Chapter 1

Andy was trying to pull a heavy box out of the truck of the car when someone took it from her, "Here, let me help you with that."

Andy looked up to find 4 people standing behing her and 1 tall guy holding the box, "Um, thanks." she said wiping the hair that had slipped out of her ponytail out of her face.

"We're your neighbors."

"Oh, Hi!" she said the confusion leaving her face.

"I didn't know the owners had moved."

"They haven't." she answered, "I'm moving in with my aunt."

"Oh, Monica's your aunt?" the blond girl asked.

Andy nodded, "Yeah, I'm Andy by the way."

The guy holding the box spoke up, "I'm Nick, and that's my sister B.J., Leslie, Angel, and li'l brother Aaron."

Andy smiled at them, "Hi."

"Hi." they chorused

Nick got a better grip on the box, "We can help you move these boxes if you'd like"

"Thank you, but you don't have to", Andy answered

"It's no problem." B.J. said coming up and getting a box. The others picked up a box they could carry, and followed Andy thru the house.

Andy's aunt, Monica, was in the kitchen and stopped what she was doing when she saw the 5 neighbors tromp thru after Andy, "Hey Andy, I didn't know you hired a crew to help you." she yelled.

"Hi Monica!" they all chorused from the other room.

Monica just laughed. She had moved into the house a couple of years ago and it wasn't long until she had met the neighbors across the street. She found that Bob and Jane Carter had 5 kids, 2 of which had become famous since. The kids were over at her house all the time. The girls would help her with odds and ins, crafts, and chores. The boys liked to play basketball, watch tv, or play video games. All of this could have been done at their house, but they chose to come over to Monica's for no apparents reason. Monica was often invited over for family occasions, and dinners. The 31 year-old shook her read hair as she thought about Aaron, the little entertainer. When Monica found out that Andy was moving in with her to pursue her modeling career B.J. had been over and Monica told all about Andy. They were both 18, and Monica hoped they would become good friends. Andy needed one, and she thought B.J. fit in the picture nicely. After awhile she made her way back to Andy's room to see what they were all doing.

"What's this?" Aaron asked pulling a framed magazine cover out of one of the boxes that cluttered the floor.

Andy looked over to what he was talking about, "Oh, that's my first cover."

"You mean, that's you?" Angel asked looking at the picture, "it says Ireland Kendell."

"Yes, that's me and that's my name."

"Ireland?" Leslie asked.

"Yes, Andy came from the and part."

"I think it sounds pretty. What's this?" B.J. said holding up a framed picture.

Andy looked over and smiled, "that is a picture of me and my best friend at a Backstreet Boys concert."

B.J.'s head snapped up and she looked at Andy, but she had turned back to the box she was unpacking. She looked at her older brother, she just looked at her and shrugged, "What's your best friend's name?"

"It was Taylor"

"Was?" B.J. asked quietly

"Yes, she died in a car wreck about a year ago."

"I'm sorry" B.J. said softly

"It's okay."

Just then Monica walked in, "What are you guys up to?"

"We're just helping Andy." Leslie said pulling some things out of a box?

Monica smiled, "I'm glad you are all getting along.3

A couple of hours later all of Andy's stuff was unpacked and the Carter clan had gone home. Monica was making them dinner and was asking what Andy thought of the neighbors, "they are nice." she said setting the table.

"Well, I was going to warn you before you met them, but I didn't get a chance."

"Warn me about what?"

"About Nick an Aaron."

"What about them?"

"Well, they are famous."


"Yes, Nick is a Backstreet Boy, I know you have heard opf them."

Andy almost dropped the plate, "A BACKSTREET BOY?!?!?!"

Chapter 2
