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Breastfeeding Stories
updated: 09/21/99

Brennan A mom who breastfed while working. Christina A story for all the moms who tried to breastfeed, but couldn't.
Laura Talk's about the advantages of nursing. Josh Josh had pneumonia when he was born.
Kaci Went through a lot of up's and down's while nursing. Laurie A mom who nursed her son 25 years ago.
Serena Still nursing after an unsupportive hospital. Bridget A mom nursing a baby with lots of allergies.
Angie She delt with nurse's that were no help and mastitis. Shawna A mom where nursing didn't work out the first time, but the seconed time went great.
Tiffany A mom happy about breastfeeding. Beth Breastfed 2 girls while working. Youngest had jaudice.
Leilani A story about breast surgery while nursing. Every mom should take the time to read this. Susan exclusively breastfeeding 18 week old daughter.
Jessica A mother who went through many problems at first. Derek Derek was a preemie.
Marla Nursing a toddler. Stacey Nursing her son after a hard time conceving.
Deb mom of 2 with breastfeeding difficulties Shellie mom of 4 breastfeed 2
Nathan diabetic mom, nipple confused Allison working mom, co-sleeping
Emily no problems Thomas Working mother, 3 children.
The Third Try mom of 3 Lim Working mother, 2 children, lots of information.
Dylan premie nursing delay Paula premie
Annalee the milk Zachary working mom how breastfeed. worked 12 hours a day.
Jordan Nursing delayed because of C-section. Returned to work after 12 weeks, and pumped milk. Lillian Grace mom of 3, had to supplment first two. Demand feed the third and didn't need to supplment.
Tammi Mom of 4, formula fed first three, breastfed fourth Debbie Weight loss, problems latching on, pumped breasts and bottle fed for a time.
Laura jaundice, not allowed to nurse, nipple confusion Ethan Problems latching on. Mom pumped for 7 weeks before he latched on. A must read.
James extended nurser Tia working outside home
Merella milk supply problems Joshua a story of hope for those with
breastfeeding problems early
Taylor latching problems, to much milk. Alex born 5 weeks early
Short Stories Collection of short nursing stories
Update 12/28/97
Alex Sore nipples
mom of two
Kendra breastfed two children
nursed toddler
sore nipples
Nursing Toddlers Page You'll have to use the back key to return
Stephanie nursing problems Charmaine nursing toddler
Daniel big boy Glen premature birth pumped for 4 months
Renee Operation while nursing Victoria UPDATE
big baby, tongue up/latch on problem at birth,
nursing toddler
Premie Premature birth Susan breastfeeding Twins
nursing strikes
Krista Mother of 3 breastfeed
sore nipples
Bethany only 15 weeks old
suportive hospital
breastfeeding community
Jodie Grace wouldn't take bottles until 9 months old
no solids until 11 months old
Still nursing 16 months old
Abigael latching on problems
mastitis in both breasts
mom worked full time outside the home
nursed until 1 year old
Zoƫ Elizabeth Mom worked full time
froze breast milk
solids at 7 months, table food
stopped breastfeeding at 13 months because of pregnancy.
Holly delayed nursing because of baby's heath.
little extended family support of breastfeeding
voti ming due to mom drinking milk
nursed until 1 year old
Kjell UPDATED: 12/7/97 eight months.
very sore nipples
Ellie sore nipples
fist always in mouth
Still nursing 5 months old
Cristy baby with weight gain problems
supplement formula using SNS
breastfeed for 13 months
Jean breastfeed six children
Elizabeth Cross nursing, toddler nursing
nursing may have cleared up
birth defect quicker.
April Nursing problems with 1st child
Pumped then feed from bottle for a time
Nursed for 5 months
2nd baby still nursing at 5 1/2 months.
Tammy Nursed twins for a short time.
Still nursing third child age 28 months.
Andrew's Story Problems at birth. Nursing delayed.
Pumped breast milk for a time
Christopher Worked full time outside home.
Pumped breast milk at work.
breast fed until 13 months.
Kyle Pumped breast milk because of engourment.
Fussy baby. Nursed until 13 months.
Connie nine month old still nursing.
just started solids.
Nursing Twins From the La Leche League page.
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BF stories page
From the La Leche League page.
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back key to return here.
The Nursing Corner about 7 more BF stories
You will need to push your back key to return here.
The Nursing baby page about 6 more BF stories
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copyright Ashley Hiskes 2000