Service Name
Calling from > to
AA calling card |
Toll free access US, Canada, Germany. 10 cpm
US-->US, 25 cpm US-->China (non cellular), 30/6 sec billing
US, Canada, Germany > anywhere
callback (TerraCom) / BIG5
version |
Unique way to save $$ when calling from other countries than the
US. China > US $0.36/min
anywhere > anywhere
Phone-to-Phone via Internet !
No computer required for either party!
The sound quality is about the same as that experienced on today's telephone
network. Extremely low rates ! Beijing 40 cpm!
U.S. > Selected destinations
RSL 523
calling card
Featuring deeply discounted worldwide rates.
High Quality. No
Surcharge (Even from a pay phone) No
prepayment. Usable from any phone in USA (800 access) including
school dorms.
U.S. > anywhere
to Taiwan, Singapore, HK, China
Phone to phone, no computer needed.
Taiwan, Singapore, HK - $0.25/min, China $0.39/min
flat rate. Charge to credit card at the end of the month. |
U.S. > Taiwan, Singapore only |