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On Jan. 21, 1862 Richard Walters Sutton, Sr.(My Great,
Great Grandfather) joined the C.S.A. as a member of Captain Roundtree's Company which was part of Clarks Special Battalion, N.C. Milita. On Jan. 28th of that same year he was mustered into Capt. Guilford W. Cox's Company, North Carolina Volunteers. Which later was know as Capt. Gilford W. Cox's Independent Co. of Bridge Guards, North Carolina Troops. (This Company subsequently became Co. C, 13th Battalion N.C. Infantry.)


ORGANIZATION: Organized with four companies of railroad guards at Goldsboro on May 19, 1863, per S.O.#56, Department of North Carolina. Know for a time as the 4th Infantry Battalion. Consolidated with the 8th Partisan Rangers Battalion and designated as the 66th Infantry Regiment (with Companies A,B,C and D becomming Companies A,B,E and K respectively) on October 2, 1863, per S.O.#234, Adjutant and Inspector General's Office.

FIRST COMMANDER: Clement G. Wright (Major)

ASSIGNMENT: District of North Carolina, Department of North Carolina (May-October 1863)

Brief notes on the 13th Battalion, N. C. Troops,
May 18 -- October 2, 1863

Maj. General D. H. Hill issued Special Orders No. 56, Department of North Carolina on May 19, 1863, combining four companies of independent local railroad guards into the 13th Battalion, N. C. Infantry. Captain Clement G. Wright, who had previously served as aide-de- camp on General Robertson's staff and in 63rd Regiment, N. C. Troops (5th N. C. Cavalry), was promoted to Major and placed in command of the battalion. In some reports, the battalion was called "Wright's Battalion" and some early reports referred to it as "4th Battalion, N. C. Troops" but this seems in error -- the official designation for the organization seems always to have been 13th Battalion, N. C. Infantry. William C. Jordan was transferred from 41st Regiment N. C. Troops (3rd N. C. Cavalry), promoted to 2nd Lieutenant, transferred to Field and Staff of the battalion and appointed "Assistant Commissary of Subsistence". Willie B. Wright wastransferred from Company D of the Battalion and promoted to Sergeant Major. John H. Upperman was promoted to Quartermaster Sergeant on the Field and Staff of the battalion. It is unclear whether the unit was ever tendered for Confederate service -- it is more likely that it remained in State service.

Here is a brief sketch of each Company prior to it's being incorporated into 13th Battalion, NC Troops.

COMPANY A -- This company was organized as Captain Joseph W. Latta's Company (Railroad Guards), N. C. Troops, in Orange County on November 20, 1861.
Hillsborough, NC in Orange County was one of the major stops on the North Carolina Railroad, which ran from Raleigh through Durham, Hillborough, High Point (so named because it was the highest point geographically on the railway) to Charlotte.
This company was assigned to the 13th Battalion on 19th May 1863 and designated Company A.

COMPANY B -- This company was enlisted in Nash and Franklin Counties as Captain Possum Nichols's Company, Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Guard, N. C. Troops.
The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad ran north from Raleigh to near Weldon (but, oddly enough, not joining the Wilmington-Weldon or Weldon-Petersburg railroads), east of a line generally as followed by modern U.S. 1 highway.
Date of organization is not reported. The Company was assigned to the 13th Battalion on 19th May 1863 and designed Company B.

  COMPANY C -- This company was organized in Wayne and Lenoir Counties as Captain Guilford W. Cox's Independent Company of Bridge Guards, N. C. Troops.
  The Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad ran from Raleigh to Goldsboro and through Lenoir county to New Berne and Morehead City. The eastern end of this railroad was occupied by Union troops for most of the War and Confederate troops pulled up rails and cross ties for most of the line east of Kinston.
The Company was assigned to 13th Battalion on 19th May 1863 and designated Company C.

COMPANY D -- This company was originally organized in Wilmington and mustered into Confederate States service on January 22, 1862 and designated as Captain John L. Cantwell's Company, N. C. Volunteers, Wilmington Railroad Guard.
The Company was assigned to guard the Wilmington-Manchester Railroad as far as the South Carolina border and the Wilmington- Weldon Railroad, including the Roanoke River bridge and the junction with the Weldon-Petersburg Railroad.
On April 15, 1862, Captain Cantwell and thirty-seven other members of the Company were assigned to 51st Regiment, North Carolina Troops. William Freeman was captain of the company after this time. The headquarters of the Company remained at Wilmington until May- June, 1862 when it was moved to Goldsboro and referred to as Company A, Wilmington-Weldon Railroad Guards, N.C. Infantry. The Company was assigned to 13th Battalion, N.C. Troops on 19th May 1863 and designated Co. D.

Because the companies were on detached service from Wilmington to Weldon and at least to Salisbury, the battalion was brought together at Goldsborough On May 27, 1863.
D. H. Hill (at his headquarters in Goldsborough) wrote to General A. H. Colquitt stating that "Captain C. G. Wright's Partisan Battalion of 300 men" (along with Major Nethercutt's battalion of 500 men) was stationed just east of Kinston. As the same date, Maj. J. N. Whitford was at Coward's Bridge with some 400 men.
On June 20, 1863, Major Wheeler of 12th N. C. Cavalry Battalion reported that 'Capt. C. G. Wright, commanding battalion near Colerain" on the Chowan river had requested assistance as Union troops were landing from five gunboats. Captain Wright established strong defensive positions and the invaders reembarked onto their boats and left the area before Wheeler arrived. There is a touch of irony in this, in that Major Wheeler had been made Major with the authority to raise a regiment of cavalry in the northeastern counties of North Carolina -- and if such a regiment had been successfully raised, it would have become 66th North Carolina regiment. As events transpired, Wheeler could only raise four (thinly manned) companies, so his organization was enrolled into State service as 12th N. C. Battalion (Cavalry).
  Neither could know that Wright would become Lt. Colonel of the formally organized 66th Regiment, North Carolina Troops, prior to his untimely death from a heart attack, just prior to the battle of Bentonville.
Reports also refer to the battalion as being at Franklin Va. and "at the Blackwater" (a term used for the swamplands separating the Union held areas around Norfolk from the North Carolina border) during the summer of 1863.
A report on June 30, 1863 showed "North Carolina Partisan Battalion, Capt. C. G. Wright" as "unattached infantry" under the command of Gen. W. H. C. Whiting in the District of the Cape Fear in D. H. Hill's Department of North Carolina. Intriguingly, the report lists "Provost and bridge guards at Goldsborough and Weldon" as a separate force but does not specify a unit designation or commander.
On, October 2, 1863, the Adjutant and Inspector General's office of the Confederate armies issued Special Orders No. 254 consolidating the 13th Battalion, N. C. Infantry with 8th Battalion, N. C. Partisan Rangers (six companies) and an independent company of local defense troops from Rowan county, who had been serving as prison guards at the Salisbury military prison, to form 66th Regiment, N. C. Infantry.
It appears that this regiment was organized as a regiment in Confederate service and it functioned as such from the date of it's formation.  Major Wright was transferred as Major on the Field and Staff of 66th Regiment and the members of Field and Staff of the 13th Battalion were transferred to Field and Staff of the 66th Regiment.

The following roster was taken from the National Archives Microfilm Publications, Microcopy No. 270, Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soliders who served in Organizations from the State of North Carolina. Rolls 221 (13th Battalion, Infantry, A-R) and 222 (13th Battalion, Infantry, S-Y)

A - R

Abbott , John, Pvt., Co. C
Acree, George, Corp., Co. B
Adams, John A., Pvt., Co. D
Adkinson, Thomas, Pvt., Co. D
Aldridge, Joseph W., Corp., Co. C
Alford, John, Pvt., Co. B
Anderson, Henry, Pvt., Co. D
Atkinson, Thomas, Pvt., Co. D
Avent, James, Sgt., Co. B
Bagley, Alvin, Pvt., Co. D
Bailey, Alfred, Pvt. (Drummer), Co. D
Bailey, John W., Pvt., Co. D
Bailey, William, Pvt., Co. D
Baker, Joseph, Pvt., Co. B
Baker, Simon, Pvt., Co. B
Baldwin, Nelson, Pvt., Co. A
Balkcum, Harmon, Pvt., Co. D
Barber, James, Pvt., Co. A
Barnes, Clinton, Pvt., Co. D
Barnes, Edwin, Pvt., Co. D
Barrington, Joseph, Pvt., Co. D
Barrow, William I., Pvt., Co. A
Bartholomew, Benjamin, Pvt., Co. B
Bartholomew, Nicholas, Pvt., Co. B
Batchelor, Merriott, Pvt., Co. B
Batchelor, Rufus, Pvt., Co. B
Beezley, Ezekiel, Pvt., Co. D
Bell, Durand, 2nd Lt., Co. C
Bell, Hiram, Pvt., Co. C
Bell, Josiah, Pvt., Co. C
Bell, M.R., Pvt., Co. C
Bell, William, Sgt., Co. C
Bennett, William, Pvt., Co. B
Bland, William, Pvt., Co. D
Blanton, Enuch, Pvt., Co. D
Blanton, Joseph, Pvt., Co. D
Boone, Pinkney, Pvt., Co. C
Booth, Nash, Pvt., Co. A
Borland, Andrew, Pvt., Co. A
Bostick, Daniel, Pvt., Co. D
Bostick, David R., Pvt., Co. D
Boswell, James, Pvt., Co. D
Boswell, John, Pvt., Co. D
Bowden, John, Pvt., Co. B
Bowden,J.W., Pvt., Co. B
Bowden, M.B., Pvt., Co. B
Bowden, Robert, Corp., Co. B
Bowden, W.B., Pvt., Co. B
Bowin, William, Pvt., Co. A
Boyett, James W., Pvt., Co. C
Bradbury, John, Capt., Co. D
Bradley, Benjamin, Pvt., Co. D
Bradley, James, Pvt., Co. C
Braswell, Joseph, Pvt., Co. B
Brinson, John, Pvt., Co. D
Brock, David, Pvt., Co. D
Brock, John, Pvt., Co. C
Brockwell, George, Pvt., Co. A
Brockwell, James, Pvt., Co. A
Brogden, Benjamin, Pvt., Co. D
Brown, Franklin, Pvt., Co. C
Brown, Jesse, Pvt., Co. C
Brown, Richard, Pvt., Co. D
Browning, Gastin, Pvt., Co. A
Browning, James, Pvt., Co. A
Browning, Jefferson, Pvt., Co. A
Browning, John, Pvt., Co. A
Browning, Moses, Pvt., Co. A
Browning, Sidney, Pvt., Co. A
Browning, William, Pvt., Co. A
Bryan, Robert, Pvt., Co. C
Bryant, Robert C., Pvt., Co. D
Bunn, David, Pvt., Co. B
Bunting, C.H.C., Corp., Co. B
Bunting, James, Lt., Co. B
Bunting, J.B., Pvt., Co. B
Burney, Lewis, Pvt., Co. C
Byrd, Benjamin, Pvt., Co. D
Byrd, James, Pvt., Co. D
Byrd, William B., Pvt., Co. D
Calvered, John, Pvt., Co. B
Canfield, Joan, Pvt., Co. D
Cantwell, John L., Capt., Co. D
Capps, John, Pvt., Co. D
Capps, William, Pvt., Co. D
Cardin, Henry, Pvt., Co. A
Cardin, William, Pvt., Co. A
Carmack, Samuel, Pvt., Co. D
Carnish, W., Pvt., Co. D
Carrell, Benjamin, Pvt., Co. A
Carrington, James, Pvt., Co. A
Carrington, John, Pvt., Co. A
Carrington, Richard, Pvt., Co. A
Carrington, Willie, Pvt., Co. A
Carroll, John, Pvt., Co. D
Carter, Janes, Pvt., Co. C
Case, Thomas, Pvt., Co. C
Cates, James, Pvt., Co. A
Cates, John, Pvt., Co. A
Cates, Robert, Pvt., Co. A
Cates, Thomas, Pvt., Co. A
Cates, Willis, Pvt., Co. A
Cates, William, Pvt., Co. A
Cates, Wm. J., Pvt., Co. A
Champion, J.M., Pvt., Co. B
Chestnut, John, Pvt., Co. D
Chisenhall, Hall, Pvt., Co.A
Chisenhall, Sidney, Pvt., Co. A
Christian, Sidney, Pvt., Co. A
Coker, Windsor, Pvt. Co. D
Cole, William D., Pvt., Co. A
Collins, A.H., Pvt., Co. B
Collins, G.W., Pvt., Co. B
Collins, Joseph, Corporal, Co. B
Colvard, James, Pvt., Co. B
Cook, G.W., Pvt., Co. A & B
Cook, J.B., Pvt., Co. B
Cook, Joseph, Pvt., Co. B
Cook, Stephen, Pvt., Co. B
Coppedge, G.W., Pvt., Co. B
Coppedge, Jordan, Pvt., Co. B
Coppedge, Joseph, Pvt., Co. B
Cornish, Britton, Pvt., Co. D
Cornish, Wiley, Pvt., Co. D
Couch, David, Pvt., Co. A
Couch, George, Pvt., Co. A
Couch, John, Pvt., Co. A
Couch, Nathan, Pvt., Co. A
Couch, Thomas, Pvt., Co. A
Couch, William, Pvt., Co. A
Couch, Wm. G., Corporal, Co. A
Cox, Abram, Pvt., Co. C
Cox, Archibald, Pvt., Co. C
Cox, Frederick, Pvt., Co. C
Cox, Guilford, Captain, Co. C
Cox, James, Pvt., Co. C
Cox, James W., Pvt., Co. D
Cox, John M., Pvt., Co. C
Cox, Joseph, Pvt., Co. C
Cox, W.B., Pvt., Co. D
Cox, William C., Pvt., Co. C
Crabtree, Robert, Pvt., Co. A
Crabtree, William, Pvt., Co. A
Craft, Thomas, Pvt., Co. D
Crawford, John, Pvt., Co. D
Crawford, Leonard, Pvt., Co. D
Creech, Haywood, Pvt., Co. D
Creech, Josiah, Pvt., Co. D
Creech, Larkin, Pvt., Co. D
Creech, Thomas, Pvt., Co. D
Crismond, Cravin, Pvt., Co. A
Crocker,W.C., Pvt., Co. D
Croom, William H., Pvt., Co. D
Crowder, John, Pvt., Co. B
Crowder, T.J., Pvt., Co. B
Culpepper, J.M., Pvt., Co. B
Daniel, Mathew, Pvt., Co. D
Davenport, Phinnyas, Pvt., Co. C
Davis, Chancy, Corporal, Co. C
Davis, W.J., Pvt., Co. B
Dawson, John W., Pvt., Co. C
Dawson, Willie, Pvt., Co. C
Dean, Felix, Pvt., Co. D
Deans, George C., Pvt., Co. D
Dennis, William, Sgt., Co. C
Dickson, Everett, Pvt., Co. D
Dixon, Everett, Pvt., Co. D
Dixon, James, Pvt., Co. A
Dorsey, Ephrem, Pvt., Co. B
Dudley, William, Corporal, Co. C
Dunnagan, Charles, Pvt., Co. A
Dupree, Furnifold, Pvt., Co. C
Dupree, Jesse, Pvt., Co. C
Edwards, E.A., Pvt., Co. D
Edwards, Gabriel, Corporal, Co. D
Edwards, James W., Pvt., Co. D
Edwards, J.O., Pvt., Co. B
Edwards, Lewis, Pvt., Co. C
Edwards, W.H., Pvt., Co. B
Ellis, Thomas, Corporal, Co. D
Emmis, James, Pvt., Co. D
Epps, Peter, Pvt., Co. D
Evans, Elisha, Pvt./Drummer, Co. D
Evans, John D., Pvt., Co. D
Farmer, James, Pvt., Co. D
Farmer, Moses, Pvt., Co. D
Farmer, Phillip, Pvt., Co. D.
Faucett, Albert, Lt., Co. A
Faucett, David, Pvt., Co. A
Faucett, Thomas, Pvt., Co. A
Fields, William, Pvt., C. D
Florey, James, Pvt., Co. D
Fountain, Worfleit, Pvt., CO. C
Freeman, William, Capt., Co. D
Fulgum, Robert, Pvt., Co. D
Fuller, J.H., Pvt., Co. B
Garner, Dexton, Pvt., Co. C
Garner, John, Pvt., Co. C
Garner, Zemeriah, Pvt., Co. C
Gargard, Joseph W, Pvt., Co. C
Garrett, Skidmore, Pvt., Co. A
Garris, Ichabod, Pvt., Co. D
Gates, Wilie P., Pvt., Co. A
Gay, Henry, Pvt., Co. D
Gay, John, Pvt., Co. D
Gay, Sidney, Pvt., Co. B
Gay, Thomas, Pvt., Co. B
Gilbert, Eugene, Lt., Co. D
Gilbert, Fred, Pvt., Co. D
Glancy, Rufus, Pvt., Co. C
Glancy, William, Pvt., Co. C
Glenn, Brians, Pvt., Co. A
Glenn, Hilman, Pvt., Co. A
Glen, William, Pvt., Co. A
Glysson, Bryant, Pvt., Co. D
Gooch, Joseph, Pvt., Co. B
Gould, James, Pvt., Co. C
Gould, Michael, Pvt., Co. C
Gray, Thomas, Pvt., Co. C
Gresham, George, Pvt., Co. A
Griffin, B.F., Pvt., Co. B
Griffin, Dolphin, Pvt., Co. B
Griffin, J.J., Pvt., Co. B
Griffin, Richard, Pvt., Co. B
Grimmer, William L., Lt., Co. C
Guess, William, Pvt., Co. A
Guy, John, Pvt., Co. D
Gwaltney, Franklin, Corp., Co. C
Hall, Andrew, Pvt., Co. A
Hall, Edward, Corp., Co. D
Hall, Gaston, Pvt., Co. A
Hall, Jeremiah, Sgt., Co. D
Hall, John, Sgt., Co. A
Hamilton, Bardow, Pvt., Co. D
Hampton, Gaston, Pvt., Co. A
Hardee, Abram, Pvt., Co. C
Hardee, John A., Pvt., Co. C
Harper, Joseph, Pvt., Co. B
Harrell, John, Sgt., Co. D
Hawes, Reuben, Sgt., Co. D
Hazell, H.S., Pvt., Co. D
Heath, Ira, Pvt., Co. C
Hedgepeth, William, Pvt., Co. B
Herndon, Charles, Pvt., Co. A
Hews, Joseph, Pvt., Co. D
Hibbs, W.H., Pvt., Co. C
Hicks, James, Pvt., Co. A
Higgins, I., Pvt., Co. D
Higgins, Richard, Pvt., Co. C
Hill, George, Pvt., Co. D
Hill, Hatch, Pvt., Co. C
Hill, Robert P., Pvt., Co. C
Hill, Robert R., Pvt., Co. C
Hill, Thomas, Corp., Co. C
Hill, William, Pvt., Co. D
Hines, A.D., Pvt., Co. B
Hines, Marion, Pvt., Co. C
Hinnant, C.S., Pvt., Co. D
Hinson, Elijah, Pvt., Co. D
Holloway, John, Pvt., Co. A
Horner, James, Corp., Co. A
Horner, Little D., Pvt., Co. A
Horner, Moses W., Pvt., Co. A
House, Edmond, Pvt., Co. B
Howard, William, Pvt., Co. C
Howel, Dupree, Pvt., Co. A
Howell, Jethro, Pvt., Co. D
Huggins, Charles, Pvt., Co. D
Hughes, Joseph, Pvt., Co. D
Hugins, Charles W., Pvt., Co. D
Hunt, Calvin, Pvt., Co. D
Hussey, John, Sgt., Co. D
Ingram, Shabe, Pvt., Co. D
Irvin, John, Pvt., Co. C
Irving, John, Pvt., Co. D
Jackson, Major, Pvt., Co. D
Jackson, Owen, Sgt., Co. D
Jackson, William, Sgt., Co. D
James, Jesse, Pvt., Co. A
James, John, Pvt., Co. A
James, Thomas, Pvt., Co. A
Jarrell, James, Pvt., Co. C
Jeffreys, Benton, Pvt., Co. A
Jenkins, Jospeh, Pvt., Co. C
Jinnett, John, Pvt., Co. D
Johnson, Durell, Pvt., Co. A
Johnson, Hardy, Pvt., Co. D
Johnson, John, Pvt., Co. D
Johnson, Mathews, Pvt., Co. D
Johnson, W., Pvt., Co. C
Jones, Alexander, Pvt., Co. C
Jones, Craven, Pvt., Co. D
Jones, Fenner, Pvt., Co. B
Jones, Stephen, Pvt., Co. D
Jones, William D., Pvt., Co. D
Jones, William L., Pvt., Co. C
Joyner, Richard, Pvt., Co. B
Joyner, Samuel, Pvt., Co. B
Jump, Frank, Pvt., Co. C
Keaton, William, Pvt., Co. D
Kilpatrick, W.L., Pvt., Co. C
King, James A., Pvt., Co. D
King, William C., Pvt., Co. A
Kirkman, LaFayette, Pvt., Co. C
Knowles, D.J., Pvt., Co. D
Knowles, Stephen, Pvt., Co. D
Kurkland, John, Pvt., Co. A
Lamb, Jonas, Pvt., Co. D
Lamb, Thomas, Pvt., Co. D
Lancaster, W.B., Pvt., Co. D
Lane, David B., Pvt., Co. D
Lane, Isaac, Pvt., Co. D
Lane, John, Pvt., Co. D
Lane, John W., Pvt., Co. D
Langston, Littleton, Pvt., Co. D
Latta, James, Sgt., Co. A
Latta, Joseph W., Captain, Co. A
Latta, Simpson, Lt., Co. A
Latta, William, Pvt., Co. A
Lee, Richard, Pvt., Co. C
Leonard, J.J., Pvt., Co. B
Leonard, John F., Pvt., Co. B
Lewis, David, Pvt., Co. D
Lewis, Hillsman, Pvt., Co. D
Long, William Henry, Pvt., Co. D
Lynch, John E., Lt., Co. A
Lyon, Cadmus, Pvt., Co. A
Mangum, Fielding, Pvt., Co. A
Mann, Joseph, Pvt., Co. E
Massey, Burwell, Pvt., Co. D
Massey, Daniel F., Pvt., Co. D
Massey, John J., Sgt., Co. D
Massey, West, Pvt., Co. D
Massey, William, Pvt., Co. D
Massey, William C., Pvt., Co. A & D
Mathis, Richard, Pvt., Co. D
Mathis, Wells, Pvt., Co. D
Matthews, George, Pvt., Co. B
Matthews, James, Pvt., Co. B
Matthews, Noel, Pvt., Co. D
May, B.F., Pvt., Co. B
May, James, Sgt., Co. C
May, J.D., Pvt., Co. C
May, John S., Pvt., Co. B
May, S.K., Pvt., Co. B
May, T.C., Sgt., Co. B
Mayes, William, Pvt., Co. A
Mayhan, William, Pvt., Co. A
McCabe, Thomas, Pvt., Co. C
McCown, William, Lt., Co. A
McFarlin, Simeon, Pvt., Co. A
McKeel, Edmund, Pvt., Co. C
McPherson, M.J., Pvt., Co. C
Merritt, Louis, Pvt., Co. D
Merritt, Robert, Pvt., Co. D
Millard, Bennett, Pvt., Co. D
Millard, John J., Pvt., Co. D
Mitchell, Abel R., Pvt., Co. A
Mitchell, W.S., Lt., Co. B
Monk, James, Pvt., Co. A
Moore, Allen, Pvt., Co. C
Moore, William, Pvt., Co. B
Moore, William A., Lt., Co. B
Morton, C., Pvt., Co. C
Morton, Leonard, Pvt., Co. C
Mullins, Crayton, Pvt., Co. B
Murphy, Alpheus, Corporal, Co. B
Murphy, J.M., Pvt., Co. B
Nelms, J.N., Pvt., Co. B
Nelson, Matthew, Pvt., Co. C
Newell, Dempsey, Pvt., Co. D
Newell, Frank, Pvt., Co. D
Newton, William, Pvt., Co. D
Nichols, Possum, Captain, Co. B
Nobles, Kinney, Pvt., Co. C
Odum, John, Pvt., Co. B
Odum, Nathan, Pvt., Co. D
Oglesby, Elijah, Pvt., Co. C
Oglesby, Rufus, Pvt., Co. C
Oliver, A.W., Pvt., Co. D
Oliver, H.U., Pvt., Co. D
Oliver, Thomas, Pvt., Co. D
Oliver, William, Pvt., Co. D
Overman, Ezekiel, Pvt., Co. D
Parker, George, Pvt., Co. D
Parker, Wiley, Pvt., Co. D
Pate, E.T., Pvt., Co. D
Pate, Gatlin, Pvt., Co. C
Pate, Lenoir, Pvt., Co. C
Pate, Van, Pvt., Co. D
Perry, Josiah, Pvt., Co., B
Peterson, W.S., Pvt., Co. A
Phipps, Green, Pvt., Co. A
Phipps, Simeon, Pvt., Co. A
Phipps, Stephen, Pvt., Co. A
Pierce, George, Sgt., Co. A
Pippins, Jordan, Pvt., Co. D
Pitts, G.H., Sgt., Co. B
Pitts, John, Sgt., Co. B
Pool, John, Pvt., Co. A
Pool, Ransom, Pvt., Co. A
Pool, Rufus, Pvt., Co. A
Powell, Alfred, Pvt., Co. C
Price, James, Pvt., Co. D
Privett, J.B., Pvt., Co. B
Privett, William R., Lt., Co. D
Proctor, John, Pvt., Co. A
Quinerly, James, Pvt., Co. C
Quinerly, John, Pvt., Co. C
Quinerly, Lewis, Pvt., Co. C
Quinerly, Stephen, Lt., Co. C
Quinn, Robert, Pvt., Co. C
Rackley, Joseph, Pvt., Co. D
Rackley, Joshua, Pvt., Co. D
Rhew, John, Corporal, Co. A
Rhew, Silas, Pvt., Co. A
Rhew, William, Pvt., Co. A
Rhodes, Andrew, Pvt., Co. A
Rhodes, George, Pvt., Co. A
Ridgon, George, pvt., Co. A
Riley, Thomas, Pvt., Co. A
Riley, William, Pvt., Co. A
Roberts, James, Pvt., Co. C
Roberts, John, Pvt., Co. D
Roberts, Nathan, Pvt., Co. D
Rogers, Wiley, Pvt., Co., D
Ross, McGilbert, Pvt., Co. C
Rouse, Alex, Sgt., Co. C
Rowe, John, Corporal, Co. D
Ruffin, A.G., Pvt., Co. D

S - Z

Sasser, William, Pvt., Co. D
Scarlett, James C., Pvt., Co. A
Setlers, Daniel, Pvt., Co. D
Sevaston, John, Pvt., Co. C
Sewell, Thomas, Pvt., Co. D
Sills, David N., 2nd Lt., Co. B
Simmons, John W., Pvt., Co. C
Simmons, Simon, Pvt., Co. C
Simms, A.J., Pvt., Co. D
Simpkins, John, Pvt., Co. C
Simpson, Charles, Pvt. Co. A
Simpson, William, Pvt., Co. A
Simpson, Wm. (Jr.), Pvt., Co. A
Smith, Henry, Pvt., Co. C
Smith, John, Pvt., Co. C
Smith, John, Pvt., Co. D
Smith, John W., Pvt., Co. A
Smith, Joseph, Pvt., Co. C
Smith, Oliver, Pvt., Co. C
Smith, William, 2nd Lt., Co. D
Southerland, Edward, 2nd Lt., Co. D
Southerland, William, Sgt., Co. D
Speir, W.A., Pvt., Co. C
Spencer, William, Pvt., Co. D
Stallings, John, Pvt., Co. D
Stallings, Oliver, Pvt., Co. B
Stallings, William, Pvt., Co. A & D
Stancell, William, Pvt., Co. D
Stanley, Daniel, Pvt., Co. D
Stanley, John, Pvt., Co. A
Stansell, Benjamin, Sgt., Co. D
Stansell, Christopher, Sgt., Co. D
Stansell, James, Pvt., Co. D
Stansell, Wm. B., Pvt., Co. D
Stiles, John, Pvt., Co. B
Stokes, Benjamin, Pvt., Co. C
Stokes, Calvin, Sgt., Co. C
Stokes, Edmund, Pvt., Co. C
Stokes, George, Pvt., Co. C
Stokes, Guilford, Pvt., Co. C
Straghorn, Samuel M., Pvt., Co. A
Strickland, Cyrus, Pvt., Co. C
Strickland, James, Pvt., Co, D
Strickland, Mathew, Pvt., Co. B
Sugg, James, Pvt., Co. C
Sutton,John, Pvt., Co. C
Sutton, Richard W., Pvt., Co. C
Sykes, John, 2nd Lt., Co. D
Tate, Albert, Pvt., Co. A
Taylor, Daniel, Pvt., Co. B
Taylor, John E., Sgt., Co. C
Taylor, Thomas W., Pvt., Co. C
Taylor, William, Pvt., Co. D
Teasley, Willie, Pvt., Co. A
Thigpen, James, Pvt., Co. C
Thomas, G.W., Pvt., Co. B
Thomlinson, William, Pvt., Co. D
Thompson, Francis, Pvt., Co. A
Tilghman, Alex, Pvt., Co. C
Todd, H.H., Corp., Co. B
Todd, James H., Pvt., Co. B
Tomlinson, Richard H., Pvt., Co. D
Tomlinson, Wm. H., Pvt., Co. D
Tucker, James P., Sgt., Co. B
Turner, John, Pvt., Co. C
Turner, John W., Pvt., Co. D
Unsted, Henry, Pvt., Co. A
Upchurch, Benjamin, Pvt., Co. B
Upperman, J.H., Pvt., Co. B
Vick, Samuel, Pvt., Co. D
Vickers, Moses, Pvt., Co. A
Wadsworth, John, Pvt., Co. C
Walker, Henry, Pvt., Co. A
Walker, John, Pvt., Co. A
Wallace, John P., Pvt., Co. D
Waller, Willis, Pvt., Co. D
Warren, Chesley, Pvt., Co. A
Warters, Augustus, Pvt., Co. C
Waters, Benjamin, Corp., Co. D
Waters, Jesse, Pvt., Co. C
Waters, William, Pvt., Co. C
Watson, Benjamin, Pvt., Co. D
Watson, James W., Pvt., Co. A
Watson, Spencer, Pvt., Co. C
Weathens, W.P., Pvt., Co. B
Webb, Bennett, Pvt., Co. D
Wellows, Erastus, Pvt., Co. D
West, David, Pvt., Co. D
Wester, B.E., Pvt., Co. B
Wester, Exum, Pvt., Co. B
Wester, J.J., Pvt., Co. B
Wester, T.C., Pvt., Co. B
Witherington, James, 1st Lt., Co. C
Whitaker, Andrew, Pvt., Co. A
Whitaker, Isaac, Corp., Co. A
Whitaker, Joseph, Pvt., Co. A
White, Lewis, Pvt., Co. C
Whitley, Benjamin, Corp., Co. D
Whitley, James, Pvt., Co. D
Wiggins, E.C., Pvt., Co. B
Wiggs, James, Sgt., Co. B
Wiggs, Nathan, Pvt., Co. D
Wilburn, David, Pvt., Co. D
Williams, George, Pvt., Co. D
Williams, James, Pvt., Co. B
Williams, John, Pvt., Co. C
Williamson, Eleazer, Pvt., Co. D
Wilson, Robert, Pvt., Co. C
Winborn, David, Pvt., Co. D
Witherington, Irvan K., 1st Lt., Co. C
Witherington, James, Sgt., Co. C
Witherington, L.K., Corp., Co. C
Wofford, Wm. W., Pvt., Co. A
Wood, Bennett, Pvt., Co. B
Wood, Henry, Pvt., Co. B
Wood, Isaiah, Pvt., Co. C
Wood, J.C., Pvt., Co. B
Wood, Joseph H., Pvt., Co. B
Wood, W.H., Pvt., Co. B
Woodard, D.D., Pvt., Co. A & D
Woodard, Joseph, Pvt., Co. D
Woodard, Monroe, Pvt., Co. A & D
Woodard, Richard, Pvt., Co. A & D
Woodard, Rufus D., Pvt., Co. A & D
Woods, James M., Pvt., Co. A
Woods, John, Pvt., Co. A
Woods, Wm. M., Pvt., Co. A
Worlie, David, Pvt., Co. C
Wright, W.B., Pvt., Co. D
Yarborough, Henry, Pvt., Co. B
Yelvington, S.J., Pvt., Co. B
Young, Furney, Pvt., Co. D


If you would like a copy of the complete service record of anyone on the above mention roster, write to :

National Archives
General Reference Branch (NNRG-P)
National Archives & Records Administration
7th & Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20408

Or you may call them at: 202-501-5400/5405

When you write or call, make reference to the microfilm numbers I have listed above the roster.

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