Chapter 3

Nick spent most of the morning playing the Nintendo, and playing outside with his siblings. Andy barely even noticed his existence, he never said more than two words to her and she really had nothing to sayt o him. She spnt a lot of time pondering whether he was stuck up or shy. After watching him for a couple of hours she came to the confusion he was just shy. He would be laughing and yelling in the backyard with Aaron, Leslie and Angel, but when Andy would go out he would become silent once agai. Andy watched from the kitchen window as he wrestled with Gabriel, his cap came off and Andh took in his blond hair, she recognized him as the guy on her CD cover. As she went out to fill Gabriel's water bowl, Nick put the cap back on and pulled it low. She wondered how long it would be before he would actually take he cap off in her presence.

The morning went by smoothly, everyone was getting along and Andy had no problem adjusting into the clan. B.J. talked to her about modeling, turned out B.J. was interested in it as well. Around 11:30 Headedout the front door, "Where is he going?" Andy asked.

"Orlando, they have a photo shoot today. I asked him if qe could go, but he said he'd rather we didn't." Andy nodded but didn't say anything else. "I'd better go ask him when he's coming back, Monica will want to know." Andy followed B.J. out the front door. Nick was in his truck and in the process of backing out of the driveway when B.J. stopped him. He rolled down the window and the girls walked over to the truck. Nick watched Andy, as if wondering what she was doing, "What time are you going to be back?" B.J. asked.

Nick rested his arm on top of the steering whell, "I'm not sure, before dinner I hope."

Andy spoke up, "I'm fixing dinner tonight, so we can have it later if you want."

Nick looked at her for a minute as if she was an alien and then stuttered, "Well, okay, I shouldn't be later than 7."

Andy nodded, "Then dinner will be ready at 7."

Nick looked back at B.J. and then at Andy, "Okay, I'll see you later."

"Bye." B.J. said stepping back from the truck.

"Bye." Andy said smiling. He nodded at her and drove off. As they started towards the house Andy asked, "Does he aslways act like that?"

B.J. shrugged, "I think he's just trying to figure out if you have figured out who he is. He really doesn't like it when people make a big deal about who he is."

Andy nodded, Nick carter was very..... interesting.


Sterling Campbell took in the layout. She was scedualed to shoot the Backstreet Boys in 15 minutes. Right now, they were in hair and make-up.

Sterling had been working her way up the cahin for a long time. She always wanted to be a photographer, she wasn't really at the top of her goal list yet, but she was getting there. She flipped her dark hair over her shoulder and loaded the film into her camera. Right now she was working with a magazine. She had been shooting different models, actors, and singers, today, it was the Backstreet Boys. Sterling always had some music going as the shot, to get the hype up. She had never heard of this group before so she picked up the CD on her way into work. She skipped thru it and found the hype songs and programmed them in. She expected to see a group of teenagers, but when she turned around she was surpurised.She looked at each of them and came to the conclusion that the nly blonde could be a teen. The tall dark came up and introdused himself as Kevin, and then introdused the others. Sterling smiled, "I'm Sterling Campbell. Anything special you boys want to do today?"

The photo shoot got under way and Sterling clicked away the camera instructing them each to move one way or another. As the songs played the guys would sing along between rolls. Sterling was amazed how talented they were. She immediatly picked out her favorite-Brian.He was cute, sweet, funny, and his voic was so clear and sweet. She also liked A.J. He kept her laughing the whole time. She figured out that Kevin was more of the serious one, Howie kept everything balanced, and Nick was just the one everyone picked on. Sterling told them to take a break and then change for the next set.

They all scattered but Brian sat down backwards in a chair and watched her change film, "Have you been doing this long? You don't look that old."

Sterling continues loading the film and didn't look up, "Since I was 18, I'm 21."

Brian nodded and continued to watch her. It was starting to get akward so Sterling asked a question, "Have you been doing this long? You don't look that old."

Brian smiled at the repeat question, "Since I was 18, I'm 22."

Sterling stopped and looked at him, "I don't mean to sound rude, but why haven't I heard of you guys before?"

"When we started the U.S. was in the punk stage, Sterling nodded "We hit it big overseas, but the U.S. wasn't interested, that is untill now." Sterling nodded and went back to loading the film, "I've never been a blunt person but do you have a boyfriend?"

Sterling looked at him for several seconds. It had been awhile since a guy was interested or even flirted with er, "No, why?"

"I just wanted to be sure I wouldn't make some guy mad if I asked you out for dinner sometimes." He answered.

"I've never been a blunt person but do tou have a girlfriend?"

Brian smiled again at the repeated question, "No, why?"

"I just wanted to be sure I wouldn't make some girl mad if I said yes." Sterling enjoyed fliritng with him. She didn't think any of this would ever amount to anything, but she still thought it was fun. She had been so rapped up in her career that she hadn't had time to mope about the fact that she ddn't have a boyfriend.

"I better go get changed." He said getting up and walking off. Sterlling watched him go and then gave herself a talking to about flirting with clients.

Chapter 4
