Chapter 6

After a (VERY) long wait, here's chapter 6! Enjoy!

My mom and dad came home the next morning. I was the first to wake up. I moved slowly out of my bed so I didn't wake up AJ. I went downstairs to get a drink and my mom was sitting at the table. "Hey, Mom, what u doing?" I said.

"Oh, I'm just reading the paper." She replied. "I see AJ spent the night, huh?"

"Yeah, he really didn't mind either." My mom just smiled and went back to reading her paper.

"Well, if AJ looks around for me, tell him I'm taking a shower, ok?"

"Yeah sure, un." she said. When I got into the shower I turned on the radio and Britney Spears 'Crazy' was playing. I couldn't help myself I just sang as loud as I could. After the song was done I happen to put a tape on. It was a demo that me and Kristin put together. I was singing so loud I heard a knock on the door. I didn't care, I just kept singing but I turned my voice down.

When I got don't I walked into my bedroom in my towel. I had totally forgot AJ had spent the night. I didn't see him in m bed. I just shut the door and blasted my radio. I decided it would be a hot day so I put on my blue and white bikini and a pair of short cut off jeans. I brushed my long brown hair and put it in a messy ponytail.

Knock knock
"Come in." I yelled.

"Hey A-a-a-a-l-l-l-l-l-l." AJ spit out.

"Did I grow another head?" I asked.

"No, but you look beautiful." He answered.

"OK, AJ. What's up?"

"Oh nothing, I didn't have anything planned for today." He said.

"Good." I said. "I'm going to a waterpark today. I'm not sure which one though."

"Me and you, or are you inviting anyone else?" AJ said.

"I kinda wanted to get to know Whitney more. So I was going to invite Kristin and Whitney."

"You know, if you do that, you're going to get Nick and Brian too."

"I was aware of that."

"OK." Then he picked my up and carried me down the steps.

"AJ, I can walk, you know?"

"Oh, I Know."

"Then why are you carrying me?"

"I have no clue." Then he dropped me on the couch.

"Owwwww stupid car keys." I yelled. AJ just laughed. I took the cordless phone and dialed Kristin's number. But I forgot she was over Brian's so I just hung up and picked up AJ's cell phone and pressed the speed dial button that said 'B-rok's house'.

"Al, what are you doing with my phone?" AJ asked.

"Hi, Brian. Yeah, this is AL. Are you and Kristin free today?"

"Uh yeah, why?"

"Let's go to a water park."

"With who?"

"It would be you, me, AJ, Kristin, Nick and Whitney."

"Oh yeah sure. Hold on a sec though."

"OK." Brian yelled over the phone, "Nick, Whit, you wanna go to a water park today?" Then I heard, "Hell yeah!"

"Ok, all four of us are in."

"OK, umm... When you're ready come over here. And let Kristin drive 'cause she knows where I live."

"Oh OK. Umm Al..."


"Is AJ there?"

"Yeah why?"

"'Cause I knew you wouldn't have my number. Oh well, we'll be over in a little bit."

"OK, bye Bri."

"Later." After we hung up, AJ came in with a glass of non-fat milk.

"Oh my gaws, you still remember."

"Of course I do, baby, there are not many people who drink low-fat milk."

"Well then I'm special."

"Yeah, you are." I turned on the TV to MTV. And I was sitting there watching TV while AJ was chatting with my mom. 'Say What?'-karaoke was on. I decided I wanted to do it, so I picked up the phone and called. "'Say What?'-karaoke try outs will be held in Orlando, Florida at noon on July 25th." The little message thingy played. "If you would like to be a contestant come at 11 AM." I hung up the phone and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey mom, guess what." I blurted out.


"I'm going to try out for a show on MTV where you sing like karaoke."

"Oh OK, have fun." she said.

"OK, then don't be happy for me."

"OK, hun, I'm going food shopping. So you're deffinately going to the water park today."

"Yeah, I'll be home tonight."

"OK, Hun." My mom said. She said walked out of the room and saw a war pull up. I slipped on my sandals and my sunglasses that AJ took of my face yesterday and grabbed AJ and my keys and went outside.

"OK, let's go to that new one in Orlando." Kristin said.

"OK, I know exactly the one you're talking about too so I'll lead." I said.

"OK." I jumped into my car with AJ right behind me. I put down the roof of the car so I can be cool while I was driving.

I was fighting with AJ the whole time. "I wanna listen to Dr. Dré." AJ said in protest.

"NO, you're listening to my tape of my favourite songs."

"Fine." he finally gave up. I put the tape in and I grabbed the wrong one. I grabbed my demo tape. When the tape started, it was me. I was about to take it out, untill AJ slapped my hand, "I wanna listen."

"Fine." We listened to the tape untill we pulled into the water park parking a lot. The I ejected the tape and AJ didn't comment on it. He just walked to Brian and Nick and whispered something in their ears. Then we were walking up to the ticket booth. All the guys paid for the girls. It was so sweet. Then we got told that wa had a special admission because of AJ, Brian and Nick.

Chapter 7
