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Temple of Ares/Mars

Painting of Mars By Ginger Strivelli

Ares is the Greek God of War.
He was called Mars by the Romans.
He is also a God of the Earth, nature, horses, lust, and protection.
He was the son of Zeus and Hera, but both abandoned Him. He was perhaps the least honored Greek God.
He was seen as being spiteful, hateful, and petty.Many Warriors are often misjudged by others.
I see Him as ultimately a God of justice, not just battle for battle's sake, as the battles he leads me into are those of righting wrongs, fighting injustices,
and warring for the rights of those who need protection from aggressors.
War is seen as an evil..but war against evil is righteous. Throughout history, many wars brought about deserved blessings upon the victors and just punishment upon the losers.
Of course, war, like most things can go badly, but it is not automatically a negative action. That is the most common misunderstanding about Lord Ares.

An awesome Ares Statue I bought in Athens in 2011
...with my awesome huge pink salt 'love energy' lamp behind Him. Love and war are often side by side, alas.

Despite His lack of appreciation, the Greeks did worship Him at a temple in Athens, which is particularly odd, since Athena was one of Ares' worse enemies.
He also had a sacred spring in Thebes.
The Spartans called Him; 'Ares Enyalios.' (The warlike.)
On Olympia he was known as 'Ares Hippios.' (God of Horses.)

"Ares-God of War" drawing By Ginger Strivelli

Mars on the other hand, was one of the most well-liked Roman Gods.
He was thought of very highly. He had a huge temple in Rome called the 'Mars Gradivus.'
The Roman army would gather at the Mars Gradivus before leaving into battle.
There was also a sacred field called 'Campus Martius.' Campus Martius was the site of the Roman army's training and contests of skill.
The Romans named the month of March (Martius) after Mars, and celebrated Him on not one but two state holidays, March 1st, 'The Feriae Marti'
and October 19th, 'Armilustrium,' when all weapons were ritually cleaned and put away for the coming winter.

"Ares and Rhea" Painting by Reubens (one of my favorites)

Ares fathered many children, from His many lovers. His children include; Harmonia, who became the Mother of the Amazons
Romulus and Remus, who were the founders of Rome,
and Alcippe, who was raped by Poseidon's son, Hilirrhothius. Ares killed Hilirrhothius, for that offense.
Ares was then tried on the hill in front of the Acropolis for murder, by the other Gods.
Ares was acquitted, and the hill was renamed 'Areopagus,' in His legal victory's honor, and was there after used for criminal trials.

On my (first I hope) trip to Greece in 2011, I (Ginger Strivelli) wrote this prayer to Ares on 11-10-11 In Athens:

Dear Ares. help me fight
against those things not right
and battle for
who I do care
Help me defeat every foe
and yet always know
what wars, I can not win
so I will live to fight again


Another Poem I wrote invoking Ares:

Oh Ares do not hand me your sword or even your shield
I am tired of battling and need my wounds to be healed.
Can you please remove my helmet and lovingly caress my cheek
instead of sending me out once again to defend the weak?
Sometimes I long to be the one who is rescued and held
Rather than the one that must be sure the monster is felled.
I am the damsel in distress if ever there was such
why am I the one in shining armor so much?
Oh Ares, as your Priestess I swear to protect others in need
But please don't forget to tend to my heart when it does bleed.

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