans ("The horror!The horror!") we gradually became adults still retaining the cheekiness and flamboyance.

This homepage is an attribute to the 6 golden years, of the dinners at Kak Ani's stalls and breakfasts at La Rizz,our playground at Subang Parade, the lectures in the halls of DKU, the Gunung Lambak that we conquered and those funny, innovative slapstick comedy dramas that we put up that was distinctly TESL 4...because we answered Mr Jaffri's challenge, we dared to be different. TESL 4 ever!!!

Two roads diverged in my journey, And I-
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference
from The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost (1874-1963)

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