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Gemma Thanatopsis' Equinox


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If you have been to my other page then you have already read about Drizzt Do'Urden. I just stuck his picture up here because he's one of my favorite characters out of the forgotten Realms. Here are his AD@D stats. Str: 15 Dex:19 Int:17 Wis:18 Con:15 Cha:17 And he is a 17th level figheter and a 18th level ranger.
Na'haik Ra'shaa(Ras),Leader of the Glimmerblades-
Ras is a hero of the race of Simbasta. An off-shot from the evil Rakasha. Unlike their fore-fathers these noble feline/humanoids have cast aside the yolk of tyranny and have instead embraced the concepts of law and order. Ras is the shining example of his peoples undying courage and loyalty.
ras is a very large individual standing over the six foot mark and weighing over two hundred pounds without his customary leather armor, Ras is a formidable force even unarmed. With pointed elf-like ears (though they are topped with golden brown tufts of fur) and stark goleden eyes shaped like cats eyes, Ras is as handsome as he is deadly. His thick skin is lightly covered with golden-brown fur giving him the look af being a very tan and furry feline-elf from a distance. Though woe be to the foe that encounters an elf over six feet tall! Ras' musceled body gives way to powerfully sculpted legs. Like his feline counterparts, Ras is a powerful runner, and swimmer (though he has no aversion to water and as a matter of fact has a keen dislike of being dirty). His long fingers end in short sharp claws and his teeth are slightly pointed. He has small three inch long whiskers poking out of his finely chisled face. And would be found by most humans and elves exotically handsome (though dwarves would not take very kindly to his elvish apperance and his lack of a beard).
Ras fights with a two-handed style. In one hand his longsword, TIGERHEART, and in the other a curving scimitar, FANGBREATHE. He suffers no penalties or restrictions for this fighting style, since he has trained since birth at fighting this way. He is at the young age (to simbasta) of ninety years. barely old enough by there standards to leave the pride, he has already embarked on a series of whirl-wind adventures that landed him fame, and one too many lost friends. Ras is not depressed or even melancholy though. His firm belief in the God Tyr carried him through those tough times and delivered him whole and shining out of the abyss of despair.
Ras is currently traveling with a band of adventurers named the Glimmerblades. His function in this party is one of extreme honor to Ras, he is the leader of the Glimmerblades but his secondary function is to protect his chosen ward, the lovely elf-maiden Vernlyn. Ras fell into Vernlyn's beauty from the start and has followed her faithfully ever since. But his is not a love hungry kitten. Far from that, Ras is a very light hearted and law minded individual. Where so many paladins are stoic and insulting to other people about their beliefs, Ras tends to let people follow their own paths and choices. His faith in Tyr assures him that one way or another they will find their way. His capricious cat-like nature hasn't left him though. He loves a good practical joke more than anyone, if the time is right, even at his own expense. He's the all around nice guy. He is polite to all, even lowly pick pockets who have found their nimble hands raised above their heads (and their feet securly off the ground) when they try to pick pocket this ever observant simbasta. he usually smiles and gives the would be thief a few gold coins for their trouble and lost pride and then turns and leaves them scratching their heads.
Ras has personally slain at least two known death knights. one killed his pride-brother Tr'ork, and led Ras on an overall campaign against the undead. This campaign eventually caused him to cross swords with the Cult of the Dragon and one of their more successful dracoliches. Ras was sorely wounded in that fight and would have died if not for the kind Vernlyn, who heard the battle from several miles away and rushed to the scene in time to see Ras leap atop the snapping dracolich and drive both of his blades through the chest and face of the snarling mage. She assisted Ras in attempting to dispatch the dracolich but they were forced to make a hasty retreat as more of the Cultists showed up at the sound of the battle. Ras only lived through the battle because of his strange powers when facing the undead. When Ras fights any undead he regenerates any damage at a rate of five hit points per turn. This saved his furry behind on more than one occassion during that battle. Ras and Vernlyn later returned and finished the job with some unknown help from one pipe smoking ever-vigilant mage who has taken an interest in the striving paladin of an extremely rare race.
Ras and the Glimmerblades can presently be found residing in the lovely, yet unnerving, town of Longsaddle. With the Harpells taking keen interest in him.
Here are Ras' stats: Str: 19 Int:15 Wis:16 Dex: 20 Cha: 19 Con:18.
Ras is a 25th level Paladin. e-mail me for more info. BY: Robert Harrison a.k.a. Gemma Thanatopsis
Vexnorgian Na'Basharin (Vex), Member of the Glimmerblades
Vex is a young drow from the drow city of Menzoberanzzan in the great Underdark. She left her city when her house was destroyed in one of the many house wars of the chaotic city. She was once the first daughter of the house of Na'Basharin, a warrior/mage of no small power. But her ideals never truely followed those of her brethren.
Vex traveled the Realms for many decades when one day she met a strange looking man and his elven companion. They attacked her, but quickly stopped their assault when Vex dropped her weapons to the ground. The man, what a strange looking man he is too, approached her and started speaking to her in a language she could not understand. The elf quickly looked Vex over and surmised that she had no idea where she was or even what they were. She and her guardian took Vex to the city of Waterydeep where they bought her an amulet of tongues, allowing her to understand any language. Vex quickly took a liking for the man, a simbasta paladin, and opted to stay and fight beside the two. After many months with the unlikely pair, Vex began to understand the true scope of her feelings for that feline-like paladin. She knew she was in love with Ras but his obvios feelings for Vernlyn held her tongue in check. She spoke not a word of her feelings and has yet to speak them.
Vex has delicate features, which is true of most drow, and wears her long white hair in a single no nonsense braid down her back. Her tall, tightly muscled form is one of beauty in battle. She combines her amazing sword fighting abilities with her mage skills making her a deadly opponent and a valuable ally. She has a scar running from her forehead over her right eye and down to her jaw. This wound has not blinded her eye, and it even serves to enhance her natural baeuty by addind a sense of power to her already impressive physique.
Vex has a uncanny ability to make sense of almost any situation and her no nonsense attitude opposes Ras' jovile nature quite interestingly. Though they often seem at odds they hold each other close in their hearts, though Ras does not yet know his feelings for Vex. Her intelligence on heightens her attractiveness. More than one cursious male has found himself in a very uncomfortable position when they attempted to pursue Vex on a course that she has set only for Ras.
She is presently traveling with the adveture band known as the Glimmerblades, and has no plans for leaving Ras' side anytime soon.
Here are her ability scores. Str:15 Int:19 Wis:19 Dex:18 Con:17 Cha:18. She is a 18th level fighter and a 20th level mage.
BY: Robert Harrison
Karpovia (Karp) Ta'Shalorian, Member of the Glimmerblades
Karp is a female wood elf weighing just under 150 lbs., with brillantly bright and curly red hair and striking green eyes. she has delicate features and a tightly packed muscular frame. she has toned her muscles to the perfect fighting potential and constantly puts them to the test in sparring matches against Ras. She almost won once.
Karp ran into the Glimmerblades when she was doing a routine patrol of the forest surrounding the town of Luskan in the north. The Glimmerblades were such a varied group that Karp actually stayed her bow and investigated them further. After hovering above their campsite for a few moments she was detected by Ras. He promptly nudged Vex's shoulder and whispered something in her ear. The next thing Karp knew, she was hanging upside down over their campfire several feet off the ground. Her membership in the group was assured momentarily after that.
Karp has a magical bow called the PROTECTOR. It has a quiver full of arrows at any time and the bow functions as a eagle bow for distance questions. She is also rumored to have a magical sword and necklace. She is a 22nd level Ranger. Here are her stats: Str:14 Int: 17 Wis: 17 Con: 18 Dex:19 Cha:19
BY: Robert Harrison
