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Deities of the Witches

Abonde (Abundia - Perchta - Satia - Habundie)
Intrinsically linked with the classical goddess Diana, Abonde led nocturnal hordes of witches through homes and cellars, eating and drinking all they could find. If food and drink were left as offerings, Abonde would bestow prosperity upon the occupants of the home. If nothing was left out for her and her followers, she would deny the denizens of her blessings and protection.

According to Roman de la Rose, written at the end of the thirteenth century, thirdborn children were
obligated to travel with Abonde three times a week to the homes of neighbours. Nothing could stop
these people, as they became incorporeal in the company of Abonde. Only their souls would travel
as their bodies remained behind immobile. There was a downside to this astral projection: if the body was turned over while the soul was elsewhere, the soul would never return.

Aditi (Limitless)
Hindu Mother Goddess, self-formed, the Cosmic Matrix. Mother of the Sun God Mitra and the Moon God Varuna.

Hindu, 'the generatrix,' wife of Shiva or of Rudra.

Hindu. Goddess who provides food; she lives on top of Mount Annapurna.

Aphrodite (Foam-Born)
Greek Goddess of sexual love. She was born of the bloody foam of the sea where Cronus threw
the genitals of his father Uranus after castrating him. Married, on Zeus's orders, to the lame Smith God Hephaestus, and unfaithful to him with the war God Ares. She was in fact an ancient East Mediterranean Goddess and can be equated with Astarte.

Apollo (Phoebus, the Bright One)
Greek. Identified with the sun. Said to be the most powerful of the Gods. Son of Zeus and Leto. Born on Delos, taken North and raised by the hyperboreans, he went to Delphi and killed the dragon Python, guardian of the oracle of Themis, but a ravager of the countryside. Tall, handsome, outstanding in word and deed, he was the god of ever-renewed youth, archetype of virile beauty and masculine virtue. He was also known as a seducer & extremely arrogant. Talented in music,  inventor of the lyre,  he was the inspiration of poets and soothsayers. His oracles were expressed in verse. He could cure illness and banish evil. He was a doctor who knew the purification rites and was invoked against plague. His image was set at dangerous places for protection (Lighting the ways) Nothing escaped his vision (light of day).
Greek Spider Goddess. A Lydian girl skilled in weaving, she dared to challenge Athene to compete with her. The contest was held, and Arachne's work was faultless: impudently, it portrayed some of
the Gods' less reputable deeds, including Athene's father Zeus abducting Europa. Furious, Athene turned her into a spider, doomed eternally to spin thread drawn from her own body. But the Spider Goddess is more archetypal than this story suggests: spinning and weaving the pattern of destiny
like the Moerae or the Norns, and enthroned in the middle of her spiral-pathed stronghold like Arianrhod. Athene here represents Athenian patriarchal thinking, trying to discipline earlier

(Italy, Tuscany) Witch Goddess, surviving there into this century. Daughter of Diana and Diana's brother Lucifer (i.e. of the Moon and Sun), she came to Earth to teach the witches her mother's magic.

Cretan and Greek. The daughter of King Minos of Crete, who with her her cunning thread
helped Theseus find his way into the labyrinth to kill the Minotaur, and out again. She eloped with
him, but he abandoned her on the island of Naxos. She was consoled by Dionysus, who in her
Naxos cult was regarded as her consort.

Aries (Mars)
Greek. Son of Hera, born without male assistance. He was a supreme fighter, loved battle and cared little about issues, switching sides without scruple. He delighted in massacres. He was god of war, not victory, and was thoughtless about winning, only fighting. Was on occasion disarmed by Athena,  Goddess of restraint and forethought,  to keep him from interfering in battles that did not concern him. He was prolific in love, but also a rapist. He was run by his passions.

Arianrhod (Silver Wheel)
Major Welsh Goddess. Mother of Llew Llau Gyffes by her brother Gwydion. Her consort Nwyvre ('Sky, Space, Firmament') has survived in name only. Caer Arianrhod is the circumpolar stars, to which souls withdraw between incarnations; she is thus a Goddess of reincarnation. Honoured at the Full Moon.

Greek Nature and Moon Goddess. Daughter of Zeus and Leto, and twin sister of Apollo (though a day older). She probably absorbed a pre-Indo-European Sun Goddess, and her twinning in classical legend with the Sun God Apollo may stem from this. The Greeks assimilated her to a pre-Greek mistress of wild beasts. Bears were sacred to her, and she was associated with the constellation Ursa Major.

Ashtaroth (Astaroth)
Ashtaroth was usually depicted as an ugly demon riding a dragon and carrying a viper in his left hand. He was the Treasurer of Hell, and was also the Grand Duke of its western regions. He encouraged sloth and idleness.

Ashtaroth was one of two demons prayed to in the Black Masses of Catherine Monvoisin, Madame  de Montespan (mistress of Louis XIV), and a 67-year-old priest by the name of Guibourg. (The other demon prayed to was Asmodeus.)

Asmodeus was one of the busiest demons. He was not only the overseer of all the gambling houses in the court of Hell, but the general spreader of dissipation. On top of that, Asmodeus was the demon of lust, personally responsible for stirring up matrimonial trouble. Maybe it was because he came from the original dysfunctional family. According to Jewish legend, his mother was a mortal woman, Naamah, and his father was one of the fallen angels.

Characterized in The Testament of Solomon, the great manual of magic, as "furious and shouting," Asmodeus routinely did everything he could to keep husbands and wives from having intercourse, while encouraging them at every turn to indulge their pent-up drives in adulterous and sinful affairs. When he condescended to appear before a  mortal, he did so riding a dragon, armed with a spear; he had three heads - one a bull's, one a ram's, and one a man's - as all three of these were considered lecherous creatures by nature. His feet, on the same theory, were those of a cock.

Canaanite version of Ishtar; fertility goddess. Chief goddess of Tyre and Sidon. Astarte was also
the Greek form of the name Ashtart. Tends to merge with Asherat and Anat, and with the
Egyptian Hathor. She came to Egypt; Rameses II built a temple honoring her, and she and Isis
were said to be firm friends.

Greek, a Warrior Goddess, yet also one of intelligence and the arts of peace. Protector of towns, above all of Athens.

Banshee (Bean Sidhe , 'Woman Fairy')
Irish. Attached to old Irish families ('the O's and the Mac's'), she can be heard keening sorrowfully near the house when a member of the family is about to die. Still very much believed in, and heard.

Egyptian Cat Goddess of Bubastis in the Delta. Originally lion-headed, she represented the
beneficient power of the Sun, in contrast to Sekhmet who personified its destructive power.

Bean-Nighe ('Washing Woman')
Scottish and Irish. Haunts lonely streams washing the bloodstained garments of those about to die.

According to the Grimorium Verum, Bechaud has power over rain, hail, thunder, and lightning.

Part of the Christian mythos, Beelzebub was one of the powerful seraphim first recruited by Satan.
From his new home in Hell, Beelzebub discovered how to tempt people with pride. He became
associated with flies because he had sent a plague of the insects to Canaan. He may also have
become known as the "Lord of the Flies" because of the popular belief that decaying corpses
generated flies.

Regardless, when summoned by sorcerers or witches, he would appear in the form of a fly, a
gargantuan cow, or a male goat with a long tail. He had a tendency to vomit flames if he was

Befana ('Epiphany')
Italian Witch Fairy who flies her broomstick on Twelfth Night to come down chimneys and bring presents to children.

Before Satan had been the established leader of the forces of evil, Belial had been the undisputed
regent of darkness. This view is reinforced in The War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of
Darkness from one of the Dead Sea Scrolls: "But for corruption thou hast made Belial, an angel of
hostility. All his dominion is in darkness, and his purpose is to bring about wickedness and guilt."

Binah ('Understanding')
Hebrew. The Supernal Mother, third Sephirah of the Cabalistic Tree of Life. She takes the raw directionless energy of Chokmah, the Supernal Father (the second Sephira), and gives it form and manifestation; she is thus both the Bright Mother, Aima (nourishing) and the Dark Mother, Ama (constricting).

Bona Dea ('Good Goddess')
Roman Earth Goddess of Fertility, worshipped only by women; even statues of men were covered where her rites took place.

Brighid (Brigid, Brigit, Brid)
Irish Goddess of Fertility and Inspiritation, daughter of the Dagda; called 'the poetess.' Often triple ('The Three Brigids'). Her characteristics, legends and holy places were taken over by the historical St Bridget.

Cailleach Beine Brick:
A Scottish legendary witch probably recalling an earlier local goddess.

Callisto: ('Most Beautiful')
Greek Moon Goddess, to whom the she-bear was sacred in Arcadia. Envisaged as the axle on which everything turns, and thus connected with the Ursa Major constellation. Linked with Artemis, often called Artemis Callisto.

Irish. Wexford Goddess, whence Gaelic name of Wexford, Loch Garman (Loch gCarman).

A Celtic god whose physical attributes came to be applied to those of Satan. Known as the Horned
God and as Hu Gadarn, Cernunnos was the god of nature, astral planes, virility, fertility, animals,
sex, the underworld, reincarnation, and shamanism.

Welsh Mother, Moon and Grain Goddess, wife of Tegid and mother of Creirwy (the most beautiful girl in the world) and Avagdu (the ugliest boy). Owner of an inexhaustible cauldron called Amen, in which she made a magic draught called 'greal' ('Grail?') from six plants, which gave inspiration and knowledge. Mother of Taliesen, greatest of all Welsh bards. Most of her legends emphasize the terrifying aspect of the Dark Mother; yet her cauldron is the source of wisdom and inspiration.

According to the Grimorium Verum, Clauneck is a demon who can bestow riches upon you and
uncover buried treasure.

Cliona of the Fair Hair
Irish. South Munster Goddess of great beauty, daughter of Gebann the Druid, of the Tuatha De Danaan. Connected with the O'Keefe family.

According to the Grimorium Verum, Clisthert "can turn the day into night, or the night into day,
whenever you feel the need for a sudden change."

Cronos (Saturn)
Greek. Son of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea (Earth). Gaea, worn out by numerous pregnancies, requested to be free of this burden, so Cronos (Saturn) took up a sickle and cut off his father's testicles. His wife was Rhea, and he fathered Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. Was eventually deposed by Zeus. His festivals, the Saturnalia, were a time of liberation and freedom for all and got pretty wild. They were celebrated from Dec. 17th until the new year. Saturn is the archetype for "father time".
Greek. Originally Phrygian, finally merged with Rhea. Goddess of Caverns, of the Earth in its primitive state; worshipped on mountain tops. Ruled over wild beasts. Also a Bee Goddess.

Hindu. One of the Six Goddess Governing the Six Bodily Substances; the others being Hakini, Kakini, Lakini, Rakini and Sakini.

Dana, Danu
The major Irish Mother Goddess, who gave her name to the Tuatha De Danann ('Peoples of the Goddess Dana'), the last but one occupiers of Ireland in the mytholigical cycle.

Demeter (Earth-Goddess-Mother)
Greek goddess of the fruitful Earth, especially of barley. Daughter of Cronus and Rhea. Her brother Zeus, tricking her in the form of a bull, made her the mother of Persephone.

The classical moon goddess, Diana, is still worshipped by neopagans today. Long after Christianity's triumph over classical paganism, her worship is still going strong.

Diana was the personification of the positive aspects of lunar forces. She was also believed to have led groups of nightriders (known as the "Wild Hunt" or the "Furious Horde") who flew through the air. The "Wild Hunt" was comprised of "people taken by death before their time, children snatched away at an early age, victims of a violent end." The goddess would accompany her followers as they wandered at night among the houses of the well-to-do. Whenever they would arrive at a home that was particularly well-kept, Diana would bestow her blessings upon it.

Diana was intrinsically linked with several other witch deities, including Abonde, Abundia, Aradia,
Hecate, Herodias, Holda, Perchta, Satia, and Venus.

Phoenician/Greek. Also known as Baltis. A Nature or Earth Goddess, overlapping with Diana and Danae. Daughter of Uranus and Gaia. Married her brother Cronus, who gave her the city of Byblos.

Roman Goddess of Discord and Strife, who preceeded the chariot of Mars. Greek equivalent Eris.

Greek. Son of Zeus and Semele. His escort was satyrs and marginally sane gods. He did not          respect laws or customs, loved disguises, wild screaming, licentious dances and wild places. He was a drunken god with no home, living in the wild and eating raw meat. He encouraged excesses of all kinds. Hera hated Dionysus because of Zeus's infidelity and hounded him. She caused him to be killed by the Titans, but he was resurrected through the efforts of Athena, Zeus, Apollo, and Rhea. She drove him mad, but through Cybele he gained mastery of it. He drove many people mad for various reasons.
Ereshkigal ('Queen of the Great Below')
Assyro-Babylonian Goddess of the Underworld, sister of Ishtar (Inanna). Known as 'Star of Lamentation,' or sometimes simply as Allatu ('The Goddess').

Greek goddess of Discord.

Irish. One of the Three Queens of the Tuatha De Danann, daughters of the Dagda, who asked
that Ireland be named after them.

Eros (Cupid)
Greek. A primordial god, contemporary of Chaos, who existed before Cronos (Saturn) and Zeus. He came out of an egg that formed the earth and sky when it broke in two. He precipitated the embraces of Gaea (the Earth) and Uranus (the heavens), which resulted in the birth of Oceanus, Tethys, Coeus, and Cronos (Saturn) . The Earth and heavens were so tightly embraced that none of the children could rise towards the light until Cronos (Saturn) castrated his father. Cupid was associated with Aphrodite, who moderated his power. Where he was desire, instinct and violent sex, she was grace, tenderness and sweet pleasure. Cupid made people lose their reason and paralyzed their wills, even inspiring Zeus to capricious sexual desires.
As Eros he is said to be the child of Porus (Expedience) and Penia (Poverty). Like Penia, he was said to always be in search of something, and like Porus, he always found a means of attaining his aims.
A Roman God, Son of Circe and Jupiter. Protector of the Roman peoples, he lived on Palatine Hill in Rome. His oracle was given in nightmares. Lupercalia was his festival, during which his priests ran through the streets with leather straps and struck any women they met with them to bestow health and fertility. The women were said to strip themselves to be better targets. He reproduced himself in the satyrs.
Fraw Fenus (See Venus)

Fraw Holt (See Holda)

Fraw Selga
Fraw Selga is yet another goddess believed to have led the "Furious Horde." A Germanic deity,
Fraw Selga was said to be the sister of Fraw Fenus (Venus), and like Venus and Diana, was
referred to as "the mistress of the game." The processions following Fraw Selga "were composed of
souls in purgatory, as well as of the damned who were suffering various punishments."

Fraw Selga could impart wisdom to her followers. She knew where buried treasure intended for the
God-fearing could be found.

According to the Grimorium Verum, Frimost can control the minds and bodies of girls and women.

According to the Grimorium Verum, Frucissiere "can bring the dead back to life."

According to the Grimorium Verum, Frutimiere "can serve up any feast you desire."

Gaia (Earth)
The 'deep-breasted,' the primordial Greek Earth Mother, the first being to emerge from Chaos. She was regarded as creating the universe, the first race of gods, and humankind.

Glaisrig (Glaistig)
A Scottish Undine, beautiul and seductive, but a goat from the waist down (which she hides under a long green dress). She lures men to dance with her and then sucks their blood. Yet she can be benign, looking after children or old people or herding cattle for farmers.

Gorgons, The
Greek. Three daughters of Phorcys and his sister Ceto. Winged monsters with hair of serpents, they turned men to stone by their gaze. They were Euryale and Stheno, who were immortal, and Medusa who was mortal and killed by Perseus.

Grian: ('Sun')
Irish. A Fairy Queen with a court on Pallas Green Hill, Co. Tipperary. Also a general Goddess symbol.

Gruagach, The ('The Long-Haired One')
Scottish. Female fairy to whom the dairymaids used to pour libations of milk into a hollow stone.

According to the Grimorium Verum, Guland "can inflict any kind of disease."

Gulfora, also known as the Queen of the Sabbat, was another goddess in the same vein as Holda,
Perchta, and Diana. She led the Wild Hunt, which is also known as "the days of Jupiter."

Gwenhwyfar (Guinevere, Gueneva)
Arthur's queen. Traces of Triple Goddess.

Hades (Pluto)
Son of Cronos (Saturn), brother of Zeus and Poseidon. When the world was divided between the three brothers, the underworld and hell fell to Hades, while Zeus took the heavens and Poseidon the seas. He had a helmet that made him invisible. He ruled the dead, and forbade his subjects to leave his domain. He desired Persephone, but Zeus forbade the marriage. He then kidnapped her.

Egyptian. An ancient Sky Goddess; Ra's daughter by Nut, or his wife; sometimes the wife or mother of Horus the Elder, Goddess of pleasure, joy, love, music and dancing. Protectress of women and embodiment of the finest female qualities.

Perhaps the most notorious of all witch goddesses, Hecate was a dark manifestation of Diana. Hecate is the patron goddess of witches and sorceresses because of her skill in the arts of black magic. She is the queen of darkness, perverse sexuality, and death. Classically, she is the goddess of "roads in general and crossroads in particular, the latter being considered the center of ghostly activities, particularly in the dead of night... Offerings of food (known as Hecate's suppers) were left to placate her, for she was terrible both in her powers and in her person--a veritable Fury, armed with a scourge and blazing torch and accompanied by terrifying hounds."

The followers of Hecate were rumoured to have strange powers, such as that of being able to draw down the moon in order to employ the averse aspects of lunar forces. Followers could metamorphose into animals and birds, had insatiable sexual appetites, and had an intrinsic understanding of aphrodisiac and poisonous herbs.

Hephaestus (Vulcan)
Son of Zeus and Hera. He was lame, either because his mother, startled by his ugliness, dropped him, or because Zeus, angry that he took his mother's side in a dispute, threw him from Olympos. He dwelled among mortals and became the god of black smithing and artistic metal work. He made a golden throne that imprisoned any who sat in it, and gave it to Hera to avenge himself for his fall from Olympos.
Hermes (Mercury)
Son of Zeus and the nymph Maia. He stole some of Apollo's cattle shortly after his birth and concealed them, sacrificing two to the Olympian Gods. This theft won high recognition as a God himself. When Apollo discovered the theft and Hermes was tried his defense was so skillful and spirited that Zeus laughed and ruled that there should be a friendly settlement between the brothers.
Hermes was God of the spoken word and oratory and was the intermediary between the God and men. Also the God of commerce and contracts, where language must be precise to convey the correct meaning.

Herodias (See Aradia or Diana)

Hel, Hela
Teutonic Goddess of the kingdom of the dead, not considered as a place of punishment. Daughter of Loki and Angurboda, and sister of the Midgard serpent of the ocean encircling the Earth, and of the devouring Fenris-wolf. Half her face was totally black.

Hestia (Hearth)
Greek. First daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and oldest of the Olympians. Goddess of domestic fire and of the home in general. Poseidon and Apollo both wanted to marry her but she placed herself under Zeus' protection as eternally virgin. She received the first morsel of every sacrifice. Roman equivalent Vesta.

According to the Grimorium Verum, Hicpacth "can deliver to you anyone you want to see, from
whatever distance, in the batting of an eye.

Also known as Fraw Holt, Holda became virtually synonymous with Abonde, Diana, and Perchta.
Originally, Holda had been a Germanic goddess of vegetation and fertility, much like Perchta. Holda
was also the goddess of spinning and weaving.

She, like her other manifestations, was the leader of the "Furious Horde" or "Wild Hunt"
(Wütischend Heer, Wilde Jagd, Mesnie Sauvage)--"namely of the ranks of those who had died
prematurely and passed through village streets at night, unrelenting and terrible, while the inhabitants
barricaded their doors for protection."

Holda had two forms, that of a beautiful girl dressed all in white, and that of a hideous crone with
fangs, a hooked nose, and long, tangled grey hair. In the latter form, she looked just like the
stereotypical image of a witch or the evil stepmother of fairy tales. As the White Lady, she was a
fertility goddess who granted prosperity to home, family, and field. As the Hag, she offered those
who ignored or insulted her death, illness, and misfortune. In this form, she was responsible for fog
and snow.

According to the Grimorium Verum, Huictiigaras "can put you to sleep or create insomnia."

According to the Grimorium Verum, Humots "can provide you with any book you want."

Inanna ('Lady of Heaven')
Sumerian Queen of Heaven, Mother Goddess to whom the Semitic Ishtar was assimilated.

Egyptian. The most complete flowering of the Goddess concept in human history. Daughter of
Earth God Geb and Sky Goddess Nut.

Hindu, Tibetan, Nepalese. Often called Kali Ma ('the Black Mother'). A terrible but necessary destroyer, particularly of demons, but also a powerful creative force, much misunderstood in the

According to the Grimorium Verum, Kiepoth can provide one with insightful dreams and visions.

According to the Grimorium Verum, Khil "can create earthquakes on demand."

Kundalini: ('Coiled')
Hindu. The feminine Serpent Force, especially in its relation to organic and inorganic matter; the universal life-force of which electricity and magnetism are mere manifestations. Envisaged as moving in a left-handed spiral, when aroused in the human body, from the base of the spine up to the brain.

Lady of the Lake
Arthurian. In some legends Vivienne (or Viviane); in others, Vivienne was the daughter of the Lady of the Lake by Dylan, son of Arianrhod and Gwydion. In Thomas Mallory, the Lady of the Lake is called Nimue.

Hindu Goddess of good fortune and plenty, and the personification of beauty.

Leannan Sidhe
Irish fairy lover, succubus. In the Isle of Man she is malevolent and vampiric.

Although he had a rather unlikely name for a demon, Leonard was a kind of quality control expert
for black magic and sorcery. He was also the master of sabbats, presiding over them in the form of
an enormous three-horned black goat with the head of a fox.

Lilith is a kabalistic demon who appealed more to magicians than to witches. According to legend, Lilith was the first wife of Adam, and the first social feminist. Made from filth before the creation of Eve, Lilith believed herself to be Adam's equal and objected to "missionary style" sex. She believed that sexual relations should take place with the two of them lying side by side. Adam objected to this, so Lilith left him to mate with fallen angels.

Together with the fallen angels, Lilith parented a huge family of female demons called lilim. Lilim are
identical to succubi for all intents and purposes. Both seduce men and take away men's strength in the night hours.

German. A beautiful siren who sat on a cliff above the Rhine, luring boatment to their death with her songs.

The Roman Moon Goddess, identified with Diana and the Greek Selene.

Malkuth ('The Kingdom')
Hebrew. Personification of Earth, of the Earth-soul; the goddess in actual manifestation.

Hindu. The Goddess of Nature, the universal creatress.

Greek. The only mortal member of the three Gorgons. Her hair was turned to serpents by Athene because she dared to claim equal beauty with hers. Her gaze turned men to stone.

The name Mephistopheles comes from the Greek for "he who does not like light." Mephistopheles is perhaps most famous for being the demon summoned by Faust. Faust had summoned him to teach him great knowledge and to grant him immense power.

Mephistopheles fulfilled all of Faust's desires. Nevertheless, at the end of the twenty-four year
contract, it was Faust's turn to please Mephistopheles. All that was left of Faust at the end of the
contract was his torn and bloodied corpse. The soul had been consigned to Mephistopheles in Hell.

According to the Grimorium Verum, Mersilde "can magically transport you anywhere,

Minerva (Athena)
Minerva  is yet another goddess thought to have led the Wild Hunt. Like Holda, Minerva was traditionally thought of as the goddess of weaving, spinning, and of  women's household arts in general.

According to the Grimorium Verum, Morail "can bestow invisibility on anyone or any object."

('Of the Sea') Arthur's half-sister Morgan le Fay; but would seem to be a much older Goddess, possibly the Glastonbury Tor one, for her island is Avalon.

According to the Grimorium Verum, Muisin is a demon who "can sway the minds of great lords
and offer strategic and political advice."

Egyptian. A very ancient Delta Goddess, protectress of Sais; her emblem was the crossed arrows of a predynastic clan.

Greek. Daughter of Erebus and Nyx. Goddess of divine anger, against mortals who offended the moral law, broke taboos or achieved too much happiness or wealth.

Scottish Samhain Witch Goddess. Tradition places her night according to the old (Julian) calendar, on 10 November.

Arthurian. Thomas Mallory's name for the Lady of the Lake.

Gaulish Witch Goddess.

Oshun and Oya
Nigerian, Yoruba tribe and Brizilian Voodoo. Sisters, daughters of Yemaja, and wives of the Thunder God Shango. Oshun was beautiful and Oya plain, and there was jealousy between them. Goddesses respectively of the rivers Oshun and Niger.

Pandora ('Gift of All')
The Greek Eve, fashioned in clay by Hephaestus on Zeus' orders to punish Prometheus for having stolen fire from heaven. Her name means that each God or Goddess gave her an appropriate gift. Zeus gave her a box which she must not open. She did open it, and all the evils that plague humankind came out of it. All that was left at the bottom was Hope.

Perchta or Percht was yet another manifestation of Diana and was synonymous with Abonde as the
leader of the host of the dead. Perchta was originally a southern German goddess of vegetation and
fertility. She had many different names (and changed her sex) depending on the geographical region.
In "southern Austria, in Carintia, among the the Slovenes, 'Quantembermann' (the man of the four
Ember Days) or 'Kwaternik'; in Baden, in Swabia, in Switzerland, and with the Slovenes again, 'Frau Faste' (the lady of the Ember Days) or similar names such as 'Posterli,' 'Quatemberca,'" and

Greek and Phoenician. Originally a purely Underworld Goddess, became a corn-seed Goddess, daughter of Demeter.

Poseidon (Neptune)
Son of Cronos (Saturn) and Rhea, he is represented wielding a trident being pulled by monsters in a chariot. After Zeus' victory over Cronos (Saturn), the gods, who preferred life on earth, divided the various domains of earth. Poseidon chose the seas. He represented the hidden forces of  germination and death. Together with his wife Amphitrite, he had powerful ties with Gaea, the Earth, mother of the Titans. As subterranean Gods, they shook the world from inside. Poseidon caused earthquakes when he made love to his wife. The mystery isle of Atlanta belonged to Poseidon. Poseidon could provoke storms, set fire to rocks on shore and create springs of water. He had many children, most wicked and violent, like the Cyclops of the Oddessy.

Put Satanachia
Put Satanachia was the commander-in-chief of Satan's army of darkness. Aside from having
profound power over mothers, Put Satanichia had an immense knowledge of the planets. He also
provided witches with their animal familiars.

Pythia ('Pythoness')
Greek. Serpent Goddess, daughter of Gaia.

Rhiannon ('Great, or Divine, Queen').
Welsh fertility and Otherworld Goddess.

Hindu. Wife of Brahma, born of his body. Goddess of speech, music, wisdom, knowledge and the arts.

Satan, of course, was the deity of choice during the witchcraze on old days. Witches' sabbats, also known as "Synagogues of Satan," were held in dedication to him. Physical adoration and submission to the Devil were necessary parts of every sabbat. Satan most often appeared at these sabbats in the form of a black billy goat or tom cat.

Satia (See Abonde or Diana)

According to the Grimorium Verum, Segal "can make all kinds of prodigies appear."

Sekhmet ('The Powerful')
Egyptian Lioness-Goddess, Eye of Ra who was her father. Wife of Ptah as Goddess of the Memphite triad, and mother of Nefertum, God of the setting Sun (later replaced by Imhotep).

Greek Moon Goddess, daughter of Hyperion and Theia, and sister of Helios (the Sun) and Eos (Dawn); though sometimes said to be the daughter of Zeus or of Helios.

According to the Grimorium Verum, Sirchade "can introduce you to any one of a huge assortment
of animals, both real and supernatural."

Sophia ('Wisdom')
A Gnostic Aeon; but Wisdom personified as female was earlier also characteristic of Hebrew and Greek-Hebrew thinking.

According to the Grimorium Verum, Surgat "can unlock anything."

Irish. Foster-mother of Lugh, who instituted the Tailtean Games, central event of the Festival of Lughnasadh (1 August), in her memory.

Tara ('Radiating')
Hindu Star Goddess, wife of Brihaspati (identified with the planet Jupiter), teacher of the Gods.

Egyptian Underworld Goddess, who gave ale to the deceased.

Assyro-Babylonian Primordial Sea Mother Goddess, the mass of salt waters, who with her mate Apsu (the sweet waters) begat the original chaotic world and who also symbolized it and ruled it.

Hindu. A Serpent Goddess, one of the Nagis, dwelling in Patala, the lowest level of the Underworld.

Valkyries, The
Teutonic. In late Scandinavian myth, they brought the souls of those slain in battle to Odin.

Venus was originally the Roman goddess of love, but by the time of the witchcraze she was
relegated to demon status. She became synonymous with Diana in terms of being followed at night
by a retinue of women. Witches knew her as Fraw Fenus, stating they visited her at night-time.

Venus could grant to these witches the power of astral projection. Witches could fall into "swoons
which rendered them insensible to pricks or scaldings." When the women revived, they said they had been to heaven and "spoke of stolen or hidden objects."

Verdelet was something of a cross between a maitre d' and a transportation coordinator. He was
master of ceremonies in Hell, and also shouldered the responsibility of making sure witches on Earth
got to their sabbats safely and on time.

Vesta ('Torch, Candle')
Roman Goddess of fire, both domestic and ritual. Daughter of Saturn and Ops. Domestically she presided over the hearth and the preparation of meals.

Vivienne, Viviane
Arthurian. Sometimes referred to as the Lady of the Lake, sometimes as the Lady's daughter.

Yesod ('Foundation')
Hebrew. Ninth Sephira of the Cabalistic Tree of Life, sphere of the Moon and of the astral plane.
Zeus (Jupiter)
Son of Cronos (Saturn) and Rhea. He defeated Cronos (Saturn) in a battle and then divided the realms with his brothers by lot, getting the heavens for his own. He was ruler and judge, the arbiter of disputes among Gods and men. His decisions were just and well balanced, showing no favoritism. He had several wives and many lover's, earning the title "all father" or "father god". His infidelity caused much strife on Olympos and in the world through he raging of his wife, Hera.