Brennan |
A mom who breastfed while working.
Christina |
A story for all the moms who tried to breastfeed, but couldn't. |
Laura |
Talk's about the advantages of nursing.
Josh |
Josh had pneumonia when he was born. |
Kaci |
Went through a lot of up's and down's while nursing.
Laurie |
A mom who nursed her son 25 years ago. |
Serena |
Still nursing after an unsupportive hospital.
Bridget |
A mom nursing a baby with lots of allergies. |
Angie |
She delt with nurse's that were no help and mastitis.
Shawna |
A mom where nursing didn't work out the first time, but the seconed time went great. |
Tiffany |
A mom happy about breastfeeding.
Beth |
Breastfed 2 girls while working. Youngest had jaudice.
Leilani |
A story about breast surgery while nursing. Every mom should take the time to read this. |
Susan |
exclusively breastfeeding 18 week old daughter.
Jessica |
A mother who went through many problems at first. |
Derek |
Derek was a preemie. |
Marla |
Nursing a toddler. |
Stacey |
Nursing her son after a hard time conceving. |
Deb |
mom of 2 with breastfeeding difficulties |
Shellie |
mom of 4 breastfeed 2 |
Nathan |
diabetic mom, nipple confused |
Allison |
working mom, co-sleeping |
Emily |
no problems |
Thomas |
Working mother, 3 children. |
The Third Try |
mom of 3 |
Lim |
Working mother, 2 children, lots of information. |
Dylan |
premie nursing delay |
Paula |
premie |
Annalee |
the milk |
Zachary |
working mom how breastfeed. worked 12 hours a day. |
Jordan |
Nursing delayed because of C-section. Returned to work after 12 weeks, and pumped milk. |
Lillian Grace |
mom of 3, had to supplment first two. Demand feed the third and didn't need to supplment. |
Tammi |
Mom of 4, formula fed first three, breastfed fourth |
Debbie |
Weight loss, problems latching on, pumped breasts and bottle fed for a time. |
Laura |
jaundice, not allowed to nurse, nipple confusion |
Ethan |
Problems latching on. Mom pumped for 7 weeks before he latched on. A must read. |
James |
extended nurser |
Tia |
working outside home |
Merella |
milk supply problems |
Joshua |
a story of hope for those with breastfeeding problems early |
Taylor |
latching problems, to much milk. |
Alex |
born 5 weeks early |
Short Stories |
Collection of short nursing stories Update 12/28/97 |
Alex |
Sore nipples mom of two |
Kendra |
breastfed two children nursed toddler sore nipples |
Nursing Toddlers Page |
You'll have to use the back key to return |
Stephanie |
nursing problems |
Charmaine |
nursing toddler |
Daniel |
big boy |
Glen |
premature birth pumped for 4 months |
Renee |
Operation while nursing |
Victoria |
UPDATE big baby, tongue up/latch on problem at birth,
nursing toddler |
Premie |
Premature birth |
Susan |
breastfeeding Twins
nursing strikes |
Krista |
Mother of 3 breastfeed
sore nipples |
Bethany |
only 15 weeks old
suportive hospital breastfeeding community |
Jodie Grace |
wouldn't take bottles until 9 months old
no solids until 11 months old Still nursing 16 months old |
Abigael |
latching on problems
mastitis in both breasts
mom worked full time outside the home nursed until 1 year old |
Zoƫ Elizabeth |
Mom worked full time
froze breast milk solids at 7 months, table food stopped breastfeeding at 13 months because of pregnancy. |
Holly |
delayed nursing because of baby's heath. little extended family support of breastfeeding voti ming due to mom drinking milk
nursed until 1 year old |
Kjell |
UPDATED: 12/7/97 eight months. very sore nipples
mastitis |
Ellie |
sore nipples
fist always in mouth Still nursing 5 months old |
Cristy |
baby with weight gain problems
supplement formula using SNS breastfeed for 13 months |
Jean |
breastfeed six children |
Elizabeth |
Cross nursing, toddler nursing
nursing may have cleared up birth defect quicker. |
April |
Nursing problems with 1st child
Pumped then feed from bottle for a time Nursed for 5 months
2nd baby still nursing at 5 1/2 months. |
Tammy |
Nursed twins for a short time.
Still nursing third child age 28 months. |
Andrew's Story |
Problems at birth. Nursing delayed.
Pumped breast milk for a time |
Christopher |
Worked full time outside home. Pumped breast milk at work.
breast fed until 13 months. |
Kyle |
Pumped breast milk because of engourment.
Fussy baby. Nursed until 13 months. |
Connie |
nine month old still nursing.
just started solids. |
Nursing Twins |
From the La Leche League
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back key to return here. |
BF stories page |
From the La Leche League page.
You will need to push your
back key to return here. |
The Nursing Corner |
about 7 more BF stories You will need to push your back key to return here. |
The Nursing baby page |
about 6 more BF stories You will need to push your back key to return here. |