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There are so many cute stories I could share that have come up with Sean and Danielle developing their little personalities. Some give Ted and I a reality check on our parenting skills. The most recent and funniest in a while was at the dinner table last week when Sean and Danielle were in their usual rush to see "who was gonna win" by finishing first. Sean won (of course) and he was so proud of himself as he looked around the table with a smile and stance of a champion and said "See guys, I told you I would beat your asses". I almost choked on my food and asked him "what did you just say?", he very compliantly repeated his little phrase as Ted had to get up from the table to control himself from laughing and giving Sean the wrong idea. I of course had to be the voice of reason and controlled myself and explained that that was not a nice way to say something and "ass" is a bad word and not to use it again. Sean didn't quite understand the concept as he was only trying to communicate his victory, so we told him a better way to say it.


Another story in the not so distant past happened yesterday while picking Sean up at school. Danielle of course had to stop to use the bathroom (as she so often does to check out what they all look like). Sean came in with us and when we finished he darted out the door into the lobby that was full of parents picking up their children and signing them out of school. Sean in his very "big brotherly way" decided to make sure Danielle did what she was supposed to in there and announced "Dan-elle did you wipe your gyna?!?!?!" I thought people were gonna fall out on the floor from the shock of a little boy reminding his sister to wipe her vagina. Yes, much to everyone's shock, I taught the kids their proper body parts, so there is no confusion when they are communicating to us. Unfortunately, Sean hears me reminding Danielle to wipe (as she often gets sidetracked singing and playing on the toilet) and took it upon himself to be my little helper.
