Chapter 2

Andy turned pale and sat down in a chair. Monica stopped and walked over to her. "Are you okay, sweetie?"

"Okay, what did I say? I know we talked about Taylor, what did I say about the concert?" Andy mumbled to herself.

"Is something wrong?" Monica asked again.

Andy finally looked up, "I didn't recognize him. I mean I only saw him once from the 15th row, and in a few magazines, but I had no idea."

She was not making any sense to Monica, "What are you talking about?"

"B.J. found a picture of Taylor," Monica nodded knowing it was still hard for Andy to talk about the accident, "I told her it was a picture of me and my best friend at a Backstreet Boy concert, but I can't remember if I said anyhing about them."

Monica nodded, "I'm sure you didn't say anything. He is just a normal guy, just a bit shy that's all."

Andy nodded, "That is so strange though."


"That you live across the street from a Backstreet Boy and that he helped me carry heavy boxes to my room."

Monica smiled, "Well, I hope you can become good friends."


Andy shuffled into the bathroom where there was a note stuck onto the mirror


I went out to get some stuff, I shouldn't be long


Andy yawned as she read the note she glanced into the mirror and then decided that she would go make some breakfast. She was partially in the living room when she realized someone was sitting in the couch playing Nintendo. She jumped, shrieked, and grabbed her hair, "Good grief, what are you tryig to do? Give me a heart attack?!?"

Nick barely glanced up from his game, and mumbled something. All Andy caught was sorry. She looked at him for a minute and then proceeded into the kitchen where she found B.J., "Oh good morning, you're up."

Andy looked at the clock on the microwave, it was 9:15, why were these people in her aunt's house, "Yeah..." she said walking to the refrigirator. She looked at it's content and then decided to make an omelet. She usually hated eggs, but that sounded good at the moment. She continued to gather the things she needed and started on her breakfast. She looked out the back window to see Aaron and Leslie on the trampoline while Angel played with Monica's Golden Shepherd, Gabriel. She looked over at the table where B.J. was working on something, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm trying to work on some Algebra homework."

Andy wondered over the table and looked over B.J.'s shoulder, at the problem she was attempting to work, "your top formula is wrong. It should be 124 not 138."

B.J. looked at the problem for a minute before doing as Andy had said, "Thank you, I've been working on that for what seems like hours."

Andy shrugged, "No problem." She went back to making her breakfast.

"Which school will you be going to?"

"I don't know, Monica's the one making me go so she should know." Even though public school had 3 weeks left Monica was still enrolling Andy.

"Monica had said something about it, I think she planned to enroll you in at the same high school I am at. Who knows, we could have some classes together. I doubt you will have to do much work since school is almost over."

Andy didn't say anything, she was sizing B.J. up in her mind. She seemed nice, a bit quiet, but sincere. She cut her omelet in half, leaving the other half in the pan and walked over to the table to sit down. "May I have the paper?"

"Oh sure." B.J. said handling it to her.

"I don't mean to sound rude, I'mjust curious, what are you all doing over here?"

B.J. laughed, "I wondered how long it would be untill you asked that. My parents have gone out of town for an extended weekend. They should be back Monday night, so, we are staying with Mo."


"Oh, that's what we call Monica."

"Really? I used to call her that when I was little. That was one of my mom's nicknames for her." Andy looked out of the window as past memories flooded her mind, she missed her mother. B.J. watched her quietly not wanting to disturb her. It only lasted a few moments before Andy turned her attention to the paper. She looked at the entertainment section for tryouts or modeling jobs. She was really set on puruing a career as a model, or even an actress. She was reading one add when she noticed Nick enter the kitchn. She watched him over the top of the paper. He got a drink out of the refrigirator and then walked by the stove eyeing the other half of the omelet,"You can have it if you want it." She said quietly?

Nick looked at her and then at the pan. He got a fork out of the drawer and Andy watched as he makde it disappear in 2 bites. He walked by her, "Thanks, that was good." And went back to plant himself in the middle of the couch. He had another cap on today, it was pulled dow low, she could barely even see his eyes.

Andy looked at him for a minute before turning to B.J., "Does he ever talk?"

B.J. laughed, "He will in time. He kinda has to warm up to you? Shyness kind of runs in the family."

"Obviously." Andy said looking back at Nick and then turning her attention back to the paper.

Andy hadn't noticed how Nick watched her, he took in her messy blond ponytail, the plaid jockey pants and the old warn T-shirt. He watched how she scrunched her nose when she was thinking, and how she tapped her foor to a beat no one else was aware of ecept of her. He took this all in and then turned his attention to the video game. His ward to define Ireland Kendell at the moment was interesting. He didn't know that there was much more that just what meets the eye when it came to the 5'5 blond.

Chapter 3
