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Welcome to The Yadkinville Jaycees' Home Page

Our Purpose:

We would like to invite you to join us, learn how to become a community leader.
Membership is open to anyone between the age of 21-39.
Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at 840 East Main Street in Yadkinville.
Our address is: P.O. Box 1508, Yadkinville, N.C. 27055 Telephone: 336-679-7041

We have various annual projects, they include:
A Gospel Sing - A Fiddlers' Convention - A Magic Show - Community Birthday Calendar Sales - A Harvest Festival - Election Board Returns - Christmas Lights in Town - A Christmas Parade, and Adopt-A-Highway

Welcome to our website. We are in great NEED of men and women interested in helping us help our community. We urge and invite all Jaycees and any one who is interested to attend a VERY IMPORTANT meeting at our chapter room on Tuesday, February 4th at 7:30p.m..
Because of our current lack of active members, we were forced to drop our Birthday Calendar and Magic Show Projects for 2003.
After the attack on America on September 11, 2001, President Bush addressed our nation and encouraged all people to volunteer their time and efforts to volunteer organizations, sadly, The Yadkinville Jaycees did not see anyone join us.
It is our hope that many members and non-members will attend our February 4th meeting to save our chapter or we will be forced to close our doors and cease to serve our community.
We welcome new people with new ideas to help us serve the citizens in this area.
Thank you.

Current Events:

If you have a project of interest to our community, tell us what it is.

If you live in the Boonville, NC area, The Boonville Jaycees are also actively seeking new members. Click on the link below to go to Boonville's web page.

Please come back often, I will be updating information on upcoming projects when it becomes available.

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Links to other Jaycees sites.

Our Board of Directors
Our Annual Projects
The United States Jaycees
The North Carolina Jaycees
The Boonville Jaycees
The Winston Salem Jaycees
The Pfafftown Jaycees
The Jaycees Creed
Yadkin County Website
WSJS Radio
Amateur or Ham Radio Page
Ted Williams' Website
The Oxford Jaycees
Harvest Festival Registration Form
Bluegrass & Fiddlers' Convention

Email: n4aad@YadTel.Net