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Kurt Angle Knocked On My Door

It's true, it's true! lol No, seriously though Kurt Angle knocked on my door at 2 something in the morning. I'll start from the very begining.............

As some of you may know my friend and I left Monday and drove 12 hours to Louisville, Kentucky for Smackdown. We got to the arena at five o'clock and low and behold the person we saw first was the Rock. He was driving in his blue and tan Ford, Expedition (which is exactly like my mom's btw) and my friend and I were inches away and we touched his window.

We waited for awhile after that and we saw several people walking back and forth between the two buildings. Perry Saturn, Rikishi, The Kat, Tazz, and Val Venis were among them. Oh and Harvey Whipplemen was there too. Ya know awhile back he won the Women's belt by dressing like a chick and he dated Moolah as a favor to Mae Young and Mark Henry.

Anyway Crash Holly was also walking back and forth and some chick yelled "Hey Crash, come over here to the gate" . And so he strutted out to where we were and he looked strait at my friend and he was like "Hi" . And so then I go "Can I get your autograh?" and he just looked at me and grinned and asked me to repeat myself and so I did and he came over to me. And I had my sign I wanted him to autograph (and I also brought a sharpie) and I said, "Do you want.." and he cut me off and I swear he said "Yeah I want you. Nah, you're too young." and he took my sign and autographed it. I was going to say do you want me to slip this through the bars since we were behind a gate.And so like I said he had my sign and he read it first and he said and I qoute "Why isn't this sign about me? It should say Crash has a nice ass!". At that point I was biting my tongue so hard it started bleeding just to keep from laughing. And then the guy behind us asked if he could also get something signed and he said and I'm paraphrasing here " No, I'm biased. I only sign for girls." . And he was so cocky about the whole thing. And I was swear he looked so sexy unlike on tv. I mean seriously the camera does NOT do him justice. Whooo Hoo!

Ok so after that we went in to the arena and nothing too interesting happened untill the last thrity minutes of Smackdown. Ok for those of you who watch Smackdown you know that there's a gap between the stage and the seating that's right by the ramp. Well I was at that gate right by the gap so I was a few feet from the stage and I was getting pictures. And this big buff guy who was a security gaurd named Brock came up to me and started chatting and he was really cute. And so then he was like if you'll go to the bathroom and take off your panties and give them to me I can take you and just you backstage. And I was like "that's okay......" . Because as much as I want to go backstage I refuse to go without underwear to do so.

Ok so after that we drove around some and then we went back to our hotel. I was changing shirts and trying on one of Ashley's and it was too small and we heard a knock on the door. And we were like who the hell it's two something in the morning and so Ashley went to the door and peaked out the hole and she goes "It's Kurt" and I was like who the heck is Kurt? And she was like it's Kurt Angle! And at that point I was wondering whether or not she was legally sane.And so we opened the door and he just goes "Why are you in my room? " and I said "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh " ::pause to pick jaw up from the floor:: "Th This is our room". And he said "Room 206 this is my room." And so then he was like "I'm just kidding girls, come on out here." And he hugged us and signed our Raw magazines for us because he knew Ashley's step dad who came with us from college and they ran into each other in the lobby and he asked Kurt to stop by our room. Which was sooooooo sweet of him! So I had the best trip ever to Louisville! Yes, it was the strangest thing that has ever happened to me but I had so much fun. And I'm now Kurt Angle's biggest fan. It's true, it's true!
