Part 4

As Leslie stood there, tears forming in her eyes, she glanced over to see Kristin and Kevin. What Leslie saw made her not only sick, but so mad that she felt her blood begin to boil. There was Miss. Kristin...the biggest, most sinister grin plastered on her face. How could she have done this? Kristin knew that Nick had a girlfriend...yet she led Leslie to believe that Nick wanted her. Leslie ran into the bus and straight to the back. She laid back on the couch and began to cry. A million thoughts were running through her head. She got up and looked out the window. All the guys were together now, their girlfriends with them. Kevin, with his wife of course. Leslie saw Nick standing there behind the girl. His arms were wrapped tightly around her. Leslie could have sworn also that Kristin saw her watching...because she saw that devilish grin once again. She just fell back onto the couch. This is what a broken heart feels like she thought. She couldn't take this.

A few minutes later, Leslie heard Nick calling her from outside. She quickly wiped her eyes and stepped outside. She took a deep breath as she walked up to him and....her. "Leslie I'd like you to meet Mandy, she's my girlfriend."

Leslie reached out to shake Mandy's hand, but was surprised when Mandy ran and hugged her instead. "Oh my God Leslie I have heard so much about you!!! I'm so glad to finally meet you!! This is great!! And we HAVE to become just best friends because there is something that I want to ask you!!"

Leslie thought to herself, "Wow...chill w/ the caffeine," but instead just put on her best fake smile. "Yeah?"

"Okay!! Here goes!!! Would you be the maid of honor in our wedding???!!!" Leslie felt the last string break as her heart sunk.

"Excuse me? Nick? You're getting married?" Nick smiled a nervous grin.

"Umm, yeah Leslie...I meant to tell you...but I...I just couldn't find the right time...ummm, isn't this great?"

Leslie didn't know what to do. Her world was falling apart. In the back of her mind also, she just kept seeing Kristin...and that evil grin on her face. Leslie knew there were two things she had to do. First, she had to stop this wedding. Then, she had to get even with Kristin...and by any means necessary...

Part 5
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